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Gestion d'un centre informatique orienté services Gestion des charges de travail PlateSpin®
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Le centre informatique orienté services
Earlier this morning, you heard from my colleagues about some recent data center trends. You heard how data centers today are evolving into service-driven data centers – ones that provide new levels of flexibility for maximizing resources, reducing time to launch, and simplifying provisioning. Organizations today are being driven by competitive pressures to adopt a service-driven data center approach – one which views traditional data center assets and resources in the form of flexible, utility-like resources that ultimately enable core business services. These service-driven data centers look holistically at how effectively service level agreements are being met, for both internal and external stakeholders. And organizations continually build, measure and manage their service-driven data center, to ensure they are meeting SLAs in the most effective and efficient manner, and optimizing their data center resources. Today, I'd like to talk some more about one aspect of this continual cycle – build. In order to build a service-driven data center, you need as your foundation an agile IT infrastructure.
Gestion d'un centre informatique orienté services
1 2 3 Cette formation aborde les sujets suivants :
Comment la gestion des charges de travail permet de résoudre les principaux problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les centres informatiques 2 Approche pragmatique de l'optimisation des investissements en termes de consolidation des serveurs 3 Comment la reprise après sinistre consolidée a transformé la continuité des opérations
PlateSpin relève trois défis
Gestion des coûts Gestion des performances Gestion des risques The PlateSpin Workload Management solution from Novell address three key challenge areas in the data center – cost management - through our ongoing server consolidation and data center relocation capabilities performance management – through our virtual machine management and hardware migration capabilities – risk management - though our disaster recovery and availability capabilities this session we will focus specifically on server consolidation and disaster recovery 5
54 % Les outils de gestion déterminent les décisions d'achat
54 % des entreprises placent la comparaison des fournisseurs et les outils de gestion en tête des critères de virtualisation des serveurs Les outils de gestion et l'intégration à votre infrastructure informatique existante constituent des critères de décision clés A recent survey found that 54% of server virtualization inquiries included questions on vendor selection and management tools. Some companies wanted hypervisor recommendations while others focused on the management tools necessary to administer virtual servers. Savings and best practices at 26% - ideal servers to consolidate at 21% - consolidation ratio at 14% were other top inquiries. Looking forward, hypervisor performance will become less of purchasing factor, decisions will be made based on the management tools and their ability to integrate with your existing IT infrastructure 30 septembre 2008 – Inquiry Spotlight: Server Virtualization, Q (Requête : virtualisation des serveurs, troisième trimestre 2008) - Forrester 6
Pourquoi la gestion des charges de travail?
Une seule solution de gestion pour un environnement informatique hétérogène Utilisation optimale de votre environnement informatique existant (physique et virtuel) Réduction de vos charges de gestion informatique et opérationnelles Optimisation des performances des ressources des serveurs Limitation des risques encourus et réduction des temps hors service One management solution for mixed IT environment Leverage existing IT environment (physical and virtual) Reduce IT management and operational costs Maximize and optimize server resource performance Mitigate business risk and reduce downtime 7
Consolidation de serveurs
39 % 42 % 43 % 24 % La virtualisation en quelques chiffres
39 % des entreprises envisagent d'adopter la virtualisation de leurs serveurs seront virtuels atteignent un rapport de consolidation de 3:1 souhaitent atteindre un rapport de consolidation de 10:1 42 % 43 % 24 % Virtualization at a glance… 39% of enterprises have indicated they have already implemented or are planning to implement server virtualization and they expect that 42% of all their servers will be virtual 43% have an average consolidation ratio between 3 to 1 and 5 to 1 while 24% are expecting to achieve greater consolidation ratios between 6 to 1 and 10 to 1 in the future With consolidation ratios starting to play a larger role in today’s data center – the management tools needed to manage virtual environments begins to play larger role 30 septembre 2008 – Inquiry Spotlight: Server Virtualization, Q (Requête : virtualisation des serveurs, troisième trimestre 2008) - Forrester 9
