Table des matières: Salut! Comment ça s’écrit? Qu’est-ce que c’est?


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Transcription de la présentation:

Table des matières: Salut! Comment ça s’écrit? Qu’est-ce que c’est? C’est à qui? Grammar Note The following grammar topics are to be found in this presentation. They can easily be recognised by their purple background in slide sorter view: Genders – le, la and l’ Genders – un and une Possession using de

Comment t’appelles-tu? Salut! Bonjour! Salut! Comment t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle Laure. Pictures and speech bubbles appear on mouseclick.

Et toi? Comment t’appelles-tu? Salut! Et toi? Comment t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle Alice. Pictures and speech bubbles appear on mouseclick.

Salut! Ça va? Oui, ça va! Pictures and speech bubbles appear on mouseclick.

Salut! Nom: Pierre Ça va? Nom: Sophie Ça va? Nom: Chantal Ça va? Avec un(e) partenaire! Nom: Pierre Ça va? A) Comment t’appelles-tu? B) Je m’appelle Pierre. A) Ça va? B) Oui, ça va bien. Nom: Sophie Ça va? Pairwork stimulus. The example appears on mouseclick. Nom: Chantal Ça va?

Salut! Note le vocabulaire. Comment dire en anglais? Bonjour! Salut! Bonsoir! Bonne nuit! Au revoir! Comment t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle… Ça va? Oui, ça va (très bien). Non, ça ne va pas! Vocabulary from the section.

Comment ça s’écrit? As well as introducing pronunciation of the letters of the alphabet, these letters can be used by pupils or teacher to spell out words and to test pupils on their understanding - with the board switched off, pupils listen and write words spelt out by the teacher (useful for practising spellings of recent vocabulary). With higher ability pupils, the teacher could intentionally make spelling mistakes which must be spotted by class.

Comment ça s’écrit? Note la prononciation! A ah B bay N enn C say O oh D day E euh F eff G shay H ash I ee J she K kah L ell M emm N enn O oh P pay Q cue R air S ess T tay U ooo V vay W doubla-vay X ix Y ee-grek Z zed An opportunity for pupils to note the alphabet with (approximate!) pronunciation.

Comment ça s’écrit? Didier Paul Martin Asif Manu David Etienne Pupils read all the names and practise pronunciation, then each name is covered on mouseclick, and pupils can practise the alphabet by spelling each one. This can also be used for oral work. Pupils can respond to the question “Qui est-ce?”, as the teacher or a classmate points at the boys in the photo.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clém… Franç… Dan… Virg… Bri… Sop… Char… Math… Comment ça s’écrit? Trouve les paires! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clém… Franç… Dan… Virg… Bri… Sop… Char… Math… Chan… Nic… …entine …oise …ielle …inie …gitte …hie …lotte …ilde …tal …ole H D G J C E A F I B A B C D E F G H I J …lotte …ole …gitte …oise …hie …ilde …ielle …entine …tal …inie Pupils match up the halves of each of the ten girls’ names. Going over the answers provides an opportunity for more alphabet practice. Answers appear all at once on mouseclick.

Comment ça s’écrit? Transcript: - Votre nom, s’il vous plaît, Madame? - C’est Navarro. N A V A R R O. - Votre adresse, Monsieur? - 9, rue Anouilh. Ca s’écrit A N O U I L H. - Comment vous appelez-vous? - Clémentine Ostrowski. - Ostrowski, comment ça s’écrit? - O S T R O W S K I. - Vous habitez ici à Paris? - Non, à Meylan. - Ca s’écrit comment, Monsieur? - M E Y L A N. - Votre mère, elle est française? - Non, elle est espagnole. - Comment s’appelle-t-elle? - Juanita - Ca s’écrit J U A N I T A? - Oui, c’est ça. - Votre nom de famille? - C’est Vigneswaran. V I G N E S W A R A N.

Qu’est-ce que c’est? Introduction to some classroom objects vocabulary. Click on the red buttons to hear the text and to move through the pictures.

