Wednesday December 13th, 2017 Module 2/Lesson 5 Parents and Education.

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1 Wednesday December 13th, 2017 Module 2/Lesson 5 Parents and Education


3 School report proud


5 Quarel

6 Use violence (punch)

7 Talk calmly

8 Show support and care

9 Some parents aren’t interested in their children’s education. When children get good grades, their parents don’t praise them. But, they get angry when they get bad marks. grade = mark Praise someone : show that you are happy with words and expressions like « good », « excellent », « good girl », etc




13 Some parents are pushy.  They always tell their children to work hard.  They keep asking their children if they have homework and if they did it.  They share the desk with their children while they do their homework.  They are never satisfied with how hard their kids work. They want them to work harder and harder  They are never satisfied with their children’s grades. They want them to get the best grades.

14 .... Mary thinks that children need a push in the right direction to do well at school. Parents must talk with their kids and help them understand why they should work hard.  Children don’t do well at school  Children won’t get a good job in the future. If children don’t do well at school, they won’t get a good job in the future. Children should do well at school.Otherwise, they won’t get a good job in the future.

15  John thinks parents should help their children and care about them.  If parents are pushy, Otherwise Parents shouldn’t be pushy. Otherwise children will hate school. children will hate school.

16 should Parents should help and care about their children. (advice) = what is good for you  Subject + should + verb (infinitive)  Subject + should not + verb (infinitive) shouldn’t  Should + subject + verb (infinitive)?

17 Fast food

18 fresh juice


20 stay up late

21 respect the school rules/get punished. Otherwise, Pupils should respect the school rules. Otherwise, they will get punished.

22 hurry up/miss the bus Otherwise, You must hurry up. Otherwise, you will miss the bus.

23 Work hard /get good grades Otherwise, You must work hard. Otherwise, you won’t get good grades.

24 What should parents do to help their children in their education?







31 She is scolding her daughter





36 reward


38  Parents should remind their children of their homework.  Parents should help their children in their homework only when necessary.  Parents should contact their children’s teachers regularly.  Parents should advise their children to work hard. They should tell them that hard work enables them to have good grades  Parents should praise and reward their children when they get good marks to encourage them to get better results in the future.

39 Parents should discuss with their children the reasons why they got bad results and find solutions. It is very important that children feel that their parents care, support and understand them.

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