Warm up: Write about the day you thought that you were very sick; later on, it turned out to be only an illusion on your part. What happened that day?


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Transcription de la présentation:

Warm up: Write about the day you thought that you were very sick; later on, it turned out to be only an illusion on your part. What happened that day?

Le “grand” malade Vocabulary et expressions: Every word in the text has a meaning and needs to be understood. The tense of each verb used in the text reveals when actions in the narration happen. Meanings of some phrases (expressions) are important in the over all understand of the text.

* Vocabulary last paragraph * Important questions: 1. Pourquoi le narrateur pense qu’il est malade? 2. De quelles maladies il pense de souffrir? 3. Le narrateur parle précisement de sa gorge; comment décrit-il sa gorge? 4. Que fait-il pour se faire soigner?

5. Que lui répond le médecin qui habite près de sa maison? *6. Comment ce médecin gagne t-il sa vie? 7. A l’hôpital, le narrateur est reçu par un autre médecin; comment réagit ce médecin à ce que lui dit le narrateur? 8. Quelle est le résultat final de la consultation?

Also study vocabulary, how to change masculine names into feminine names. Always be focused and ask questions and be eager to learn. Exit ticket ***