Verbs in the Present Tense -ER What verbs on –er do you know? Write as many verbs on –er on a piece of paper as you can. You have 3 minutes! Yes, this.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Verbs in the Present Tense -ER

What verbs on –er do you know? Write as many verbs on –er on a piece of paper as you can. You have 3 minutes! Yes, this is a competition!

Some regular verbs on –er visiter voyager montrer demander chercher trouver dîner adorer to visit to travel to show to ask to look for to find to eat dinner to adore

And some more verbs on -er monter déjeuner entrer jouer regarder appeler Acheter aimer to climb to have lunch to enter, go in to play to look (at) to call to buy to love

Verbs on –er je donnenous donnons tu donnesvous donnez il,elle donneils, elles donnent

Il cherche Nous cherchons Je cherche Elles cherchent Vous cherchez Tu cherches Ils cherchent

Gaby et Molly visitent Daliavisite Ma soeur et moi visitons Vousvisitez Notre famille visite

Traduis! – Translate! 1.We climb the Eiffeltower. 2.I look for the museum. 3.My family finds Paris wonderful. 4.They eat in a French restaurant. 5.François, you have lunch at my place. 6.Do you dance with me?

Solutions 1.Nous montons la tour Eiffel. 2.Je cherche le musée. 3.Ma famille trouve Paris fantastique. 4.Ils mangent dans un restaurant français. 5.François, tu déjeunes chez moi. 6.Est-ce que tu danses avec moi?

Translate 1.Ils regardent la télé. 2.Nous cherchons la cathédrale. 3.Est-ce que vous habitez au centre-ville? 4.Est-ce que tu joues au football? 5.Je taime! 6.Nous adorons Paris.

Solutions They watch TV We are looking for the cathedral. Do you live in the city centre? Do you play soccer? I love you! We adore Paris