Warm up Imagine you went to the fair with friends and one of you is lost (disparue) in the crowd; write 3 things you can do to find your lost friend (include one option if your friend did not bring the cell phone)
Chapter 6: A nous les châteaux! Objectives- SWBA to: Unit one: * ask for opinions * express enthusiasm, indifference, and dissatisfaction Unit two: * express disbelief and doubt Unit Tree: *ask for and give information
Mise en Train: Le disparu Vocabulary related to the topic: * disparaissent * n’était plus là * on l’a perdu? * II a disparu! **Let’s read and build a large vocabulary: *château, plaire, construire, louer, remarquer, plaisanter, partout,…
Inside a château, one diaspear… * CD 6, Tr. 1-2 Then, do 1,2, 3 on page 160. Unit One: asking for opinions, expressing enthusiasm… * look at the pictures and read… * Note culturelle (p.161) **Study Guide**
Changing Gears * A game to find the ball lost (disparu); A student has to guess who is hiding the ball which has disappeared. How to play the game: Five students have one ball; by the time one of them goes away then returns, he/she has been told that the ball is lost. Now, the student has to guess who is hiding the ball to find the ball.
Vocabulaire: Qu’est-ce que tu as fait pendant le week-end? Look at each picture first, p.162 Je suis allée dans un parc d’attractions; j’ai fait un tour sur les montagnes russes… et sur la grande roue. Ce week-end, moi, je suis allée au zoo. J’ai fait une visite guidée,…on a fait une pique nique…et on a donné à manger aux animaux. Ça m’a beaucoup plu! Moi, je suis allée faire un circuit des châteaux! Je suis montée dans des tours…et après, on a assisté à un spectacle son et lumière. C’était magnifique! Homework: Vocabulary. * Grammaire s. p.176 act. 1-2/ Handouts! Exit!