Can you find the 8 food love matches ? Write out the pairs in your Class Work section! tomate salade fromage crackers pizza pepperoni lait céréales.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Can you find the 8 food love matches ? Write out the pairs in your Class Work section! tomate salade fromage crackers pizza pepperoni lait céréales saucisse hot-dog jambon sandwich poisson frites pomme tarte poisson frites saucisse hot-dog pepperoni pizza crackers fromage céréales lait tomate salade sandwich jambon Nom Date Période

Learning Objectives To understand and write a creative Valentine’s Day poem, using nouns accurately & dictionaries [ ONLY!!] effectively. You may use a Chrome Book or your own technology. What are we learning today? Le Saint Valentin

Un petit poème d’amour pour le Saint Valentin TASK: Using your “love list,” listen as the teacher reads out the French Valentine’s poem. (Psst, click the speaker.) Fill in the missing words onto your work sheet.

Un petit poème d’amour pour le Saint Valentin TheMy lemon la ma lesmes Masculine nouns Feminine nouns Plural nouns Get 3 different colours and, on your WS, highlight the 3 types of nouns found in the poem.

Un petit poème d’amour pour le Saint Valentin Masculine nouns Feminine nounsPlural nouns le fromage le pepperoni le lait mon hot-dog le jambon mon sandwich le chocolat mon gâteau le poisson la tomate ma salade ma pizza la saucisse la pomme ma tarte ma vie mes crackers mes céréales mes frites Re-create this number & gender graphic organizer for your Notes Section.

Un petit poème d’amour pour le Saint Valentin TASK Write your own Valentine’s Poem, based on food. Try to make the nouns in each line a food ‘love match’. Make sure you use the correct word before your noun by checking if it’s masculine / feminine / plural. ( le / la / les / mon / ma / mes ) You must have at least 10 lines in your verse. Finish your poem romantically ! Turn in your poems to me mercredi, le 18 février.

Messages d’amour pour le Saint Valentin Mon amour – My love Je t’aime – I love you Mon chéri – My darling (boy) Ma chérie – My darling (girl) Bonne St Valentin – Happy Valentines Day Nous sommes fait l’un pour l’autre ! We’re made for each other ! Tu es l’amour de ma vie ! – You’re the love of my life !

Can you find the 8 food love matches ? Write out the pairs in your book! tomate salade fromage crackers pizza pepperoni lait céréales saucisse hot-dog jambon sandwich poisson frites pomme tarte