Mercredi le 9 avril 2014 The Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile is one of the most famous monuments in Paris. It stands in the centre of the Place Charles de.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Mercredi le 9 avril 2014 The Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile is one of the most famous monuments in Paris. It stands in the centre of the Place Charles de Gaulle(originally named Place de l'Étoile). It should not be confused with a smaller arch, Arc de Triomphe du Carousel which stands west of the Louvre. The Arc de Triomphe honors those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and the Napoleonic wars with the names of all French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces. Beneath its vault lies the Tomb of the Unknown soldier from World War I.

Remember-THIS IS YOUR 3 rd warning- --from now on automatic write ups! 1.NO FOOD, DRINK, GUM OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES! 2.NO PASSES UNTIL END OF CLASS! 3.NO HEADS DOWN OR TALKING DURING CLASS! 4.USE WIDE-RULE PAPER AND BLUE/BLACK INK (ONLY PENCIL FOR SCANTRONS), WRITE CORRECT HEADING, TITLE, & #. 5.TESTS ARE FRIDAY! IF YOU ARE ABSENT, YOU WILL TAKE IT THE DAY YOU GET BACK. If you earn a D or F & need to re-test, make an appointment! WHEN YOU MAKE AN APPOINTMENT: KEEP IT! Re-Test dates: Mon/Tues/Wed next week 6:40-7:20. Mon/Tues/Wed next week 2:25-3:10.

Le 7-11 avril 2014 LUNDIMARDIMERCREDIJEUDIVENDREDI F1 Rough draft Letter- 100 Project -105 Book Test-100 Early flashcards-105 F 1 Project in 100 Flashcards for 105 Rough draft Letter for 70 Book test-100 first 5 min. then 50% H/W: Study F 1 Project for 90 QUIZ-grammar Flashcards for 100 Letter for 50 Book test-50 Song X F 1 Project for 80 Flashcards for 70 Letter for 0-NO! Make up quizzes? Song x 5-50 H/W: Study F 1 TEST over unit Project for 70 Flashcards for 50 NO: letter/song/booktest F 2 R Make up quiz Skit-105 Over Tout/Il faut Book test-do in class for 105 F 2 R Book test-100 & grade Skit-100 first 5 min. Song-105 (X 5) H/W: Study F 2 R Book test-50 Song-100 first 5 min. Skit-50 Quiz-grammar F 2 R Go over quizzes Review Book test-0 Skit-0 Song-50 H/W: Study F 2 R TEST over unit All absent work in F 2 PreAP Makeup quiz Skit 105 Over Tout/Il faut Finish reading PDT Book test-105 F 2 PreAP Book test for 100-self grade Skit-100 Song-105 H/W: Study F 2 PreAP Book test-50 Song-100 Skit-50 Quiz-grammar F 2 PreAP Go over quizzes Review Skit-0 Song-50 H/W: Study F 2 PreAP TEST over unit All absent work in F 3 ORAL GRADE=15 Poetry projects-105 Skit rough drafts-work Puppets next Mon. Grade APT on BB Over DOPS, Y/EN F 3 Projects for 100 Skits -work Over DOPS/IDOPS-2 in one sentence F 3 Projects for 90 QUIZ-grammar Skits-work, & turn in. If time: Reading about the holidays F 3 Projects for 80 Go over quizzes Skits: rough due 100 H/W: STUDY F 3 Skits-50 Projects for 70 TEST over unit Puppets/final copy of skits due Mon. 105

F 3 Projects for 90 QUIZ-grammar Flashcards (online or cards-100%) Skits-work, & turn in. Work on your skits together-Due Wed. for 100, Thurs. for 50. You’ll get them back on Friday to have for the weekend to rehearse & make your puppet. Final skit/puppet due Mon. for 105, Tues. 100, Wed. 50. If time: Read about the holidays

F 3: L’interro prep 1.Know the meaning of every pronoun: (me---en) 1.Know where they go: Ex. Tu vois la fille. Oui, ________________ (Oui, je la vois) 3. Bonus: Know the double DOP bug order! Me--  EN!

me, te, nous, vous, le, la, les, lui, leur me te nous vous le la les lui leur me, to me you, to you us, to us you, to you him/it her/it them to him/her to them MEMORIZE THESE!

Double Dops! (Tune: Farmer in the dell) Me le, Me la, Me les Te le, Te la, Te les, Nous le, Nous la, Nous les, Vous le, Vous la, Vous les. Mais! (Tune: Twinkle twinkle little star) Le lui, la lui, les lui Le leur, la leur, les leur Y EN!

What if there are 2 pronouns in one sentence???? Here is the order: melelui yen telaleur nousles vous SUBJECTSUBJECT VERBVERB


Voyez…. PRESENT Le livre? Il me le donne! He is giving it to me. La voiture? Il me la donne! He is giving it to me. Les stylos? Il me les donne! He is giving them to me PAST * Le livre? Je te l’ai donné. I gave it to you. (Il me l’ai donné). La voiture? Je te l’ai donnée. I gave it to you. Les stylos? Je te les ai donnés. I gave them to you!* Les guitares? Je te les ai données. I gave them to you! * COMMAND * Donne-les-moi! Give them to me! Ne me les donne! NEAR FUTURE: * Je vais te le donner! I’m going to give it to you! Je vais te les donner! I’m going to give them to you!

