Home page M 1 : Environnement global M 2 : Air, water, soil M 3 : Gestion des déchets M 4 : Analyse des risques M 5 : Prévention et protection du personnel M 6 : Prévention et protection du site M 7 : Capacité à réagir M 8 : Circulation dans l’usine M 9 : Transport et stockage M 10 : Sûreté industrielle M 11 : Gestion de crise M 12 : Ouverture de magasin
AIR, WATER, SOIL M 1 : Environnement global M 2 : Air, water, soil M3 : Gestion des déchets M 4 : Analyse des risques M 5 : Prévention et protection du personnel M 6 : Prévention et protection du site M 7 : Capacité à réagir M 8 : Circulation dans l’usine M 9 : Transport et stockage M 10 : Sûreté industrielle M 11 : Gestion de crise M 12 : Ouverture de magasin Identify origin and spread, drive impact evaluation and limitation’s measures Session 1 : Pollution’s origin and spread Session 2 : Pollution seriousness’ evaluation Session 3 : Impact réduction’s measures in a normal way
Identify origin and spread of pollution in three elements AIR, WATER, SOIL Identify origin and spread of pollution in three elements Session 1: Pollution’s origin and spread Session 2: Pollution’s seriousness’ evaluation Session 3: Impact reduction’s measures in a normal way AIR WATER SOIL Potential pollution’s sources cartography
AIR, WATER, SOIL Definition Session 1: Pollution’s origin and spread Definition AIR WATER SOIL Definition We will use the concept of pollution for all activity, product of activity or spoil which can produce harmful effects for the neighbour area, or the environnement In this session, we will make a focus on the three main elements : air, water and soil Warning Garbage will not be deal in this part, they will be studied in Module 3 : « Garbage management »
SigmaKalon’s activities can involved an air contamination due to : AIR, WATER, SOIL Session 1: Pollution’s origin and spread Definition AIR Dusts and s Smells Noise WATER SOIL AIR SigmaKalon’s activities can involved an air contamination due to : Dusts and Composés Organique Volatils (COV) Smells (solvents’ vapors) Noise (production’s machines and trucks
To remediate to these troubles, we will act on AIR, WATER, SOIL Session 1: Pollution’s origin and spread Definition AIR Dusts and s Smells Noise WATER SOIL AIR Dusts and COV They are suspended in the air and come from the products used in the factory as the pigments in pouder or solvents. They spread themselves under the action of the air mouvements as the running air or phenomenous of convection To remediate to these troubles, we will act on the origin the spread
Vapors occurs a pollution localised to the area of the factory AIR, WATER, SOIL Session 1: Pollution’s origin and spread Definition AIR Dusts and s Smells Noise WATER SOIL AIR Smells Only the solvents’ vapors, used in the process or in the equipment cleaning, are concerned Vapors occurs a pollution localised to the area of the factory Workers are exposed to these emanations at differents levels according to their activity in the factory
It spreads in the air in all directions from its source AIR, WATER, SOIL Session 1: Pollution’s origin and spread Definition AIR Dusts and s Smells Noise WATER SOIL AIR Noise It spreads in the air in all directions from its source We could act on 2 characteristics origin, by controlling : the number of noise’s sources the intensity of the noise of each source the spread by soundproofing the factory or by destroying the wave of noise by another wave (in phasis opposition)
Origin of the pollution is due to AIR, WATER, SOIL Session 1: Pollution’s origin and spread Definition AIR WATER Origin spread SOIL WATER Origin of the pollution is due to the use of chemical products in the process the cleaning of the production equipment by water which carries the paint remnants (minerals, organics or metalics pigments, carbonates, kaolins, solvents and varied additives…) the leak of chemical products in the environment the streaming of raining water on a ground soiled by chemicals products
AIR, WATER, SOIL WATER Spread Session 1: Pollution’s origin and spread Definition AIR WATER Origin spread SOIL WATER Spread Water can carry pollutants far away from their emission place by gravity flooding on the natural slope of the site. It will finish sooner or later to contaminate rivers and soil Schéma de la propagation de la pollution par le vecteur eau et son cycle naturel
Origin of the pollution AIR, WATER, SOIL Session 1: Pollution’s origin and spread Definition AIR WATER Origin spread SOIL SOIL Origin of the pollution The potential origin of pollution is varied. The most probable is due to the leak of chemical products on naked area where there is : storage of products production storage of finished products Passage of trucks
Spread of the pollution AIR, WATER, SOIL Session 1: Pollution’s origin and spread Definition AIR WATER Origin spread SOIL SOIL Spread of the pollution In the ground, spread occurs by seepage of liquid pollutants removed by gravity Pollutants can be products pure or polluted raining water. So, the phenomenous of pollution is quite the same to the ones of water. (cf. lien avec liste de paramètres à prendre en compte) Water is the main pollution vector The spread of pollution contaminate watertable used for : agriculture Human water supplies
AIR, WATER, SOIL Session 1: Pollution’s origin and spread Definition AIR WATER SOIL Origin spread SOIL Pollutants seepage occurs more or less rapidly according to their nature (viscosity) and to the type of ground (components, size of this components)
Knowledge evaluation on Hot potatoes software AIR, WATER, SOIL Knowledge evaluation on Hot potatoes software Evaluation Main points Exercice
AIR, WATER, SOIL Main points : The three elements which can be affected by SigmaKalon’s activities are air, water and soil Spread occurs thanks to the mecanism of natural cycles of water and soil. It affects near environnement Water is really vulnérable according to its natural cycle : rain, ruissellement and concentration in streams Soil is vulnérable because it concentrates pollutants locally because it accumulates it and can become stérile Pollution can occur by direct contact between the elements and pollutants or indirectly by entry in natural cycles The consequences of a pollution can be felt at big scale of time and space Evaluation Main points Exercice
Cette carte est un schéma vierge où ne figure que : AIR, WATER, SOIL Practical session : CPotential pollutions, equipments and sewage nets cartography From a general map of the site which represents only the parcelle and the buildings, we will add the On partira d’une carte générale du site Cette carte est un schéma vierge où ne figure que : La parcelle de terrain appartenant à SigmaKalon L’emplacement des bâtiments Le travail consiste, à partir d’un relevé sur le terrain, de plans (s’ils existent) ou de toute autre source d’information, de représenter : les réseaux d’évacuation d’eau usée les réseaux internes (station d’épuration, zone de rétention,…) les sources potentielles de pollution (stockage, machine bruyante,…) toute source de nuisance identifiée dans cette séance Evaluation Points essentiels Exercices pratiques
La carte ainsi réalisée sera envoyée à la BU de Sigma Kalon AIR, WATER, SOIL Cette cartographie permettra de mettre en évidence et de repérer géographiquement les points sensibles du site en matière de pollution Elle sera l’outil de base pour les démarches des séances suivantes (cf. Module 2 séance 2 “Evaluer et mesurer la criticité des pollutions” et Module 11 “Gestion de crise”) La carte ainsi réalisée sera envoyée à la BU de Sigma Kalon Evaluation Points essentiels Exercices pratiques