Jeudi, le 19 avril 1.F 1-Oral grade 2.F 2-Test prep-4B (most of chapter) 3.F 2 PreAP –Test prep 4B-ALL 4.F 3- Reading 5.F 4-Unit 5 work, essay rough drafts due tomorrow 6.FRAP: Writing - AP practice test
F 1 1.Draw numbers 2.Oral grade: Draw 4 topics, have 3 minutes 3.Rest: ER, IR, RE packet-due by end of class Friday!
F 2R practice the pronounssee where they go! Je tinvite! Je ne tinvite pas! Invite-moi! Ne minvite pas! Je dois tinviter. Je ne dois pas tinviter.
F 2 plans 1.Flashcards for 90% 2.Go over book test answers-self check! 3.Finish oral practice in book. Per 2: DONE Per.7, 239 ex. 2, 240 –over, 241 ex. 5, 242 ex. 7, 244-over, 245 ex. 14–Oral points ***Test format: 70 questions. (listening, grammar, verbs, vocabulary, reading one passageall multiple choice) Study all of unit 4 except for pgs. 233 & 243! Use website for flashcards, online self-grading quizzes!
F 2 book test answers-Pg (1-4) EX assister à 2. commence 3. trouve 4. oublie 5. occupée 6. désolé 7. montre 8. apporter 9. emprunte 10. donner Ex. 2: 1. jécris, écrivez 2. lit, lisent 3. dites, dis 4. connaissons, connaît 5. savent, sais Ex. 3 (Le, la, les, l, lui, leur) 1. lui, l 2. le, lui 3. les, leur 4. l, lui 5. lui, la 6. leur, les 7. lui, lui 8. l, lui Ex. 4 1.E: m J: t E. --- J. --- E. l J. moi, lui 2. L: connais T:--- L: sais T. Tu veux la voir. T: --- L: lui, me les T: ---- L: ---
The Pronoun Bug! SUJETSUJET
F 2 PreAP 1.Finish part 2 of borrowed words quiz K 2.Flashcards due for a 90% 3.Continue any book practice not finished! Pg , Go over answers to book test! Self-check! 5.Test tomorrow: 75 questions (Mul choice- listening, grammar, vocab, 5 new verbs, DOPS, IDOPS in all forms-ENTIRE chapter! )
F 3 1.Review of new vocabulary-orally pg Finish readings in book 3.Quiz tomorrow: New vocabulary chapter 5: 25 words French-English
F 4 & FRAP- C lunch F 4- Essay rough due today or tomorrow 1.In: 174/75 B & C 2.Notes: Do: A,D FRAP: 1.Video article er_tour_de_l_elec tion_dimanche_22_ avril_.html article er_tour_de_l_elec tion_dimanche_22_ avril_.html 2. BEN: 2 choses, Candace-PP