CHALOUPE Global change, dynamics of exploited marine biodiversity and viability of fisheries Funded by the French national Agency of research – Call 2005.


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Transcription de la présentation:

CHALOUPE Global change, dynamics of exploited marine biodiversity and viability of fisheries Funded by the French national Agency of research – Call 2005 "Biodiversity" managed by the French Institute of Biodiversity 3.5 M for 3 years ( ) Coordination : Fabian BLANCHARD, Ifremer- Cayenne, French Guyana

major changes (global changes) in marine ecosystems (human activities; climate change) of human activities depending on these ecosystems, in particular fisheries uncertainties changes in and losses of biodiversity of marine communities, and risks of irreversible changes consequences in terms of economic value and of the viability of fisheries adaptation capacity ? of communities of current marine living resources harvesting modes Context

Research object : The evolution of exploited marine communities – fisheries systems Interfaces between ecological and socio- economic systems Dynamics depend on interactions between ecological and economic processes Influence of many forcing factors : climate and ocean institutional framework economic context Economic & institutional context Harvesting dynamics Ecological dynamics Human impacts, Climate change

identify the main drivers of bio-economic changes in three systems over the past decades Contribute to the definition of scenarios of future changes in these three systems Objective Temperate continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay Moroccan upwelling areaAmazonian continental shelf of the French Guyana

At the ecosystem scale, for 2 or 3 past decades, Identify the environmental changes (due to cycles or climate changes) Identify the biodiversity changes of the demersal marine community of the continental shelf in relation to the environmental changes described previously and the impact of fishing Identify the economic context and the institutional framework as well as their changes Identify the changes within the fisheries in relation to biodiversity changes and economic and institutional changes More precisely…

Work Package 1 - Changes in community : temporal variability and trends of the physical environment and fishing effects; WP 2 - Changes in fisheries : biodiversity changes (described in WP1), and economic and institutional context; WP 3 - Diagnosis on the ecological and economic status and viability conditions of the communities/fisheries systems; WP 4 – Simulation models of the communities/fisheries systems Structure…

Modeling of the studied processes Results of the simulations will be compared to the observed temporal trajectories to support the interpretations from time series analyses. Method : an integrated approach Time series analysis Indicators of the temporal variations of the systems (biological communities, fisheries) Trend analyses (temporal trends of the indicators) relationships between the observed indicator trends (correlations, multivariate analyses, qualitative combination) Data collection / synthesis environmental monitoring (physical factors) scientific fishing surveys (biological sampling) fishing fleet monitoring systems (structure, metiers, production) evolutions in the economic and institutional contexts of fishing

Ecological Dynamics Ifremer (Fisheries Sciences, Ecology And Modeling, tropical Fishereis Sciences) National Institute of Fisheries Science Research (Morocco) Dynamiques économiques Ifremer (Marine Economics) Univ. Bretagne Occidentale (Law and economics of the Sea) CNRS-Museum World Fish Center Modélisation IRD (Upwelling Ecosystems) CNRS-Museum World Fish Center ENI-Brest (Virtual Reality) Univ. Littoral (informatics) Partnership

Indice upwelling Facteurs hydro-climatiques

Impacts sur les peuplements de fonds… Golfe de Gascogne Blanchard et al., 2006

Dynamiques économiques associées à ces changements… Kifani et al., 2006Steinmetz et al., 2007; LeFloc'h et al., 2007 Baisse de la valeur totale produite/Faible dépendance des prix aux apports locaux

Analyse conjointe économique et écologique - cas Gascogne Steinmetz et al., 2007; LeFloc'h et al., 2007

Dans ce contexte, quelle viabilité des systèmes étudiés ? Etude des domaines de co-viabilité des systèmes dexploitation et des systèmes biologiques exploités Nature des contraintes: écologiques (conditions de renouvellement, niveaux acceptables de perturbation) économiques (rémunération minimale des facteurs de production) sociales (conditions dexistence des systèmes dexploitation) L'exemple de la langoustine et du merlu dans le golfe de Gascogne Martinet et al., 2007 L'exemple de la crevette et de la frégate sur le plateau de Guyane Martinet et Blanchard, 2007

Modélisation Développement de différents types de modèles pour la compréhension des changements observés au sein des systèmes et de leur causes