Reorganizing the global structure Boulay Clémence Boutserin Maxime Brigot Aurélien Jacquet Maxime SI4 Tutors: Nicolas Lionel, Gautero Michel 06/12/2009 PolytechNice
Introduction I.Presentation of the application II. Objectives III.Work organization IV. Accomplished work V.Demonstration Conclusion
Part of the Victoria Project Semantic translation Better quality of translation Leff_Int : Development of a Web-Application Consulting and editing a huge database
Two different display modes : View mode
Edit mode
Revision and reorganization of the code Back-end revision Extendability of code Adaptation of Front-end Reorganization of the database Addition of functionalities
Using new tools AJAX SQLite -> MySQL server JQuery
Provisional Gantt Diagram
Effective Gantt diagram
Qui a fait quoi
Data base : MySQL server instead of SQLite New tables New fields
Back-end organization :
Front-end organization :
Ce qui a été fait Code solide et réutilisable SGBD : MySQL AJAX Ce qui na pas été fait Ajout Trace Fonctionnalités daffichage (cacher colonnes/lignes, copier ligne dans lajout…)