Les adjectifs démonstratifs et interrogatifs Unité 1.

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1 Les adjectifs démonstratifs et interrogatifs Unité 1

2 ©NicoleRichelle this masculinefeminineplural point outdemonstrate this that thesethose thing

3 L’adjectif démonstratif ce L’adjectif démonstratif is used to point out specific people or things. It must ALWAYS agree with the gender and number of the noun it introduces. L’adjectif démonstratif is ALWAYS placed in front of the noun. L’adjectif démonstratif means “this”, “that”, “these” or “those”

4 Les formes

5 ©NicoleRichelle ce cette ces cettes


7 ©NicoleRichelle cet vowel M V S asculine owel ingular un homme un imper un hôtelun hôpital un appareil-photo masculine singular

8 ©NicoleRichelle This girl is my British friend. This boy is my brother. These pens are blue. These shoes are black. We live in this red apartment.

9 cette I like this car. cette We prefer this house. cesI’m buying these dresses. cet She likes this computer. ce He’s buying this bike. ces I like these shoes.

10 thisthat this thatci là dash

11 That girl is tall. This boy is handsome. These pens are expensive and those pens are a good deal. emphasis must

12 ©NicoleRichelle

13 cette I want this dress. ceWe like this book. cette I’m buying this tie. cet She likes this raincoat. cette He doesn’t like that shirt. ces Do you like these tights?

14 ©NicoleRichelle Cette jupe est jaune. Ces chaussures sont grandes. Ces chaussettes sont vertes. Ce stylo est bleu. Cette ville est petite.

15 ©NicoleRichelle Cet Cet homme est mon ami. Cet Cet imper est vert. Ce café est sympa. Ce restaurant est petit. Ces lunettes sont roses.

16 Les adjectifs interogatifs Les adjectifs interrogatifs mean “what?” or “which?”. Les adjectifs interrogatifs MUST agree with the gender and number of the noun it describes.

17 ©NicoleRichelle Which? masculinefeminineplural What? multiple thing

18 Les formes

19 ©NicoleRichelle quel quelle quels quelles speaking writing

20 ©NicoleRichelle Which girl in British? Which boy is your brother? Which pens are blue? Which shoes are less expensive?

21 Quelle Which car do you like? Quelle Which house do you prefer? Quelles Which dresses do you like? Quel Which shorts are you wearing? Quel Which bike are you buying? Quel Which computer is more expensive? ©NicoleRichelle

22 demonstrative Which? demonstrative answer Which girl in British? This girl is my British friend. Which boy is your brother? This boy is my brother.

23 ©NicoleRichelle Quelle cette QuelsCes

24 ©NicoleRichelle

25 Quelle Which dress do you want? quel Which book do we like? quelle He’s wearing which tie? Quel Which raincoat does she want? Quelle Which shirt is on sale? Quels Which tights are you wearing?

26 ©NicoleRichelle Quelle jupe veux-tu? Quelles chaussures sont grandes? Quelles chaussettes sont vertes? Quel stylo est bleu? Quel garçon est sympa?

27 ©NicoleRichelle Quelle fille est grande? Quel homme est ton père? Quel imper est vert? Quel café est sympa? Quel restaurant est petit?

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