Possessive Adjectives 1.You use possessive adjectives to show possession or ownership. They must agree with the nouns they modify in gender (masculine.

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Présentation au sujet: "Possessive Adjectives 1.You use possessive adjectives to show possession or ownership. They must agree with the nouns they modify in gender (masculine."— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Possessive Adjectives 1.You use possessive adjectives to show possession or ownership. They must agree with the nouns they modify in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural). 2.Study the following forms of the possessive adjectives on the following chart:

2 Masc singFem singPluriel mon pèrema mèremes parents ton pèreta mèretes parents son pèresa mèreses parents notre aminotre amienos ami(e)s votre amivotre amievos ami(e)s leur amileur amieleurs ami(e)s 1.Son, sa, ses can mean either « his » or « her. » The agreement is with the item owned, not the owner. 2.Before a masculine or feminine singular noun that begins with a vowel or silent h, you use mon, ton, or son. 3.The adjectives notre, votre, and leur are used with both masculine and feminine singular nouns.

3 Devoir Text: A, C p99-100 (avec partenaire) Text: B, p99 (dans votre cahier spiral) WB: Ex E-F pp 32-33 TM: Act B, C, D pp. 47-48

4 Pratique—Traduisez en francais! 1.his mother sa mère 2.your parents tes parents 3.my books mes livres 4.your homework ton devoir 5.her house sa maison 6.my teacher ma/mon professeur 7.my school mon école 8.my pencils mes crayons 9.your sandwich ton sandwich 10.her dog son chien

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