Et aussi….VOUS le, VOUS la, VOUS les & NOUS le, NOUS la, NOUS les PRESENT: Le livre. Je vous le donne. I’m giving it to you. La voiture. Je vous la donne. I’m giving it to you. Les stylos. Je vous les donne. I’m giving them to you. Les guitares. Je vous les donne. I’m giving them to you PAST: Le livre. Je vous l’ai donné. I gave it to you. La voiture. Je vous l’ai donnée. I gave it to you. *** Les stylos. Je vous les donnés. I gave them to you. *** Les guitares. Je vous les données. I gave them to you *** PRESENT: Le livre. Il nous le donne. He’s giving it to us. La voiture. Il nous la donne. He’s giving it to us. Les stylos. Il nous les donne. He’s giving them to us. Les guitares. Il vous les donne. He’s giving them to us PAST: Le livre. Il nous l’a donné. He gave it to us. La voiture. Il nous l’a donnée. He gave it to us. Les stylos. Il nous les donnés. He gave them to us. Les guitares. Il nous les données. He gave them to us.

F 3 ….MAIS….. Le livre? Je le lui donne. I am giving it to him/her. Le livre? Je le leur donne. I am giving it to them. La voiture? Je la lui (leur) donne. I’m giving it to him/her or (them) Les stylos? Je les lui donne. I’m giving them to him. Je les leur donne. I’m giving them to them. Donne-la-lui! Donne-les-lui! Give it to him/her. Give them to him/her! Je vais le lui donner. I’m going to give it to him/her. Je le lui ai donné. I gave it to him/her. (M) Je la lui ai donnée. I gave it to him/her. (F)* Je les lui ai donné(e)s. I gave them to him/her. (Pl)** Je les leur ai donné(e)s. I gave them to them. (Pl)***

F 3: With Y & EN Me, te, nous, vous Le, la, les Lui, leur Y EN 1. Je les y apporte. I’m bringing them there. 2. Je lui en donne. I’m giving some to him. 3. Il m’en donne. He’s giving some (of it) to me. 4. Il ne m’en donne pas. He’s not giving any to me. 5. Il nous en vend. He’s selling some to us. 6. Je vais t’en prêter. I’m going to loan some to you. 7. Il y en a plusieurs. There are several (of them there). 8. Donne m’en! Give me some! (give some to me) 9. Attendez-nous-y! Wait for us there!

F 2 PreAP 1.DUE: Book test-50 2.DUE: Song X first 5 min. 3.DUE: Skit-50 4.STUDY, then take Quiz-grammar 5.ALL LATE/MAKEUP WORK IN TODAY! 6.REST OF CLASS: See shopping video* PgU PgU 7.Practice SONG “Je ne regrette rien” 8.If time, READING: Holidays-in pairs & translate

F 2 R Book test-50 (show me, then self check later on BB with this powerpoint) 1.Song X first 5 min. Afterwards: 70 2.Skit-50 (you will get corrected version back Thursday!) 3.Quiz-grammar 4.ALL LATE/MAKEUP WORK IN TODAY! 5.REST OF CLASS: See shopping video Sing SONG* 7.If time: Holidays-in pairs & translate

F 2-”Je ne regrette rien” Avec mes souvenirs J’ai allumé le feu Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs Je n’ai plus besoin d’eux! Balayées les amours Avec leurs trémolos Balayés pour toujours Je repars à zéro! *Non, rien de rien Non, je ne regrette rien Ni le bien qu’on m’a fait Ni le mal; tout ça m’est bien égal!. *Non, rien de rien Non, je ne regrette rien*** C’est payé, balayé, oublié Je me fous du passé! Car ma vie, car mes joies, Aujourd’hui ça commence avec toi!

F 1 1.DUE: Project for 90 in BB by 7:30 today. After that it’s an 80 up until 7:30 Thursday morning. 2.DUE: Flashcards for DUE: Letter for 50-you will get back corrected copy on Thursday 4.Book test-50- see this PP on BB to self check later! 5.Song X TAKE QUIZ-grammar

“Les yeux qui font baiser les miens, Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche. Voilà le portrait sans retouche, de l’homme (de la femme) auquel j’appartiens” Quand il (elle) me prends dans ses bras, il (elle) me parle tout bas, je vois la vie en rose! ***Il (elle) me dit des mots d'amour, Des mots de tous les jours, Et ça me fait quelque chose. Il (elle) est entré(e) dans mon coeur Une part de bonheur, Dont je connais la cause. C'est lui (elle) pour moi. Moi pour lui (elle) dans la vie, Il (elle) me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie. Et des que je l'aperçois, Alors je sens en moi…Mon coeur qui bat.

FIN 60g&list=PLSAl- n3Cc1iNKN4HG1kAMtRpvJgBuwhlu 60g&list=PLSAl- n3Cc1iNKN4HG1kAMtRpvJgBuwhlu (Extra-Sam videos with subtitles)