Qu’est-ce que c’est? Transcript: 1 C’est une calculatrice. 2 C’est un sac à dos. 3 C’est un bic. 4 C’est un cahier. 5 C’est un stylo. 6 C’est un livre. 7 C’est un taille-crayon. 8 C’est une règle. 9 C’est un ordinateur. 10 C’est un crayon.

Qu’est-ce que c’est? Here the words for glue, pencil case and rubber are added to the list.

Genders – un and une Read this sentence. What does it mean exactly? C’est un stylo. It means: It is a pen. Which of the words means ‘a’? The word ‘un’ means ‘a’. Now read this sentence. Which word means ‘a’ this time? C’est une règle. This time, the word ‘une’ means ‘a’.

Genders – un and une Why are there two words for ‘a’ in French? It is because in French, all nouns have a gender. They are either masculine or feminine. In the examples you saw, the word for pen (stylo) is masculine, so we put the word ‘un’ in front of it when we want to say ‘a pen’. The word for pencil case (trousse) is feminine, so we put the word ‘une’ in front of it when we want to say ‘a pencil case’.

Genders – un and une Look at the grid below. It tells you which of the words you have met are masculine and which are feminine. stylo bic sac à dos cahier ordinateur livre taille-crayon crayon bâton de colle gomme règle calculatrice trousse MASCULINE FEMININE Can you write each word in your exercise book with the correct French word for ‘a’ next to each one? Then write in the English.

maison garçon fille mère Genders – un and une But how can you tell whether a word is masculine or feminine? It is impossible to tell just by looking at it. You need to check in your dictionary. If the word is masculine it will have the letters ‘nm’ next to it in the dictionary, and if it is feminine you will find the letters ‘nf’ next to it. Use a dictionary to find out whether the words below are masculine or feminine. What do they mean in English? maison garçon fille mère père arbre

Qu’est-ce que c’est? Copie les phrases et remplis les blancs. un 1 3 2 C’est _____ stylo. C’est _____ trousse. C’est _____ sac à dos. C’est _____ bâton de colle. C’est _____ __________. un 1 3 2 une un 6 un 5 4 un bic Answers appear one by one on mouseclick. une gomme 8 une règle 7 un ordinateur

Qu’est-ce que c’est? The words for file (classeur) and felts (feutres) should be taught prior to this exercise.

Qu’est-ce que c’est? The word for clock should be taught prior to this exercise. See question mark for instructions. This may work best if pupils are not allowed to confer, and must put up their hand to give answers!

Genders – le, la and l’ Sometimes, you will want to say ‘the pen’, rather than ‘a pen’. Again you must remember to check whether the word is masculine or feminine. If the word is masculine, you use the word ‘le’: E.g. the pen = le stylo If the word is feminine, you use the word ‘la’: E.g. the ruler = la règle

Genders – le, la and l’ lor-din-at-eur But this time it’s a little bit more complicated. If a word begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u), then you can’t use le or la in front of it, as this makes it quite hard to say. Instead, you put l’ in front of it, whether it is masculine or feminine. E.g. L’ordinateur. When you say it, You run the two words together: lor-din-at-eur

Genders – le, la and l’ Copy out the grid below, this time putting the correct word for ‘the’ in front of each noun. stylo bic sac à dos cahier ordinateur livre taille-crayon crayon bâton de colle gomme règle calculatrice trousse MASCULINE FEMININE Did you spot where you needed l’ instead of le or la?

C’est à qui?

Possession using de Did you notice how to say that something belongs to someone? In English, we say ‘Paul’s pen’. In French it is a bit more long-winded. We need to turn it round, and say ‘the pen of Paul’. Le stylo de Paul Can you see which word means ‘of’? Paul Answer: ‘Of’ is ‘de’ in French!

Possession using de Explain who each of the objects below belongs to. Use the example to help you. Think about whether each word is masculine (le) or feminine (la). E.g. Le stylo de Paul Paul Frédéric Le crayon de Frédéric La règle de Malika Malika Claudine La gomme de Claudine Answers appear one by one on mouseclick.

C’est à qui? Ecris quatre phrases. E.g. C’est le / la / l’ _____ de _____.