L ES OBJETS DIRECTS / INDIRECTS. D IRECT OBJECTS PN S ( OR “DOPS”) me (m’) = menous = we Te (t’) = youvous = you Le (l’) = him, itles = them La (l’) =


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© 2015 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.1B.2-1 Point de départ In Level 1, you learned to use indirect and direct object pronouns. Now.
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Les Pronoms Objets Indirects: lui & leur Français II A/B M. Jackson GHS.
Direct object pronouns 1.Pronouns are words used to replace nouns or proper nouns. 2.They are really useful to avoid repetition. 3.An object pronoun replaces.
Transcription de la présentation:


D IRECT OBJECTS PN S ( OR “DOPS”) me (m’) = menous = we Te (t’) = youvous = you Le (l’) = him, itles = them La (l’) = her, itles = them *Generally, DOPS will be seen IN FRONT OF a verb in French (Tu aimes la pizza? – Oui, je l’aime!)

Nous regardons la télé……….Nous LA regardons. Il cherche sa tasse de café…..Il LA cherche. Remember: attendre (to wait for), écouter (to listen to), chercher (to look for), demander (to ask for), payer (to pay for), regarder (to look at) take a DIRECT OBJECT in French, NOT an indirect object.

O THER USES FOR DOPS With voici/voila…… LE voici! (Here he/it is!) LA voilà! (There she/it is!) In a negative phrase...always precedes verb. Je ne t’aime pas du tout. (I don’t love you at all.) In a question...still stuck with the verb LES aimes-tu? (Do you like them?) Est-ce que tu LES aimes? Until the INFINITIVE verb comes along… Je ne veux pas VOUS aider. (I don’t want to help you) Il va NOUS attendre. (He’s going to wait for us)

C OMMANDS Affirmative – attached to verb after hyphen Regarde – MOI (notice me changes to MOI) Écoutez-LE NEGATIVE commands – returns to position in front of verb (just when you thought you figured it out…) Ne me regarde pas! Ne l’écoutez pas!

I NDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS - IDOPS Me = (to) menous = (to) us te (t’)= (to) youvous = (to) you Lui – (to) him/herleur = (to) them Remember: Indirect objects answer “to” whom or “for” whom. In French, these are some verbs that take IDOPS: obéir à (to obey)donner à (to give to) désobéir à (to disobey)écrire à (to write to) téléphoner à (to call)montrer à (to show to) répondre à (to respond to) prêter à (to loan to) expliquer à (to explain to) rendre visite à (to visit)

H ERE ’ S THE CLUE : LOOK FOR THE À ! Il parle à son copain….Il LUI parle. Je téléphone à mes grandparents… Je LEUR téléphone. Where is the IDOP placed in the sentence? IN THE SAME SPOT AS THE DOP! Il leur obéit……….Il ne leur obéit pas. Elle va lui téléphoner. Elle ne va pas lui téléphoner. M’écriras-tu? Dites – moi la vérité. Non…ne me dites pas la vérité!