Jeunes, qui êtes-vous? Using reading strategies for comprehension, comparisons, and preparation for Café français.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Jeunes, qui êtes-vous? Using reading strategies for comprehension, comparisons, and preparation for Café français

Start out right As you read, note words that you do not understand. Write them in your notebook, along with the vocabulary given in the text. Do any of these words look like English words? Are they or cognates? Can you figure any out due to context?

Make predictions means pocket money or allowance– in other words, money that is not spent on necessities. Knowing this, and that means young people or youth, can you predict what the article might be about? Note other words in the reading selection that may suggest you are right:

Making comparisons In the first paragraph, the question “A quoi dépensent-ils leur argent de poche?” is asked. The answers can be found in paragraphs 3 and 4. When comparing French youth to American youth, a comparison could lead to the question: – A quoi dépenses-tu TON argent de poche? Et tes amis? Y- a-t-il des points communs* avec les jeunes français? – (*if you had to guess what “points communs” means– what does it look like?) Is there another comparison you could make using the subject of the 2 nd paragraph, ?

More comparisons Quels sont leurs loisirs? – Can you list some of the leisure activities of French youth? Are they the same as what you do to relax? What differences or similarities are there? What do YOU prefer to do in your free time? Peux-tu répondre à ces questions en français? Mes loisirs préférés sont………….

La famille Es-tu très attaché à ta famille? Graphic: A-Level resources,

L’amitié et les valeurs Qu’attends-tu de l’amitié? Penses-tu, comme les jeunes français, que tu as besoin des autres pour te connaître toi-même? Quelles sont les deux valeurs fondamentales? – Tu en es d’accord?

Prepare some questions/replies in advance Can you predict what might be some of the topics discussed at Café français? Review vocabulary for this unit– you’ll be more prepared to recognize the words and to reply. – Mes amis et moi, nous dépensons notre argent de poche en achetant………………….. – Moi, je préfère……… – Je regarde ____ heures de télé chaque jour….. – J’ai de bons/mauvais rapports avec ma famille….. – Mes valuers fondamentales sont…….. – Remember, you can always say, “Ca, je ne comprends pas. Tu peux l’expliquer?” if you don’t understand.