S1 descriptions You are going to create a comic in French with others in your class. You will use what you have learned to describe a comic character of.

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Présentation au sujet: "S1 descriptions You are going to create a comic in French with others in your class. You will use what you have learned to describe a comic character of."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 S1 descriptions You are going to create a comic in French with others in your class. You will use what you have learned to describe a comic character of your choice. Today – to learn more adjectives to describe character 1

2 Les Bandes Dessinées

3 Astérix (et Obélix)

4 Tintin (et Milou )

5 Gaston

6 Boule et Bill

7 Spirou et Fantasio

8 Lucky Luke (et Jolly Jumper)

9 Tintin Astérix Bill et boule Gaston Idéfix Obélix 1 2 3 6 4 5

10 More adjectives Gros Courageux Actif Paresseux Petit Grand Intelligent Bavard Rusé Marrant Maladroit fat brave active lazy small big intelligent chatty cunning funny clumsy Go over and practise pronunciation

11 Astérix Il est p____, a_____ et i_______
Tintin Il est c________ et r______ Gaston Il est p_____ et m________ Obélix Il est g____ et m_______ Milou - Il est très p____, i______ et c__________ Listening – read out sentences and get pupils to fill in the answers and translate into English (answers on next slide)

12 Astérix Il est petit, actif et intelligent
Tintin Il est courageux et rusé Gaston Il est paresseux et maladroit Obélix Il est gros et marrant Milou - Il est très petit, intelligent et courageux Listening – read out sentences and get pupils to fill in the answers and translate into English (answers on next slide)

13 Astérix Il est petit, actif et intelligent
He is small, energetic and clever Tintin Il est courageux et rusé He is brave and crafty Gaston Il est paresseux et maladroit He is lazy and clumsy Obélix Il est gros et marrant He is fat and funny Milou - Il est très petit, intelligent et courageux He is very small, clever and brave Listening – read out sentences and get pupils to fill in the answers and translate into English (answers on next slide)

14 Tasks 1 Copy adjectives in French and English in back of jotter 2 Stick listening sheets into jotter (front) 3 Play pairs to practise adjectives Go over tasks – you’ll need to leave adjectives on the board

15 S1 descriptions You are going to create a comic in French with others in your class. You will use what you have learned to describe a comic character of your choice. Today – to learn more adjectives to describe character 15

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