This, that and the other A few little words that cause problems!


Présentations similaires
Ce, Cette, Ces Ce/Cette/Ces means this, that or these. Ce is used for masculine nouns Cette is used for feminine nouns Cette is used for feminine nouns.

Les pronoms sujets et être
When you need clarification, and you want to ask Which one? use the following pronouns to refer back to the noun in the initial statement: MasculinFeminin.
Subject Pronouns Je = I Tu = You (1 person) Il = He/It, one guys name (Pierre),one masc. Noun (lycée) Elle = She/It, one females name, one fem. noun.
French Possessive Adjectives
avoir = to have être = to be
Mardi 26 avril 2011 Today we are going to use pronouns that function as indirect pronouns. We are going to learn how to make the distinction between direct.
This, that and the other A few little words that cause problems!
Les pronoms démonstratifs II This one is going to be very useful with those lequel questions and other areas of description.
Le possessif au pluriel. one owner Voila ma classe. Voila ton sac-à-dos. Voila ses stylos.
 1. Which ankle boots? These ankles boots.  2. Which tank top? This tank top.  3. Which gloves? These gloves.  4. Which ski jacket? This ski jacket.
Chapitre 2. Laccorde des noms, adjectifs, et verbes As you have already learned, in French, articles must agree with the nouns that they modify both in.
Presenting the wonderful world of Pronouns.
Chapitre 4 Structure. Avoir Study the following forms of the irregular verb avoir (to have). AVOIR ai as j’ tu il/elle/ona nous avons vous avez ils /elles.
le verbe ‘avoir’ Quelles expressions savez-vous déjà? J’ai Tu as
Possessive Adjectives What is a possessive adjective? – It's a word that tells who things belong to... my cell phone.
Faire maintenant! Do Now!
1 Les pronoms objects DIRECTS Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 La question essentielles: -What are the DIRECT OBJECT pronouns in French which.
In French… The relative pronouns in French are ce qui and ce que. They both mean WHAT. - Ce qui stands for the subject of the clause it introduces. - Ce.
Les Adjectifs le français 1.
Les adjectifs possessifs
Le Pronom Interrogatif «lequel». Usage To ask the question «which one?», you need to use a form of lequel.
“Which one” are you talking about?.  Ce, cet, cette, ces  Un article qui est le plus spécifique Les types d’articles…  Un/ une/ des – général  Le/
L’ARTICLE INDÉFINI AU PLURIEL et La négation des articles indéfinis.
Les Pronoms Démonstratifs. Definition Interrogative pronouns essentially translate to mean “this/these one(s)” EXEMPLE ◦ There are two pens here. Which.
A Verbs like acheter (to buy) end in: e + CONSONANT + -er.
The question word: Quel (which, what). Quel Quel means “which” or “what” and is used to ask questions Quel comes before the noun it describes Quel is.
French II Chapter 5 Review. Relative Pronouns: qui means “who” for people means “which” “that” for places and things replaces a noun or phrase which is.
2 Le verbe « être » au pluriel Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: - What are the plural subject pronouns in French?
Possessive Adjectives 1.You use possessive adjectives to show possession or ownership. They must agree with the nouns they modify in gender (masculine.
Les pronoms relatifs qui et que. Qu’est-ce que c’est? Relative pronouns are used to connect sentences to one another.
Completez les Quizzes 4 et 5 de Chapitre 8: révision de «quel» et «tout» révision des verbes en -ir Completez Quiz 2 Chapitre 9: révision du vocabulaire.
Les pronoms sujets Singular subject pronouns. Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.2  Les questions essentielles:  What is a subject pronoun?
8 Les pronoms interrogatifs et relatifs Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: - What are the 2 ways to ask the question.
 Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: 1. How do demonstrative adjectives translate into Enlgish? 2. How many forms.
A Les articles pp. R4-R5 In French, articles and adjectives agree with the nouns they introduce. They are MASCULINE or FEMININE, SINGULAR or PLURAL. Definite.
Les pronoms démonstratifs
Demonstrative/Interrrogative French III. Interrogative adjectives (which) pronouns (which ones) Quel magasin…Lequel Quels magasins…Lesquels Quelle cravate…Laquelle.
Unité 5 Pronoms de Complement Direct Le—la—l’—les.
Les pronoms le, la, les.. You have come to know le, la and les as definite articles. Did you know that these articles can be used as direct object pronouns.
The BASICS Building sentences in French. Les Pronoms What is the subject of the sentences below? Paul is tall. What pronoun could you use to replace.
Demonstrative Adjectives. 0 These are used to point out specific people or things. 0 They mean “this, that, these, or those” in English. 0 this book 0.
8 Les pronoms interrogatifs et relatifs Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1 Les questions essentielles: - What are the 2 ways to ask the question.
Direct object pronouns : me, te, le, la, nous, vous, les.
Les articles indéfinis et définis au singulier Talking about one person or thing.
Leçon 18: Rien n’est parfait!
Le monde des. Pierre va au cinéma. Ses amis sont là aussi. Sa mère reste à la maison. These words are nouns or proper nouns that are also s ss subjects.
Français I – Leçon 6A Structures demonstrative adjectives passé composé with avoir.
Qu’est-ce que tu as choisi? What have you chosen?.
Describing Yourself (avoir & être) J’ai quinze ans. J’ai les yeux bleus. J’ai les cheveux longs. J’ai les cheveux courts. J’ai les cheveux noirs. J’ai.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.3A.2-1 Point de départ In both English and French, possessive adjectives express ownership or possession.
ADJECTIVES. IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES  You already know that most feminine adjectives are formed by adding an e to masculine adjectives.  MasculineFeminine.
LES ARTICLES le français 1. Discussion Read the statements below and then discuss the questions. J’ai une amie française. Elle s’appelle Anne. J’ai un.
Les expressions de quantité : When using expressions of quantity in French, the _____________ is omitted. Tu as _______ argent ? Oui, j’ai _______________’argent.
It’s.  Both C’est and Il est/Elle est can mean it’s.  There are specific times to use each.
Les objectifs: - to learn pronouns - To learn the verb ‘avoir’ (to have)
Expressions of Quantity. Combien de To ask “how many” or “how much,” use the expression combien de before a noun. Combien de croissants est-ce que tu.
Welcome to the world of adjectives! To be an expert in French, you need to master the art of adjectives. These are words which are used to describe nouns.
1 Notes de Grammaire 1 Les nombres de 30 à 60 trente trente et un trente-deux trente-trois trente-quatre trente-cinq trente-six trente-sept trente-huit.
SOME EXAMPLES:  Danser – to danceAimer- to like or love  Chanter – to singAdorer- to adore  Manger – to eatDétester- to hate  Jouer – to play  Parler.
Les expressions negatives. Pourquoi? If you have an affirmative statement in French and you want to make it negative, you use a negative expression. If.
Notes le 31 mai Les adjectifs démonstratifs (Demonstrative Adjectives)
Les pronoms démonstratifs
Bienvenue Au monde des Pronoms.
Bienvenue Au monde des Pronoms.
Le verbe « être » au pluriel
Transcription de la présentation:

