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le lundi 25 avril Bonjour, classe
le lundi 25 avril Bonjour, classe! Si-dessous est le plan pour aujourd’hui… 1 ) Finish the FUTUR SIMPLE EXERCISES SHEET ( if you haven’t already done so ( #31-60 IRREGULAR VERBS) Use your notes or the poster on the back board, if needed. 2) Complete the practice sheet I have left behind for you. 3 )Journal: Write a future simple sentence for each of the following. YOU MUST use the 8 REGULAR VERBS LISTED and conjugate them with the pronoun I have indicated for each irregular verb a) faire (je) b) aller (tu) c) avoir (il or elle / or name of a person) d) savoir (nous) e) voir (vous) f) être (ils) g) vouloir (elles) h) pouvoir (je)
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