Pourquoi PlateSpin? La virtualisation continue à déterminer la technologie informatique La consolidation de serveurs est une initiative informatique essentielle Compte tenu des faibles rapports de consolidation, les entreprises ne tirent pas entièrement profit de la virtualisation en termes de coûts et de performances Les centres informatiques sont composés de plates- formes et d'hyperviseurs hétérogènes qui requièrent une optimisation permanente Virtualization continues to be primary IT technology Server consolidation is a essential IT initiative Companies are not realizing full cost and performance benefits virtualization due to poor consolidation ratios Data centers are a mix of different platforms and hypervisors that require ongoing optimization 10
Consolidation permanente des serveurs
La consolidation des serveurs et la gestion de la capacité virtuelle optimisent vos investissements informatiques tout en améliorant constamment les performances et l'optimisation Migration unique Consolidation des serveurs Gestion de la capacité virtuelle Ongoing Server Consolidation… Server consolidation and virtual capacity management maximize your IT investments while delivering ongoing performance and optimization One time migrations and small scale consolidation projects are easily handled by free migration tools and other basic P2V products… sophisticated management tools are typically not needed for these types of one off projects Enterprise wide server consolidation initiatives such as those being implemented in large and very large enterprises require upfront planning and are part of a larger IT strategy to reduce costs and maximize server performance… Virtual capacity management is a post consolidation, ongoing IT initiative that companies are now embarking on – this solution focuses on profiling your virtual environment on an regular basis to right size virtual machine allocation in an effort to reclaim unused server resources for new virtual machines With current server consolidation ratios averaging between 3 to 1 and 5 to1 – enterprises are not capitalizing on powerful server resources that are capable of easily running up to 15 virtual machines with little risk and no additional technology. 11
Performances permanentes
Coûts, performances et risques P2V (Physique vers Virtuel) unique Consolidation de serveurs Gestion de la capacité virtuelle Risques Risques Risques permanents Performances Performances Performances permanentes Coût 21 Coût Coûts permanents Platespin workload management is the only solution that can deliver – cost – performance – and risk benefits – when dealing with a large scale, business-critical, enterprise consolidation initiatives across multiple data center locations Our virtual capacity management solution addresses these three challenge areas on an ongoing basis - maximizing your consolidation investments One time P2V and small scale consolidation projects deliver on cost but fail to address the risks associated with migrations and future performance challenges due to poor resource allocation and consolidation ratios 12
Nos atouts Plus de 500 migrations 100 migrations ou moins
(volume important, stratégiques, en direct) 100 migrations ou moins (faible volume, non stratégiques, hors ligne) P2V (Physique vers Virtuel) unique (conversions hors ligne de base) Performances, coûts, risques Our solutions are designed for large and very enterprises with the need to consolidate hundreds of servers we can migrate even your most business-critical servers without taking them offline, moving them across multiple data centers located anywhere in the world our unique testing capabilities allows for risk free workload migrations – providing you with peace of mind knowing your workloads will run in their new virtual environment 13
Notre approche – La planification
Dresser l'inventaire Synchroniser Recueillir Tester Planifier Let’s take a look at our approach… The planning phase has three key parts – server inventory – utilization collection - and consolidation planning. Our PlateSpin Recon product allows you discover and identify all the servers in your data center You can collect server utilization data over several days, weeks and months to better understand how these resources are being utilized allowing you properly identify utilization candidates PlateSpin Recon automatically creates consolidation plans that define “best-fit” scenarios to ensure the right workloads are matched to the right resources. Migrer 14
Identifier les ressources Recueillir les données d'utilisation
Démo du produit PlateSpin Recon Identifier les ressources Recueillir les données d'utilisation Développer des scénarios de consolidation Now let’s take a closer a look at PlateSpin Recon… 15
Notre approche – La migration
