Sabrina Janczak & Nina Barber Denver Public Schools Thomas Jefferson HS Using short videos and ads to provide students with COMPREHENSIBLE INPUT.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Sabrina Janczak & Nina Barber Denver Public Schools Thomas Jefferson HS Using short videos and ads to provide students with COMPREHENSIBLE INPUT

originally used as ELA University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee by Barb Wheatley and Ashley Hastings in Barb and Ashley paraphrased entire full-length movies into simplified language for ELA students. a chance for students to receive COMPREHENSIBLE INPUT while watching videoclips and movies a chance for the teacher to remain in the target language for at least 90% of the time a way to recycle or introduce vocab and structures

● listening comprehension ● visual learners & aural learners ● COMPREHENSIBLE INPUT (CI) without relying on written materials ○ pre-literate students or non-proficient readers

● Dr. Stephen Krashen’s INPUT hypothesis: a language learner improves and progresses when receiving input that is just a bit beyond their current ability. Since each student is at his/her own unique level, providing input in a natural way at a level just above the current level will allow all students to receive input at the i + 1 level appropriate for each student. ● According to Krashen’s Affective Filter hypothesis, students acquire language best when feeling self-confident and low anxiety. CI + interesting story = low affective filter

3 EASY STEPS: ● Select ● Prepare ● Present and enjoy

● visually appealing ● interesting plot ● *very little or no dialogue* ● repetitive theme is helpful ● A 5-minute clip = 30 minutes of talk or more ● know your audience

● Preview the videoclip several times ● Find appropriate places to pause, narrate, question students ● Select important and necessary structures to preteach to students before viewing OR use the video to recycle previously learned vocab

1.Show students only short intervals, pause for discussion. Repeat video uninterrupted. 1.Show students entire video, uninterrupted. Repeat video, pausing for discussion.

Keep the LANGUAGE front and center, not the movie.

RECYCLED Level 2 vocabulary looks for a gift gives her a gift does not like happy sad

NEW Level 2 vocabulary basic structures she doesn’t care jumps rope enrichment structures keeps on jumping becomes sad

● READ the story: type up a version of the story, distribute to students for independent or group reading. ● WRITE the story: students can write the story after viewing or the following day, using the video as support. Words and structures are posted and available for support.

Bob was in love, and wanted to give a gift to Sandy. Bob searched the internet and had an idea: he will give her one red rose! Bob thought that one rose was very romantic. Sandy was jumping rope in the park when Bob gave her the rose. She stopped and looked for one second, but she did not care about the rose. She kept on jumping rope. Bob was sad and walked home.

Bob searched the internet for more ideas. Sandy was still jumping rope. He walked to her and gave her a box of chocolates. She stopped and looked. She did not care about chocolate nor Bob. She kept on jumping rope. Bob was sad. Bob searched again. He needed a good idea! He gave her a sweater, but she kept on jumping rope and did not look at him. He gave her a balloon, but it popped. Bob was very sad because Sandy did not care about him.

Bob was desperate! He gave Sandy everything he found: a purple rabbit, a pie, a hat with a rabbit inside, a love letter. But she continued jumping rope. Finally, Bob had an idea. He ran to Dick’s and bought something really special. He ran to the park, but Sandy did not look at him. He started to jump rope with his new red rope. Suddenly, Sandy stopped and looked at him. Sandy continued jumping rope...with her new boyfriend, Bob. Now Bob and Sandy are both happy.

BASIC STRUCTURES: a entre ___ et ____ ans: is between ___ and ____ years lui montre: shows him/her se sent de plus en plus: feels more and more

ENRICHMENT VOCAB le salon : living room la salle de bain:bathroom la cuisine: kitchen le bureau: office les toilettes: toilets bedroom: chambre à coucher

Voici une famille. Voici une famille ni petite ni grande. Voici une famille moyenne. Voici une femme. C’est la maman. Elle s’appelle Emma. Emma est belle, de taille moyenne, et elle a l’air sympatique. Quel âge a t-elle? Elle a entre 25 et 35 ans. Voici un homme. C’est le papa. Comment s’appelle t-il? Il s’appelle Marc. Marc est un homme normal et lui aussi a l’air sympatique. Il a entre 30 et 40 ans. Voici un petit garçon. Comment s’appelle t-il? Il s’appelle Ben. Ben est le fils de Marc et d’Emma. Quel âge a t-il? Ben a probablement entre 4 et 6 ans.

Où est la famille? Où sont Emma, Marc et Ben? Ils sont dans la cuisine. Que fait cette famille ? Que font Emma, Marc et Ben? Emma écrit avec Ben. Où va Marc? Marc va au bureau. Marc regarde Emma et il rit. Il est content. Marc montre son iPad à Emma. Il lui montre et il rit. Emma est un peu frustrée. Puis Emma est au salon. Elle fait un Sudoku. Marc entre dans le salon et il rit. Que fait Marc? Marc lui montre son iPad. Emma est de plus en plus frustrée.

Puis Emma est dans le bureau. Elle reçoit un fax. Marc entre dans le bureau et il rit. Il lui montre son iPad. Emma est de plus en plus frustrée. Puis Emma et Marc sont dans la chambre à coucher. Emma lit un livre et Marc lit aussi, mais Marc lit sur son iPad. Marc lui montre son iPad et il rit. Emma est de plus en plus frustrée.

Finalement Marc est dans la salle de bain. Il n’a pas de papier toilette. Il appelle Emma. Que fait Emma? Elle lui montre son iPad avec une photo de papier toilette. Et elle rit! Qui est frustré maintenant? Qui est content?

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