Celui Le pronom demonstratif. Forms SingularPlural Masculineceluiceux Femininecellecelles Demonstrative pronouns are used with the relative pronouns qui,


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Ce, Cette, Ces Ce/Cette/Ces means this, that or these. Ce is used for masculine nouns Cette is used for feminine nouns Cette is used for feminine nouns.

Questions about people Use Qui - either as subject or object. Qui est allé au cinéma? Avec qui est Jacques allé au cinéma? Qui is the subject of the verb.

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By: Reshiga and Pavitra
Interrogative Pronouns
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Les pronoms disjoints. Forms Jemoi Tu toi Il lui Elle elle On soi Nous nous Vous vous Ils eux Elles elles.
Saying ‘my, your, his her, our and your’ in French
‘Les Verbes au Présent’
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Les Pronoms Sujets et Le Verb “Etre”
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ContractionsContractions How the French get around.
Les verbes en -er. chanter – to singtelephoner – to call danser – to dancetravailler – to work diner – to have dinnervoyager –to travel ecouter – to listen.
A. Résumé: les pronoms relatifs p. 362
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French Possessive Adjectives
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Qui a dit ça? Et quest-ce que ça veut dire? Imagination is everything. It is a preview of your lifes coming attractions. Albert Einstein Namaste… LE.
Demonstrative Pronouns
and a justification for level 4
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Qui,que, dont Les pronoms relatifs.
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Mardi, le 21 Janvier 2014 Agenda du jour Les Verbes Réfléchis
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Les adjectifs demonstratifs Français I. ces SP Mce(t)ces Fcette.
Subjects Verb Avoir to have. Subjects Singular 1.Je/J’ I 2.Tu You (singular informal) 3.Il He/It Elle She/It On We/You/ People/One/They Marc Marie La.
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Les pronoms d’objet direct (Direct Object pronouns)
Victoria Lake Sarah Amaya.  Le pronom «lequel» veut dire “which” en anglais.  Has to agree in gender and number with the noun it replaces.  Lequel.
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Les adjectifs démonstratifs
LES VERBES DU PREMIER GROUP: -ER VERBS. Home Les activités 3 3 RAPPEL A Les verbes réguliers en -er: formes affirmatives. INFINITIVE STEM ( La racine)
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Les adjectifs possessifs
Le Pronom Interrogatif «lequel». Usage To ask the question «which one?», you need to use a form of lequel.
Les Pronoms Démonstratifs. Definition Interrogative pronouns essentially translate to mean “this/these one(s)” EXEMPLE ◦ There are two pens here. Which.
French 2 Passé Composé.
Les pronoms relatifs qui et que. Qu’est-ce que c’est? Relative pronouns are used to connect sentences to one another.
Les verbes français Objective: Understand the tense of the verbs and how to conjugate your very first verb.
Verb  a word that show action or a state of being.  Examples: run, jump, play, talk, listen  In English, we just the verb “to be” to describe how people.
Extra Practice with lequel, auquel and duquel. Lequel de ces livres voulez-vous? This means “Which one of these books do you want.” Use lequel because.
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Verb Conjugation Learning to conjugate your first verb in French.
Les objectifs: - to learn pronouns - To learn the verb ‘avoir’ (to have)
Les Pronoms Interrogatifs et Démonstratifs
Transcription de la présentation:

celui Le pronom demonstratif

Forms SingularPlural Masculineceluiceux Femininecellecelles Demonstrative pronouns are used with the relative pronouns qui, que, dont, and où. They are never used alone and mean the one, the ones, these, and those.

Examples Cette région est francophone, mais celles dont vous parlez sont anglophones. –This region is French-speaking, but the ones (that) you are talking about are English-speaking. Quel appartement as-tu loué? Jai choisi celui qui est au dernier étage. –Which apartment did you rent? I chose the one (that is) on the top floor.

Examples Les hôtels de trois étoiles sont ceux que les agents de voyage recommandent. –The three-star hotels are the ones (that) travel agents recommend. Les régions de notre pays se divisent entre celles où les gens vivent bien et celles où ils vivent mal. –The regions in our country fall into two categories: those where people live well and those where they dont.