Dresser l'inventaire Mettre en service Recueillir Tester Planifier Now let’s take a look at the three parts of the migration phase… migrating workloads – the testing of the workload – and making the new workload live Our PlateSpin Migrate product allows you move server workload without having to take workloads offline– this is an important when migrating business-critical workloads that you can’t afford to have down The testing process ensure the new workload will run as predicted in the new environment once testing is complete and you ready to live with your new virtual workload – PlateSpin Migrate allows you to sync any changes that have occurred to the workload to ensure your new workload is up to date Migrer 16
Migrer les charges de travail sélectionnées
Démo du produit PlateSpin Migrate Migrer les charges de travail sélectionnées Tester les charges de travail dans le nouvel environnement Synchroniser les modifications et mettre en service Now let’s take a closer a look at PlateSpin migrate… 17
Reprise après sinistre
76 % 87 % Le marché en quelques chiffres
76 % des entreprises ont déclaré un sinistre ou subi une importante interruption d'activité* Panne d'électricité 42 % - Catastrophe naturelle 33 % - Panne du matériel informatique 31 % 87 % des entreprises jugent essentielle l'amélioration des fonctionnalités de reprise après sinistre** Coût des temps hors service 56 % - Amélioration de la disponibilité des serveurs stratégiques 52 % - Nécessité de rester en ligne 24h/24 et 7j/7 48 % - Risque accru 44 % A study found that 76% of enterprises have declared a disaster or experienced a major business disruption Power Failure at 42% - Natural Disaster at 33% and IT Hardware Failure at 31% were among the leading causes of downtime… A similar study found that 87% of enterprises have indicated that improving disaster recovery capabilities is critical IT initiative Leading drivers of this initiative are the Cost of Downtime at 56% - Improving Mission Critical Availability at 52% - Requirement to keep business running 24/7 at 48% and Increased Business Risk at 44% *3 avril 2008 – Building The Business Case for Disaster Recovery Spending (Établissement de l'argument commercial pour les dépenses de reprise après sinistre) – Forrester **5 juin 2008 – The Forrester Wave : Disaster Recovery Services Providers (Fournisseurs de services de reprise après sinistre, deuxième trimestre 2008) - Forrester 19
Deux approches communes
Haute disponibilité Reprise après sinistre Protection des applications Grappe locale Centre d'assistance distant Protection des données Sauvegarde sur bande Imagerie Hautes performances (coûteux) Perte de données maximale admissible (PDMA ou RPO – Recovery Point Objective) et délai maximal d'interruption admissible (DMIA ou RTO – Recovery Time Objective) proches de zéro Performances médiocres (bon marché) Perte de données maximale admissible (PDMA ou RPO – Recovery Point Objective) et délai maximal d'interruption admissible (DMIA ou RTO – Recovery Time Objective) (en jours) lents Coût élevé Infrastructure redondante Faible coût (non pratique) Plusieurs jours nécessaires à la reconstruction There are two common approaches enterprises take when implementing a business continuity solution… high availability and disaster recovery… Let’s take a closer at these these two solutions to see how they compare… High availability, is used primarily for application protection - it leverages clustering technology and remote hot sites to ensure real-time recovery and availability Disaster Recovery, primarily for data protection uses tape and imaging technologies to store data offsite in the event of downtime HA provides exceptional performance with near zero “recovery time objectives” and “recovery point objectives”… two very important metrics when gauging the effectiveness of a high availability solution – the problem is - high performance - also comes at a high price Disaster Recovery delivers poor performance with extremely poor “recovery time objectives” and “recovery point objectives” taking in some cases up to a week to successfully recover and rebuild lost data Considering the three main challenge areas data centers face today – cost, performance and risk – HA easily addresses “performance” and “risk” but falls short on cost forcing organizations to invest the up to 80% of their Business Continuity budget to implement them Disaster Recovery is a price leader – but not only falls short in performance and risk – it is simply not a practical and efficient way to protect your business Adresse Performances, risques (ne correspondent pas à des coûts) Adresse Coût (ne correspond pas à des performances ou risques) 20
L'approche PlateSpin Let’s look at how PlateSpin solves Business Continuity… 21
Reprise après sinistre consolidée
La reprise après sinistre consolidée rapproche les solutions haute disponibilité très coûteuses et les solutions de reprise après sinistre inadéquates Haute disponibilité et mise en grappe Reprise après sinistre consolidée Reprise après sinistre At a glance… Consolidated disaster recovery leverages virtualization technology to create warm standby servers that can restore business operations is just minutes… Consolidated disaster recovery bridges the gap between expensive high availability and inadequate disaster recovery solutions offering organizations a new way to deliver a fast, effective and practical way, to cost effectively protect servers in the event of downtime Prior to virtualization and sophisticated workload management tools - there were no business continuity solutions that could deliver a fast, effective and practical way to protect servers at an affordable price 22
