La nourriture française French Food La nourriture française
French Food How many French foods do you know? You have 5 minutes to think of as many different ones as you can in your group.
Learning Objectives Find out some French foods. Learn at least 10 food words. Say which food you like & dislike.
French Food Do you know any French foods that we can buy in Australia? You have 5 minutes to think of as many different ones as you can in your team.
Which of these foods is France famous for?
Les fruits et les légumes
les bananes les pêches les pommes les poires les cerises les framboises les citrons les raisins les fraises les oranges les pommes les haricots les les petits de terre verts champignons pois les poivrons I print this out and give it to pupils as a vocab sheet les chou-fleurs les salades les oignons les tomates les carottes
Match the words with the right picture Food Match the words with the right picture La salade les tomates les pommes les oranges les carottes les bananes les raisins les petits pois les pommes de terre les champignons
Brainbreak Start to draw a picture of one of the foods. Your partner has to guess the food in French before you complete your picture!
Mon plat préfèré (My favourite food) J’adore… e.g. j’adore les oranges Je déteste… e.g. je déteste les bananes J’aime Je n’aime pas Je préfère
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les…. Pupils have to say the correct word for the square they want to win – to make it more of a challenge, get them to say whether they like or dislike it as well.
Est-ce que tu aimes les….
Est-ce que tu aimes les….
Est-ce que tu aimes les….
Est-ce que tu aimes les….
Est-ce que tu aimes les….
Est-ce que tu aimes les….
Est-ce que tu aimes les….
Est-ce que tu aimes les….
Est-ce que tu aimes les….
Est-ce que tu aimes les….
Est-ce que tu aimes les….
Écouter 1. Écoute et remplis la grille. Mériem fromage poulet poisson pain beurre viande Pommes de terre oeufs
surtout 41
Lire 2. Relie les phrases Par exemple En général Ça dépend surtout Pas vraiment/ Pas tellement C’est délicieux For example It depends It’s delicious In general Not really especially
Fruit Salad!
Les devoirs Learn the new food words Write a few lines about food you like and dislike. For a higher level write why and use the extra phrases you matched up before. Due next lesson.