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Publié parValentin Riviere Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Jalane is coming to Windsor You will interview her, in French, for the school paper. Page 127 # 5 You will interview her, in French, for the school paper. Page 127 # 5 You can only ask 5 questions. You can only ask 5 questions. Use VOUS not tu! Use VOUS not tu! Use est-ce que or inversion… Use est-ce que or inversion… Exemple: Exemple: Doù est-ce que vous ê tes? Doù est-ce que vous ê tes? Doù ê tes-vous? Doù ê tes-vous?
Entrevue avec Jalane I was first introduced to Jalane in my french class. We watched the music video of Ma Musique, at first I thought it was just another pop song, but by the end I could not stop dancing at my desk. I then downloaded some other songs and loved them all ! I bought the cd. If you enjoy pop music with a European twist, this is a cd i highly recommend. Tom
Interview with Jalane Who is she? Encore des videos: Femmes Ma musique Lyrics of Jalane songs
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