La semaine dernière Revisit the perfect tense to say what you have done. By the end of the session, each of you will be able to say and write at least.


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Past Tense (Past Perfect)
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To learn and practise past tense verbs
Chapter 7.2 Un Peu plus à la page 242
Le Passé Composé (Perfect Tense)
Transcription de la présentation:

La semaine dernière Revisit the perfect tense to say what you have done. By the end of the session, each of you will be able to say and write at least 5 sentences about what you did last weekend

Pour commençer 1.Lundi, je suis 2.Hier, j’ 3.Samedi, je 4.L’après-midi, j’ai ai mangé une pizza resté à la maison suis allée au cinéma joué au foot

La semaine dernière Revisit the perfect tense to say what you have done. By the end of the lesson, each of you will be able to say and write at least 2 sentences about what you did last Saturday.

Lire 1.Examples of what was done in the past tense! (Quoi) 2.Examples of places! (Où) 3.Examples of times (Quand) 4.Examples of opinions (Opinion)

Examples of what was done in the past tense! (Quoi) Je suis allé J’ai fait J’ai acheté J’ai retrouvé J’ai mangé Elle a mangé J’ai joué Je suis resté J’ai regardé J’ai envoyéé

Examples of places! (Où) en ville à la pizzeria au terrain de sport à la maison

Examples of times (Quand) mercredi matin puis l’après midi le soir

Examples of opinions c’était fatigant

La semaine dernière Revisit the perfect tense to say what you have done. By the end of the lesson, each of you will be able to say and write at least 2 sentences about what you did last Saturday.

Lire 4 p

La semaine dernière Revisit the perfect tense to say what you have done. By the end of the lesson, each of you will be able to say and write at least 2 sentences about what you did last Saturday.

Écouter 5 p.17 OùOùQuoi?Opinion?

Qu’est ce que tu as fait samedi dernier? Je suis ….. J’ai …..