Coûts, performances et risques
Haute disponibilité et mise en grappe Reprise consolidée Sauvegarde sur bande et imagerie Risques Risques Risques Performances Performances Performances Coût Coût Coût Only PlateSpin consolidated disaster recovery can deliver cost, performance risk benefits… As we mentioned earlier… high availability and clustering solutions delivered high performance and mitigated business risk… but failed to deliver on price Tape and imagine solutions are extremely affordable but fail to mitigate risk and meet the performance today’s businesses demand 23
Budget alloué à la reprise après sinistre
NIVEAU 1 : Sur-assuré 80 % NIVEAU 2 : Assuré BUDGET CONSACRÉ À LA CONTINUITÉ DES OPÉRATIONS 20 % NIVEAUX 3 ET 4 : Sous-assuré Business continuity budgets over-insure top-tier servers while under-insuring the majority of servers If you look at how your disaster recovery budget is broken down – up to 80% is spent on protecting Tier 1 servers – these are your mission critical servers vital to running your business – these servers typically make up a small portion of your data center The question you have to ask is “how do you protect the balance of your servers with only 20% of your budget?” Your Tier 2 servers are deemed business-critical – meaning you can afford to have these servers offline but only for very short periods of times – again this group of servers requires more expensive recovery solutions as extended downtime is simply not an option… Your Tier 3 and 4 servers are traditionally under insured - these are important but not critical to the business and can in some cases be down for days until they can be restored... Again not a viable or practical solution for today's business Les budgets consacrés à la continuité des opérations « sur-assurent » les serveurs du niveau supérieur et « sous-assurent » la majorité des serveurs 24
Évaluation du délai de reprise en heures
Temps hors service 46 % des entreprises espèrent une reprise de leurs applications stratégiques en 10 heures maximum 65 % des entreprises espèrent une reprise de leurs applications d'entreprise essentielles en 10 heures maximum Perte de données 65 % des entreprises limitent les pertes de données stratégiques à 10 heures maximum 51 % des entreprises limitent les pertes de données d'entreprise essentielles à 10 heures maximum How do you measure recovery time… Growing business demands and advancements in technology have driven recovery time objectives (or the measure of downtime) and recovery point objectives (the measure of data loss) to now be measured in hours instead of days. According to a survey, 46% of enterprises expect to recover mission-critical applications in 10 hours or less, and 65% of companies expect to recover business-critical applications in 10 hours or less. When it comes to data loss - 65% of companies expect to limit data loss for mission-critical applications to 10 hours or less, and 51% of companies expect to limit data loss for business-critical applications to 10 hours or less. Metrics easily delivered by the PlateSpin consolidated disaster recovery solution… 3 avril 2008 – Building The Business Case for Disaster Recovery Spending (Établissement de l'argument commercial pour les dépenses de reprise après sinistre) – Forrester 25
La reprise consolidée offre 97 % à 99,999 % de temps de fonctionnement
Pourcentage de temps de fonctionnement 99,99% ou plus (hors service moins de 1 heure par an) 97 % - 99,99 % (hors service entre 1 heure et 11 jours par an) TEMPS DE FONCTIONNEMENT 97 % ou moins (hors service plus de 11 jours par an) Consolidated disaster recovery can deliver % uptime… this translates to server downtime between 1 hour and 11 days in a single year… (need something here) La reprise consolidée offre 97 % à 99,999 % de temps de fonctionnement 26
Perte de données maximale admissible (PDMA)
Mesures de reprise de protection Solution Coût Perte de données maximale admissible (PDMA) Délai maximal d'interruption admissible (DMIA) Délai maximal de test admissible (DMTA) Mise en grappe de serveur $$$$$$ Proche de zéro (Impact sur les données de production) Reprise consolidée de PlateSpin $$$$ Minutes (Aucun impact sur les données de production) Imagerie PlateSpin $$$ Heures Capture d'images 24 heures (Matériel supplémentaire requis) Reconstruction manuelle/bande $ + de 24 heures Jours (Non pratique) The PlateSpin Consolidated Disaster Recovery solution not only meets key recovery metrics… but does so in a cost-effective way… Server clustering provides near zero Recovery Point, Recovery Time and Test Time Objectives – unfortunately testing this solution impacts production data PlateSpin consolidated recovery meets Recovery Point, Recovery Time and Test Time Objectives in minutes – with no impact to production data as testing is done in a fenced off environment… Image capture and tape both have poor recovery point, recovery time and test time objectives taking hours and days depending on the solution… PlateSpin imaging technology improves on traditional tape and imaging solutions delivering recovery point, recovery time in a few hours and test time objectives in just a few minutes… 27
