Comparaison Culturel Tips and tricks
1 st things 1 st Know the general instructions before the test! You will have 4 minutes to read the topic and prepare your presentation, then you will have 2 minutes to record. You must compare your own community with a francophone community. Read the prompt carefully and complete the task. It typically wants you to compare the attitudes of your community / francophone community towards a subject, not just your personal opinion. KNOW THE TASK!!!!
Comparison Comparison can mean similarities OR differences Be aware of useful comparative words (see handouts / essay powerpoint) Know the correct geographic prepositions for countries and cities Avoid listing similarities, differences
Terms to describe your community Dans (à) Ma communauté Mon quartier Ma ville Mon état Mon pays Mon région Chez moi A mon école
Refer to people as specifically as possible Les gens Les personnes Les ados Les immigrants Les citoyens Les jeunes Les personnes agées Les citadins Les paysans Les gens du pays AVOID “LES CHOSES”, just like the essay.
Beginning Aujourdh’hui je voudrais vous parler des attitudes envers / des manifestations / des rites de passages et de leur importance… Je vais d’abord parler de…. Et ensuite je vais parler de… If you are unsure of time, start with the francophone country!
Scorers are listening for: A personal connection to the topic Your own community, using explanation and description The francophone culture, using comparisons
Dos and don’ts Be as specific as you can in your references eg: AVOID “LES CHOSES”, just like the essay. Watch your time: clock, watch Avoid using tu, use ON instead Avoid repetition Self correction is totally okay KEEP TALKING UNTIL THE BEEP Include personal anecdotes / information you know when you can
Organizing your presentation You may make a graphic or jot notes. Know your needed words and phrases before the test so you don’t waste time writing them down. Ma communauté Key words, phrases Pays francophone Key words, phrases Similarités / Différences