Exercice #3: Warmup 1.How old are you? 2.Im 11 years old. 3.I dont understand. 4.I dont know. 5.More slowly, please. Les devoirs: HW Practice spelling.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Exercice #3: Warmup 1.How old are you? 2.Im 11 years old. 3.I dont understand. 4.I dont know. 5.More slowly, please. Les devoirs: HW Practice spelling your name using the french alphabet. Be ready to share on Friday!

Lalphabet Lobjectif: Aujourdhui, nous allons apprendre lalphabet français pour épeler des mots. Objective: Today, we will learn the alphabet in order to spell words.




























Cécile Accent aigu

zèbre Accent grave

fête Laccent circonflexe

Ça va? La cédille

Laccent circonflexe Jérôme

Le tréma Noël

Écoutez et levez-vous Listen for the letter I say If your name starts with that letter, stand up

Comment écrit-on___? France

Comment écrit-on___? français

Comment écrit-on___? chocolat

À Deux Using the sheet, work in pairs to spell out the words to your partner and write down the words they spell out to you.