To revise Work though the following slides Test yourself Make sure you know what the French is for the English Make sure you know what the unseen questions mean Then practise the roleplays themselves without looking at the answers
C1 I saw your ad in the paper I worked in an office last year. What are the dates? What is the salary? Here is my phone no. – Jai vu votre annonce dans le journal. Jai travaille dans un bureau lannee derniere. Quelles sont les dates? Quel est le salaire? Voici mon numero de telephone – vingt-deux trente-trois quarante- quatre cinquante-cinq. Unseen questions – Vous avez quel experience de travail? What work experience do you have? Comment est-ce que je peux vous contacter? How can I contact you?
C2 I would like to go to the cinema to see Wally, its a cartoon. By bus. The film starts at what time? We are going to eat at what time and where? I love horror films. Je voudrais aller au cinema pour voir Wally. Cest un dessin anime. En bus. Le film commence a quelle heure? On va diner a quelle heure et ou? Jadore les films dhorreur. Unseen questions – Le cinema, cest assez loin, comment veux-tu y aller? The cinema is quite far, how do you want to go there? Quest-ce que tu penses des films dhorreur? What do you think of horror films?
C3 When can you visit the shopping centre? I love hypermarkets. I would like to buy jeans. We are going to eat at what time and where? I would like to go to te cinema. Quand est-ce quon peut visiter le centre commercial? Jadore les hypermarches. Je voudrais acheter un jean. On va manger a quelle heure et ou? Je voudrais aller au cinema. Unseen questions – Quest-ce que tu penses des hypermarches? What do you think of hypermarkets? Quest-ce que tu veux faire apres la visite au centre? What do you want to do after the visit to the centre?
C4 I have toothache. The problem started yesterday. What are the medecines? Where is the chemist? My name is…I am 16…I live … Jai mal aux dents. Le probleme a commence hier. Quels sont les medicaments? Ou est la pharmacie? Je mappelle…jai seize ans…jhabite… Unseen questions – Quand est-ce que le probleme a commence? When did the problem begin? Pouvez-vous me donner vos details personnels? Can you give me your personal details?
C5 I would like to stay home. What programmes are there on te tv? I think that it is very interesting. What are you going to do Sunday? I watch TV and listen to music. Je voudrais rester a la maison. Il y a quelles emissions a la tele? Je pense que cest tres interessant. Quest-ce que tu vas faire dimanche? Je regarde la tele et jecoute de la musique. Unseen questions – Quest-ce que tu penses de la television anglaise? What do you think of English TV? Que fais-tu normalement le weekend chez toi? What do you normally do at the weekend at home?
C6 I would like to reserve places for 2 people. Where are we going to stay? I would like to visit historic sites. My name is… I am 16….I live… My number is With a credit card. Je voudrais reserver des places pour deux personnes. On va loger ou? Je voudrais visiter des sites historiques. Je mappelle…. Jai seize ans…jhabite…. mon numero de telephone cest vingt-deux trente-trois quarante-quatre cinquante-cinq. Avec carte de credit. Unseen questions – Quest-ce que vous allez faire a Paris? What are you going to do in Paris? Comment voulez-vous payer? How do you want to pay?
C7 I would like to visit the castle tomorrow. The visit lasts how long? I would like to do shopping. We are going to eat at what time and where? I think that its very interesting. Je voudrais visiter le chateau demain. La visite dure combien de temps? Je voudrais faire du shopping. On va manger a quelle heure et ou? Je pense que cest tres interessant. Unseen questions – Quest-ce que tu veux faire avant la visite?What do you want to do before the visit? Quest-ce que tu penses de la region? What do you think of the region?
C8 Excuse me. I bought trousers but I forgot them. They are red and in cotton. An hour ago. What are you going to do? My name is…I am 16….I live….my phone number is – Excusez-moi, jai achete un pantalon mais he lai oublie. Cest rouge et en coton. Il y a une heure. Quest-ce que vous allez faire? Je mappelle…jai 16 ans….jhabite…. mon numero de telephone cest– vingt-deux trente-trois quarante-quatre cinquante-cinq. Unseen questions – Quand avez-vous decouvert le probleme?When did you discover the problem? Pouvez-vous me donner vos details personnels? Can you give me your personal details
C9 I missed the flight because the taxi was late. My name is…Im 16….I live… my number is – What must I do? Where is the telephone? I visited interesting sights and did shopping. Jai manque le vol parce que le taxi etait en retard. Je mappelle…jai seize ans … Jhabite…mon numero cest… quest-ce quil faut faire? Ou est le telephone? Jai visite les sites historiques et jai fait les magasins. Unseen questions – Vous pouvez me donner vos details personnels? Can you give me your personal details? Quest-ce que vous avez fait dans la region? What have you done in the region?
C10 When can we visit the youth club? We meet in front of the train station. What must I wear? I am going to eat a snack. I watch TV and I do my homework. Quand est-ce quon peut visiter la maison des jeunes? On se retrouve devant la gare. Quest-ce quil faut porter? Je vais manger un snack. Je regarde la tele et je fais mes devoirs. Unseen questions – On se retrouve ou? Where shall we meet? Quest-ce que tu fais normalement le soir chez toi? What do you normally do at home in the evening?
C11 I have a problem. I have lost my bag. Its big and black. I lost it in the street. When must I come back? I visited the historic sights and I did shopping. Jai un probleme. Jai perdu mon sac. Cest grand et noir. Je lai perdu dans la rue. Quand est-ce quon doit retourner? Jai visite les sites historiques et jai fait les magasins. Unseen questions – Vous pouvez men faire une description? Can you describe it for me? Quest-ce que vous avez fait ici en France? What have you done here in France?
C12 What are the activities at the school? I think that its interesting. I would like to buy some souvenirs. We are eating at what time and when? I am going to listen to music. Quelles sont les activites au college? Je pense que cest interessant. Je voudrais acheter des souvenirs. On va manger a quelle heure et ou? Je vais ecouter de la musique. Unseen questions – Quest-ce que tu penses de ton college? What do you think of your school? Quest-ce que tu vas faire pendant le voyage chez toi? What are you going to do during the journey home?