Thales Communications


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Transcription de la présentation:

Thales Communications OSMOSE Thales Communications SC2 - Software Core for Computer-based systems

Thales Objectives Addressing RTE middleware Build an adapted solution for the industry Continue works on Lightweight CCM Package SC2 current solution Pursue Network Centric studies specifically on WP2 Integrate WP2 works into our CCM implementation SC2 - Software Core for Computer-based systems

Thales OSMOSE Contribution WP1 : Middleware requirements for some Thales systems WP2 : On the container architecture: Merge and enhance concepts from the COACH container with ideas developed in parallel for RT-Containers at SC2. Connection : middleware service for data exchange on a requested QoS Mobility : Express concerns of Connection framework on mobility works System Management : Express concerns on resources monitoring (platforms, networks, …) SC2 - Software Core for Computer-based systems

Requirements Radio systems Security equipments IP Networks Radars, Sonars ATM IT&S SC2 - Software Core for Computer-based systems

Thales/SC2 to participate on Objectweb OpenCCM Platform development Platforms WP3 Thales/SC2 to participate on Objectweb OpenCCM Platform development For the purpose of DRE systems SC2 - Software Core for Computer-based systems

Interesting systems Thales internal interest : spawns multiple segment, including : RTE Radio system Security equipments IP Networks Miscellaneous embedded systems … Near RT ATM Systems (Command & Control Systems) Network Centric Supervisory system (electric dispatch, transportation supervision,…) SC2 - Software Core for Computer-based systems

LightWeight CCM Why a LightWeight CCM Interest in building systems based on components for embedded systems. Increases reusability of building blocks They present in general a large complexity. Natural modularity of applications Components can be selected or not, etc … Long term : better use of COTS in systems. Extracts the fundamental features of CCM Provides bases which can be built on for extensions (RT-CCM, nRT-CCM, …) Lightweight CCM is a standard specification Is to plain CCM what minimum CORBA is to plain CORBA Hence allows implementations to have a footprint suitable for embedded devices Typical platform settings for embedded systems we speak about: 4 MB flash, 8 MB Ram (OS, and applications included), Processor : PPC at 200 Mhz. Simplifies the full CCM specification Only the basic features needed for embedded systems are kept. SC2 - Software Core for Computer-based systems

Status of Thales SC2 ongoing works 1/ SC2 has started a mockup of Lw-CCM for internal studies (µCCM) Serving as platform for feasibility investigations for RT/E-containers Allowing to demonstrate component software development. Aims at targeting: Real-time operating systems like C5 / VxWorks / Lynx-OS / Linux derivations for RT (RTAI, RTLinux, …) Minimum-CORBA / RT-CORBA 1 & 2 middlewares ORBs with low footprint ( e.g 300Kb library) : ORB-Express / e*ORB / Visibroker RT / … Real-time ORBs (like the RT-versions of the previous ORBs, or TAO). The C++ Language / the C Language / Java / Ada (?) Low footprint / High-performance / predictability, … SC2 - Software Core for Computer-based systems

Status of Thales SC2 ongoing works 2/ What the mockup currently presents: Support for Facet / Receptacles & Event sources / sinks. An IDL3 to IDL2 compiler based on a small subset of IDL based on the “Spirit” C++ parsing framework An IDL3 to C++ backend for generation of containers Statically code-generated containers Allows to embed only what needed / low run-time overhead since features “inlined” Configuration of features supported in containers done at IDL3 compilation time. C++ backend supports introduction of plug-ins for particular features. Plug-ins available / under development : Selection of network protocols for connections between components Small real-time schedulers framework & EDF real-time scheduler as example. Periodic timers ( combined with EDF scheduler to do periodic scheduling) Tracing Simplified deployment toolchain SC2 - Software Core for Computer-based systems

Status of Thales SC2 ongoing works 3/ Current limitations : Has not an industrial quality was devised primarily to do demos. Some features / tools are missing Home Executors, multiple receptacles, … Assembly tool, … Our goals in the scope of our contribution in OpenCCM for WP3 : provide and assess the C++ runtime we are currently building Clean up and enhance the quality of the code (in particular control the footprint) Integrate conveniently in the build of OpenCCM Provide automated unit tests / functional tests Provide an implementation of the container specified in WP2 Provide simple examples illustrating: Basic real-time features, … SC2 - Software Core for Computer-based systems