Unité 6 Leçon B. Forming yes/no questions  To form a yes/no question in French in the simplest way, add a question mark at the end of the sentence, and.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Unité 6 Leçon B

Forming yes/no questions  To form a yes/no question in French in the simplest way, add a question mark at the end of the sentence, and raise your voice at the end  Modèle: Tu viens de France?

 Add ‘n’est-ce pas’ if you think you already have the correct information  Modèle: Tu viens de France, n’est-ce pas?

Est-ce que  Add ‘est-ce que’ to the front of a sentence to help indicate a yes/no question  Est-ce que does NOT mean anything by itself-it is only an indicator of a question  Est-ce que MUST be followed by a subject and a verb.

Modèles:  Est-ce que tu viens de France?  Est-ce que vous venez d’Espagne?  Est-ce que Mark est allemand?  Est-ce que tu aimes chanter?  Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?

 In front of a vowel, drop the –e in ‘est-ce que’ Est-ce qu’Anne est française? Est-ce qu’il est chinois?

 Create questions using the following verbs. Modèle: skierEst-ce que tu skies? 1. jouer au basket 2. nager 3. danser 4. aller au cinéma 5. manger au fast-food 6. regarder la télé 7. étudier 8. téléphoner

Activité  ask different people the questions that you formed.  If they answer ‘oui’, have them sign their name next to your question.  If they answer ‘non’, move on and find someone else

For more information  To ask questions that need more information than yes/no, add the correct question word/interrogative expression to the sentence

Interrogative expressions  Comment= how  Quand = when  Pourquoi = why  À quelle heure = At what time  Combien = how much  Où= where  D’où= from where

more  Avec qui= with whom  De qui= from/about whom  Pour qui= for whom  À qui= to whom

With est-ce que Place the question word/expression at the beginning of the sentence, then est-ce que, subject, verb Modèle: D’où est-ce que tu viens?

Prepare some follow-up questions to ask the people who answered “yes” to any of your original questions. Modèle: skier (pourquoi) Pourquoi est-ce que tu skies? 1. jouer au basket (avec qui) 2. nager (quand) 3. danser (comment) 4. aller au cinéma (avec qui) 5. manger au fast-food (pourquoi) 6. regarder la télé (à quelle heure) 7. étudier (où) 8. téléphoner (à qui)

Without est-ce que Place the questions word/expression at the front or at the end of the sentence. Modèles: Comment tu t’appelles? Tu t’appelles comment? D’où tu viens? Tu viens d’où?

Exceptions  Qu’est-ce que= what Since it already has ‘est-ce que’ built into it, this expression can ONLY be placed at the beginning of a sentence and MUST be followed by a subject and a verb Qu’est-ce que tu regardes? Qu’est-ce que vous mangez?

Qui Qui is the subject of the sentence, so it must be at the beginning.  The verb is the ‘il/elle’ form Qui parle francais? Qui skie?