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Publié parRomaine Munoz Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
This weeks Information Sheet includes a PowerPoint by 3 rd year Modern Languages students about Haitis recent disaster
In 2009, Haiti was hit hard by tropical storms and hurricanes, killing almost 800 people. With food prices increasing, it would have been extremely difficult to cope in that situation. En 2009 Haïti a été frappé des orages tropicaux et des ouragans, tuant presque 800 personnes. Avec laugmentation des prix de la nourriture, il aurait été extremement difficile de sortir de cette situation.
An earthquake measuring around 7 on the Richter scale. It destroyed many homes and buildings, and trapped people underneath the rubble. Un tremblement de terre mesuré à 7 sur léchelle de Richter. Il a détruit de nombreuses maisons et immeubles, et a piégé les personnes sous les débris.
En Haïti ils poussent du riz, des pommes de terre, des cacahuètes, des bananes, du maïs et des haricots rouges. Chaque année presque toute la récolte est perdue à cause des ouragans. Ils perdent aussi beaucoup à cause des indondations. In Haiti they grow rice, potatoes, peanuts, corn, bananas and kidney beans. Haitians grow all of these but nearly all of their crops are lost to hurricanes every year. Everything they purchase is washed away by the floods.
Cela signifie que la nourriture dont ils ont besoin a disparu et la qualité de vie est devenue encore pire. Avec une population aussi importante, lalimentation est cruciale pour nourrir des familles grandissantes mais tout a été perdu au tremblement de terre et les précédents ouragans. This means the food they badly needed is gone and the quality of life has become even worse. With such a large population, the food is crucial to feed growing families but has all been lost in earthquake and previous hurricanes.
In Haiti the average wage before the earthquake struck was 145 gourds (in Sterling thats £5) 1 American dollar is worth 40.25 gourds. En Haïti le salaire moyen avant le tremblement de terre a été 145 gourdes (5 livres) 1 dollar américain vaut 40,25 gourdes.
Who were: William Robertson Smith, Margaret Home Sievewright, John Ewart and David Syme? They all emigrated from East Lothian and became important figures in their new countries. Find out more about them in the exhibition "Rags to Riches" in the school library.
Fairtrade Fortnight Rawr Cafe When and Where? The Cafe will be in Mr Lessos old room opposite guidance. Lunchtimes next week from Monday 1 st to Wednesday 3 rd of March. Details There will be free tea and coffee and if you wish to indulge yourself cakes will be available to purchase. All items will be fairtrade or made from fairtrade ingredients. Look out for the flyers. If you find the one with the animal picture you win a free cake.
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