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Title slide as participants arrive.

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Présentation au sujet: "Title slide as participants arrive."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Title slide as participants arrive.
Facilitator: Introduce yourself, your background and your involvement in the development of this resource kit.

2 Pensez à un de vos livres préférés lorsque vous étiez enfant :
Quel âge aviez-vous Quel en était le sujet Pourquoi l’aimiez-vous tant Ask participants to introduce themselves, where they are from and to respond to the questions on the slide. If the group is too large, this can be done in table groups and facilitator can ask for an example or two from each group.

3 Langage et littératie : Dès la naissance… et pour la vie est une trousse de ressources multimédia qui fournit des outils fondés sur la recherche pour aider les intervenantes en services de garde et les éducatrices à aider les jeunes enfants (0 à 6 ans) à faire leurs premiers pas vers la littératie, un voyage de toute une vie Review the purpose of the kit and emphasize the importance of an evidence base for best practice.

4 Langage et littératie : Dès la naissance… et pour la vie est le fruit d’un solide partenariat entre le Réseau canadien de recherche sur le langage et l’alphabétisation (CLLRNet) de la University of Western Ontario et la Fédération canadienne des services de garde à l’enfance (FCSGE) – deux organisations qui partagent un engagement commun de faire le lien entre la recherche et la pratique. Introduce the partners for the project: CLLRNet as the research expert and CCCF as the knowledge broker with experience in creating evidence-based resources for the early learning and child care sector.

5 L’éveil à la lecture et à l’écriture :
La recherche actuelle montre que l’apprentissage de l’écoute, du langage, de la lecture et de l’écriture est un processus graduel qui commence dès la naissance et se continue tout au long de la vie. Many of you may be familiar with the “reading readiness” theory… that children begin to develop language and literacy skills in the first years of school and that teachers play the primary role in fostering these skills. However, most current research is guided by a theory called emergent literacy… that a great deal of language and literacy learning takes place before children enter school. Emergency literacy highlights the importance of families and ELCC practitioners in “planting the seeds” for literacy development. Emergent literacy sees the four pillars of language and literacy – listening, speaking, reading and writing – as interconnected and not sequential in development.

6 The resource kit is a multi-media kit -- the first element is a poster designed to illustrate the key message … Language and Literacy: From Birth… For Life. Here you can see: Early communication – mother and infant Shared reading (we will talk about that more later) Beginning interest in reading Beginning interest in writing Joy on the faces of the young children The puzzle pieces represent the interconnectedness of the four pillars of language and literacy: listening, speaking, reading, writing.

7 Je grandis et je communique
Association canadienne des orthophonistes et audiologistes Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec Réseau canadien de recherche sur le langage et l’alphabétisation Also included in this kit is a folded poster that we refer to as the “growth chart”… not in the usual sense of physical growth but rather “Growing and Talking”…a visual illustration of the developmental progress of young children in language and literacy. This chart was originally developed by: Canadian Association of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec, and Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network This chart was broadly disseminated by the three partners who developed it and they gave the project team to update it and reprint it for this kit for early learning and child care practitioners. Every element of this kit is bilingual but in the case of the brochures that support the growth chart, there are three brochures … two in French: one that is specific to Quebec and one that uses French terminology more commonly used outside Quebec.

8 Sommaire de recherche par Michelle Waese et Rachael Millard
Since we believe in evidence-based practice, the foundation of this resource kit is a summary of what we know about language and literacy development in young children written by two CLLRNet colleagues – Michelle Waese and Rachael Millard. An Advisory Committee of researchers and faculty in universities and colleges across Canada guided the development of the paper, reviewing it for accuracy and relevance. The paper was edited for plain language by CCCF Communications Manager Lana Crossman.

9 Sommaire de recherche (suite)
Ce sommaire « vise à enrichir les connaissances que possèdent les intervenantes auprès de la petite enfance concernant l’acquisition du langage et l’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture… et propose de nouvelles façons d’améliorer encore plus leur pratique professionnelle. » We know that early learning and child care practitioners play a key role in supporting the development of language and literacy for young children 0-6 and… We also know that child care practitioners are already doing many activities in support of emergent language and literacy… Therefore, this paper and the whole kit are intended to inform that practice and provide ideas for its enhancement.

10 Sommaire de recherche : Introduction
Discussion sur l’éveil à la lecture et à l’écriture et ses implications pour les intervenantes auprès de la petite enfance The introduction summarizes emergent literacy and what child care practitioners can do to support optimal language and literacy development for the young children in their care. We will return to emergent literacy a bit later in this workshop.

11 Sommaire de recherche (suite)
Les stades de développement de l’enfant de la naissance à 6 ans Children’s language and literacy development is a complicated process influenced by their biology and their environment. Most follow a typical progression through a series of developmental milestones. However, the age at which they reach these milestones varies from child to child depending on gender, language experience, socioeconomic status and to a lesser degree birth order. There are also many variations in these milestones any time a range is described (for example Toddlers (18-24 months) “use at least 50 but may use as many as 550 words”…. this range indicates the span between the lowest 10% and the top 10% of children in the reference group). Despite this variability, an understanding of the various stages can help ELCC practitioners in monitoring and promoting growth.

12 Sommaire de recherche (suite)
Aider les enfants à établir des liens dans les milieux de garde et d’apprentissage de la petite enfance This section describes how practitioners use a variety of evidence-based strategies to build children’s language and literacy skills [elaborate on these as time permits]: Print awareness Letter knowledge Phonological awareness… (sounds) Vocabulary (On average, children hear between 250 and 3600 words per hour!) Writing and written language (from scribbling to writing their own name to writing simple messages like “I love you”) Environmental print (logos, magazines, Mom making a list, reading a recipe)… a print-rich environment is a key to success Extended interactions…. e.g. shared reading (before, during and after the reading) Modeling (modeling correct language not correcting a grammar mistake) Literacy through play – we all know that play is learning! Literacy through multi-media (computers, television etc.)