This, that and the other A few little words that cause problems!

Demonstrative adjectives This, that, these, those Ce soldat Cet évènement Cette guerre Ces restrictions

Demonstrative adjectives This, that, these, those Ce soldat Cet évènement Cette guerre Ces restrictions Masculine singular Masculine singular before a vowel or silent ‘h’ Feminine singular Plural – masculine or feminine Ce, cet, cette and ces are adjectives and can ONLY be used with a noun

Demonstrative adjectives This, that, these, those Ce soldat-ci Cet évènement-là Cette guerre-là Ces restrictions-là By adding -ci or -là you can specify ‘this’ or ‘that’ ‘these’ or ‘those’ Otherwise they can mean either ‘this’ or ‘that’ ‘these’ or ‘those’

Demonstrative pronouns The one, these ones etc Celui Celle Ceux Celles Je m’intéresse à tous les aspects de la guerre, mais celui qui me passionne est... Les restrictions étaient très dures et celle qui était la plus difficile à digérer était l’interdiction de voyager sans laissez-passer Ceux qui habitaient à la campagne avaient de la chance parce qu’ils pouvaient cultiver des légumes et élever des vaches pour avoir de la viande Toutes les victimes de la guerre méritent notre compassion, mais celles que je plains le plus sont les Juifs As these are pronouns, they are used to take the place of nouns and can be used as either the subject or the object of a verb

Demonstrative pronouns: Cela and ça ‘Cela’ means ‘that’ and ‘ça’ is simply a shortened form of ‘cela’ Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire? Cela veut dire que Je n’aime pas ça Si j’avais vécu pendant cette période je n’aurais pas fait ça