French 3 & 4 October 17, 2013. When I was teaching in France, most of my students had all of their classes with the same group of people. How would this.


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Transcription de la présentation:

French 3 & 4 October 17, 2013

When I was teaching in France, most of my students had all of their classes with the same group of people. How would this be helpful ? What are some of the disadvantages ?

Change the following phrases into questions by requesting information about the underlined word or phrases. Quelqu'un regard un film. Quelque chose est bruyante. Il réfléchit à quelque chose. Elle danse avec quelqu'un. Vous envoyez quelque chose. Nous décrivons quelqu'un.

They drink some tea. We drink some water. Y'all need to study. He has to leave. They receive a letter. I receive a gift. We are taking biology. She follows her friend.

Finish the story, song, poem or skit if you have not already finished it. I will have tutoring this afternoon and tomorrow morning. Don't forget to study for the test.