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The Perfect Tense with Etre
The tense which shows you mean the past
To speak in the past you have to use either “Avoir” or “Etre”
95 % of verbs work with avoir The rest go with être To use the perfect tense successfully you must be able to use these two verbs confidently and accurately
Etre [means “to be” ] Je suis nous sommes Tu es vous êtes
It goes like this …………. Je suis nous sommes Tu es vous êtes il/elle/on est ils/elles sont
The verb “etre” in the right form
Using Etre The verb “etre” in the right form Je suis + nous sommes +
Using Etre & the action in the past allé Je suis nous sommes allés
Using Etre & the action in the past Je suis nous sommes parti partis
Using Etre Je suis nous sommes resté restés
Using Etre Je suis nous sommes arrivé arrivés
Dr RRR Pavemants MD Devenir to become Entrer to enter
Revenir to come back Mourir to die Rentrer to go home Arriver to arrive Retourner to return Naitre to be born Rester to stay Tomber to fall Partir to leave Sortir to go out Aller to go Monter to climb up Venir to come Descendre to go down
Dr RRR Pavemants MD Devenu have become Entré have entered
Revenu have come back Mort have died!! Rentré have gone home Arrivé have arrived Retourné have returned Né have been born Resté have stayed Tombé have fallen Parti have left Sorti have gone out Allé have gone Monté have climbed up Venu have come Descendu have gone down
Putting it all together with être
Choose the right part of être Work out the past participle of the verb Stick them together Check agreement…… je suis allé [for a boy] but nous sommes allés [for 2 people]
Putting it all together with être & avoir
Decide which verb is needed [95% or 5%] Choose the right part of être or avoir Work out the past participle of the verb Stick them together je suis allé /nous sommes allés j’ai fait / nous avons fait
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