Le KF Sonia Quirion et Brigitte Laflamme C.S. Beauce- Etchemin
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✓C✓Courte mise en situation sans trop approfondir le sujet ✓ Annonce de la question choisie par l’enseignant ✓ Élèves peu ou pas consultés ✓L✓Lancement du sujet choisi par l’enseignant ou les élèves ✓D✓Discussion en grand groupe ✓C✓Carte d’exploration du sujet ✓I✓Informations de base sur le sujet ✓C✓Choix d’une question par les élèves ✓P✓Prise de notes
Contribution sur le KF en faisant simultanément des recherches sur Internet. Recherche encadrée sur Internet, dans des livres ou avec l’aide d’un expert en prenant continuellement des notes À l’aide des notes, première contribution sur le KF
Travail sur annoter Relecture des notes et écriture des nouvelles informations, expérimentation
Petits retours en grand groupe si le temps le permet Beaucoup de notes semblables et non- pertinentes Élever le propos et discussion en grand groupe Notes moins nombreuses mais plus pertinentes Recherche de nouvelles informations et contributions au KF
❖ Aucune synthèse ❖ Préparation de la synthèse ❖ Présentation des résultats
Exemple de présentation Projet sur les grottes Majorque 2009
by group number 4 (Tomorrow's Innovators) 9 ALL THAT WE´VE LEARNED
by group number 4 (Tomorrow's Innovators) CAVES CAVES A cave or cavern is a natural underground void large enough for a human to enter. A cave or cavern is a natural underground void large enough for a human to enter.
by group number 4 (Tomorrow's Innovators) CAVES OF DRACH CAVES OF DRACH QUESTIONS QUESTIONS 1-Are there animals or plants in the cave? 1-Are there animals or plants in the cave? 2- Is there life inside the cave? 2- Is there life inside the cave? 3- How can we know if there is life inside? 3- How can we know if there is life inside? 4- What would happen if we closed the caves? 4- What would happen if we closed the caves? 5-Why is the temperature change different inside the cave than outside the cave? 5-Why is the temperature change different inside the cave than outside the cave?
by group number 4 (Tomorrow's Innovators) CAVES OF CAMPANET QUESTIONS QUESTIONS 1-What are the differences between the Drach caves and the Campanet caves? 1-What are the differences between the Drach caves and the Campanet caves? 2-Why does the same stalactite have different colors? 2-Why does the same stalactite have different colors? 3-Why don't we see any animals? 3-Why don't we see any animals? 4-What do we think about tourists? 4-What do we think about tourists? 5-How can we know the age of the cave? 5-How can we know the age of the cave? Texte
by group number 4 (Tomorrow's Innovators) AnalysisCaveBottlePHConductivity Dissolved Oxygen Drach17, µS/cm 20mg/L Drach27,33 5,6mg/L Drach37, µS/cm7,9mg/L DrachRain7,752500µS/cm20mg/L CaveBottlePHConductivity Dissolved Oxygen Campanet18, µS/cm 8,5 mg/L CampanetRAIN8, µS/cm 7,5 mg/L
by group number 4 (Tomorrow's Innovators) CONCLUSIONS (QUESTIONS) 1-What are the human impacts upon the caves? 1-What are the human impacts upon the caves? 2-Should the cave owner protect the habitat of the animals? 2-Should the cave owner protect the habitat of the animals? 3-How to improve the management of the caves? 3-How to improve the management of the caves? 4-Do the cave owners fully understand the damage that the tourism brought to the caves? 4-Do the cave owners fully understand the damage that the tourism brought to the caves?