Les Vêtements Nom Classe. Pour aller à une boum, je vais mettre… Catalogue/site web : ArticleCouleurTaillePrix Total Euros Total $


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Les Vêtements Nom Classe. Pour aller à une boum, je vais mettre… Catalogue/site web : ArticleCouleurTaillePrix Total Euros Total $
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Nom Annees Classe. Pour aller à une boum, je vais mettre… Catalogue/site web : ArticleCouleurTaillePrix Total Euros Total $
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À la mode: Un magazine des vêtements
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Transcription de la présentation:

Les Vêtements Nom Classe

Pour aller à une boum, je vais mettre… Catalogue/site web : ArticleCouleurTaillePrix Total Euros Total $

Faisons les magasins A. What are your clothing sizes in France? Use this website to find your French Shoe sizehttp:// Clothing size C. You are in France shopping for three different outfits. You will be purchasing an outfit to wear to a party with your new French friends, a wedding you will attend there, and a weekend at the beach. You have a budget of 600 euros to spend for all three outfits. D. You will need to give the article of clothing, the color and size (in French of course!) and price. You will need a top, bottom, and shoes for each outfit. You will calculate the price in Euros and the price in US dollars as well. in US ! You will need to save a lot of money before your trip!

Faisons les magasins A. What are your clothing sizes in France? Use this website to find your French Shoe sizehttp:// Clothing size C. You are in France shopping for three different outfits. You will be purchasing an outfit to wear to a party with your new French friends, a wedding you will attend there, and a weekend at the beach. You have a budget of 600 euros to spend for all three outfits. D. You will need to give the article of clothing, the color and size (in French of course!) and price. You will need a top, bottom, and shoes for each outfit. You will calculate the price in Euros and the price in US dollars as well. in US ! You will need to save a lot of money before your trip! You will go to for all of the resources you need to complete this project.

Pour aller à une boum, je vais mettre…

Pour assister à un mariage, je vais mettre… Catalogue/site web : ArticleCouleurTaillePrix Total Euros Total $

Pour assister à un mariage, je vais mettre…

Pour un weekend à la plage, je vais mettre… Catalogue/site web : ArticleCouleurTaillePrix Total Euros Total $

Pour un weekend à la plage, je vais mettre…
