KS2 Yr6 French – Lesson 83 Then and now. LEARNING OBJECTIVE To be able to talk about your town in the present and past.


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Transcription de la présentation:

KS2 Yr6 French – Lesson 83 Then and now

LEARNING OBJECTIVE To be able to talk about your town in the present and past

Sunderland aujourdhui Sunderland en mille neuf cent quarante huit

A Sunderland aujourdhui il y a des bus

A sunderland en mille neuf cent quarante huit il y avait des trams

En 1948, il y avait une épicerie. Aujourdhui, il y a un supermarché En 1948, il y avait une épicerie, mais aujourdhui, il y a un supermarché Look at these two sentences. How could you link them by adding a connective?