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Publié parMarie-Jeanne Gaulin Modifié depuis plus de 8 années
Activities and songs for Christmas and other celebrations West Essex Regional Support Group Tuesday 13th November
Quiz Celebrations around the world
1. Which European country has the most bank holiday? A. France B. Germany C. Spain D. UK
2. Match each merry christmas to the right language A. Joyeux Noel B. Glredelig Jul C. Froehliche Weihnachten D. Feliz Natal 1. German 2. Portuguese 3. French 4. Danish
3. When do Spanish children traditionally receive presents A. On Christmas Eve B. On Christmas day C. On St Nicholas D. On the feast of Epiphany
4. Where do French children get their christmas presents? A. Under the trees B. In their shoes under the tree C. In stockings D. By the fireplace
5. What is celebrated on the 10th December? A. Human rights day B. European Day of Languages C. Diwali D. Hajj
1. Which European country has the most bank holiday? A. France (11) B. Germany (10) C. Spain (12) D. UK (8) Answer: C - Spain
2. Match each merry christmas to the right language Answers: A. Joyeux Noel: French (3) B. Glredelig Jul: Danish (4) C. Froehliche Weihnachten: German (1) D. Feliz Natal:Portuguese (2)
3. When do Spanish children traditionally receive presents Answer: D. On the feast of Epiphany
4. Where do French children get their Christmas presents? Answer: B - In their shoes under the tree
5. What is celebrated on the 10th December? A. Human rights day (10 th December) B. European Day of Languages (26 th September) C. Diwali (9 th November) D. Hajj (18 th -21 st December) Answer: A – Human Rights Day
Celebrations in your school How have you celebrated different festivals in the past? Have children had the opportunities to: achieve any of the framework objectives Learn/practise words and phrases in the target language
Celebrations in the national documents QCA scheme of work: unit 3 - celebrations KS2 framework for languages: IU3.1 identify social conventions at home and in other cultures IU4.1 learn about festivals and celebrations in different cultures IU5.1 look at further aspects of their everyday lives from the perspective of someone from another country IU6.3 present information about an aspect of culture.
Celebrations around the world Sort out celebration cards to find how countries celebrate some of their festival and their name in the target language. Which skills did you use to understand the names of the celebrations? Are there equivalent celebrations in the UK?
Unit of work: Christmas and the snowman Objective: to develop chidren’s language knowledge using the context of christmas Principles: Revisit previously introduced language Introduce new language that can be revisited in another context Focus on authentic outcome
Practical activities Making calendar throughout the year Singing authentic songs Making props linked to celebrations Using recipes to make traditional dishes
Making a calendar Celebrate Saint days in the target language Make a whole class/school calendar with each class/group focusing on: A month A country/a religion Include for each celebration: Countries where celebrated Description Celebratory phrases in the target language Comparison with UK
♫ Singing traditional song ♫ Practise traditional song in target language Use tune of traditional song but as a class make own lyrics E.g. Jingle Bells Sing song in different languages: E.g. O Christmas tree
Faire un masque pour le carnaval Matériel - de la cartoline - de la peinture: mélange de gouache et de colle blanche - feutre noir - coton gris ( coton trempé dans de l'encre grise puis séché à l'air libre deux jours) - tracer le contour du masque à l'aide d'un gabarit, découper et coller les oreilles. - peindre le masque avec le mélange peinture-ccolle. traver les poils avec le manche du pinceau - découper et coller sur l'envers des dents ( triangles de papier bristol) - coller des sourcils en coton teint au dessus des yeux - fixer à l'aide d'une bande de papier
GALETTE A LA FRANGIPANE Pour 6 personnes, il faut: 2 paquets de pâte feuilletée prête à étaler, 2 œufs, 140 grammes de poudre d'amandes, 110 grammes de beurre, 110 gramme de sucre, 1 cuillerée à café de farine 1 fève. 1. Dans un saladier, coupe en morceaux le beurre. Verse le sucre et mélange. 2. Ajoute les œufs, la poudre d'amandes et la farine. Tourne pour obtenir une crème. 3. Beurre la plaque du four. Déroule la première pâte feuilletée et recouvre-la de crème d'amandes sans aller jusqu'au bord. Cache la fève. 4. pose par-dessus la seconde pâte et appuie bien tout autour. 5. Demande à un adulte d'allumer le four, thermostat 7. Fais cuire la galette 30 minutes.
Where to find information about international celebrations Global gateway - festival and special days: a calendar across the world http://www.globalgateway.org.uk http://www.globalgateway.org.uk Christmas around the world: http://northpole.net/world.htm http://northpole.net/world.htm NACELL – festival and special events www.nacell.org.uk (resources) www.nacell.org.uk BBC – basic information on Christmas in Spain, Italy France and German http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/christmas http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/christmas
Plenary Which framework objectives have been achieved through the shared activities? How can you use these activities in your school?
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