13 Sommaire de recherche (suite)
Réflexion, observation et consignation de notes ELCC practitioners regularly assess and evaluate: The progress of the children in their programs The success of the programs they offer to support the children’s development as well as Their own practice. The summary of research analyzes various methods of evaluation [elaborate as time permits]: Observation Anecdotal recording Running record keeping When observing children, it is particularly useful to observe them in play using Checklists Rating scales Frequency lists Portfolios The results of the recorded observations are very useful for facilitating conversations with parents about their child’s development. The self-reflection tool in the document provides some food for thought on one’s own program and practice in supporting and protecting each child’s communications skills (page 24) While is may be tempting to say “Yes I do all of those things” the self-reflection tool should be used to identify where you can do better! Have a look at page 24 and think about what you do best and what you would like to work on enhancing.

14 Sommaire de recherche (suite)
Tisser des liens avec les familles et la collectivité This section looks at how each child brings a unique combination of experiences when she enters child care and how the ELCC practitioner needs to embrace the cultures and characteristics of the community and the families they serve. Consideration should be given to learning traditional languages and learning the language of the service as a second language. Invite participants to share their experiences on this topic.

15 Sommaire de recherche (suite) Écrit en termes clairs et simples
Renferme un glossaire et une bibliographie exhaustive The summary of research is a very useful tool for reviewing and enhancing the research base for your practice. It is written in plain language and includes a glossary of terminology that may not be familiar as well as references for further reading.

16 Feuilles-ressources (6) Donner vie aux thèmes grâce à :
un jeune enfant plein d’imagination David son éducatrice Beth ses parents Rose et Frank et son ami Hamid Slides 16-18: The six resource sheets bring the themes of the research paper to life. Each resource sheet describes a part of a young child’s life and how his language and literacy development is supported in his daily relationships and environments.

17 Feuilles-ressources 1. Voici David : Le cheminement d’un enfant sur la route du langage et de la littératie 2. Comment Beth l’éducatrice de David favorise l’acquisition du langage et la littératie Le savoir au service de garde : Comment Beth observe et prend des notes sur les progrès de David Comment les parents de David favorisent l’acquisition du langage et la littératie Review and describe David’s language and literacy development through the six resource sheets.

18 Feuilles-ressources Apprendre une nouvelle langue à la maison : Comment Rose enseigne à David à parler sa langue traditionelle et comment Beth intègre la culture de David dans sa journée au service de garde Apprendre une langue seconde au service de garde : Comment Beth encourage et soutient Hamid et ses parents

19 Une trousse de présentation pour six modules de formation :
CD-Rom Une trousse de présentation pour six modules de formation : Guides pour les ateliers Acétates PowerPoint Vidéoclips Documentation Lectures additionnelles . Show CD-Rom two CD-Rom video clips as exampes: Mayfield #2 and one clip from the demonstration centre at the University of Western Ontario. Note to facilitator: it may be complex to set up the slides and the videos depending on time and the equipment available.

20 Les modules peuvent servir à plusieurs fins : Formation personnelle
Formation en milieu de travail Perfectionnement professionnel Programmes destinés aux parents The six workshop modules are multi-purpose… [review list on slide] While each module is a complete unit with learning objectives, audio-video supports and activities, we are going to involve you in a few of the activities that present key messages, that give you a flavour of the kit and that hopefully are feasible in a group of this size.

21 Jeu de rôle sur le « parler » en dyades
Un enfant très timide; un adulte Essayez de maintenir la conversation pour au moins 5 échanges Renversez les rôles et recommencez Qu’avez-vous appris de cette expérience? Introduce the exercise with the slide. Ask participants to work in groups of two and then report back to the large group on what they learned.

22 Langue orale Lors d’une conversation, il y a certaines règles que l’on doit suivre, telles que parler à tour de rôle et écouter, et faire le lien avec ce que l’autre personne a dit. Review of this important rule and ask for any comments/additions/suggestions.

23 La plupart des adultes accordent aux enfants une seconde
FAIT : La plupart des adultes accordent aux enfants une seconde pour répondre à une question. How many people know this? Find it surprising or even unbelievable?

24 La prochaine fois que je converse avec un enfant,
Mon engagement : La prochaine fois que je converse avec un enfant, Je _______________________. Ask each person to make one personal ommitment…

25 La lecture partagée est une façon de parler ensemble
Avant : Présentez l’histoire et le livre Pendant : Qui? Quoi? Quand? Pourquoi? Comment? Après : Discutez de ce qui s’est passé Emphasize the importance of the heading on this slide. Demonstrate how to do this with a children’s book.

26 Observation et consignation de notes
Liste de vérification pour la période de lecture Voir feuille-ressources 3 For information on observation and recording see Resource Sheet #3.

27 Un moment de littératie
Avez-vous déjà été témoin d’un moment de « littératie »? Un moment où un enfant a fait le lien important qui existe entre les sons et les mots, par exemple, ou entre les mots et les lettres? D’après vous, comment l’enfant s’est-il senti? Qu’avez-vous ressenti? Open discussion on literacy moments.

28 Distribution à : Plus de intervenantes auprès de la petite enfance 900 délégués à des conférences de partenaires 130 programmes de formation en DPE Ministères des 13 provinces et territoires Autres groupes qui offrent du PP aux personnes travaillant avec les enfants de 0 à 6 ans

29 Any questions? Any comments?

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