Pourquoi PlateSpin? Utilisation de la technologie de virtualisation pour créer un environnement de reprise consolidé Gestion de la reprise après sinistre au niveau des charges de travail (données, applications, système d'exploitation) Réplication des charges de travail complètes des serveurs dans un environnement virtuel consolidé de veille semi-automatique En cas de temps hors service, exécution des charges de travail avortées directement sur le système secondaire en quelques minutes Reconstruction et récupération des serveurs sur le nouveau matériel ou sur le matériel existant en quelques heures At a glance… Platespin leverages virtualization technology to create a consolidated recovery environment We manage disaster recovery at a workload level - protecting the data, application, operating system as one unified stack This enables you to Replicate whole server workloads (the data and applications as one) into a warm standby virtual environment You can run failed workloads directly off of the secondary system in the event of downtime in minutes Or you can rebuild and recovery serer workloads to new or existing hardware in hours 28
Notre approche – La protection des serveurs
Identifier Restaurer Répliquer Récupérer Tester Let’s take a look at the protection scenario with PlateSpin Forge. PlateSpin Forge allows you to discover and protect up to 25 physical or virtual workload. Of course, with more than one Forge appliance, you can protect more than 25 workloads. You can create customizable protection plans that can capture and replicate changes on an hourly, weekly or monthly basis, depending on factors like workload criticality and how frequently the data changes. While users continue to access the production workloads, your test team can go ahead and test the virtual machine copies in the Forge environment. When they’re done, Forge can sync back up to replicate only the changes that have happened during testing. You don’t need to perform another full replication. And Forge keeps on replicating changes to the workloads based on the frequencies you’ve set up. Échouer 29
Identifier les charges de travail à protéger
Démo du produit PlateSpin Forge Identifier les charges de travail à protéger Répliquer les charges de travail sur l'environnement secondaire Tester les charges de travail secondaires et les plans de protection Now let’s take a closer a look at PlateSpin Forge… 30
Notre approche – La récupération des serveurs
Identifier Restaurer Répliquer Récupérer Tester Let’s take a look at the recovery scenario with PlateSpin Forge. When the production server goes down the PlateSpin Forge web-based dashboard will alert you that you a workload has failed. You can also receive notifications to your blackberry enabling you to quickly recover by running the failed workload directly off of the PlateSpin appliance. You can easily restore the failed workload to the same or new hardware Échouer 31
Répondre à la notification d'échec de la charge de travail
Démo du produit PlateSpin Forge® Répondre à la notification d'échec de la charge de travail Récupérer la charge de travail avortée en quelques minutes Restaurer la charge de travail avortée sur le nouveau matériel ou sur le même matériel Now let’s take a closer a look at PlateSpin Forge… 32
Services Novell Consulting Formation Services
Gestion des charges de travail Gestion de SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Virtualisation Consolidation de serveurs Reprise après sinistre Formation Formation initiale « First Look » comprise avec l'abonnement Formation à la demande à Platespin Recon et Forge Formation d'analyste PlateSpin Advanced Technical Training Services Accès illimité au centre de support avec maintenance Services d'entreprise - Gestion des comptes de services - Ressources de support dédiées - Support sur site, bilans de santé, etc. In addition to the products you've just heard about, Novell and our partners offer a comprehensive set of consulting, training, and support services – services to help you get the most from your IT investment. Novell's IT Consulting team and our global consulting partners can help you deploy SUSE Linux Enterprise with confidence. You can leverage our expertise for scoping, direction setting, architecture design, requirements assessment, implementation, testing, deployment, and much more. Furthermore, getting the right training means your staff is better able to implement and maintain your solutions. Our First Look training for SUSE Linux Enterprise is included with your product subscription. It provides fundamental instruction and prepares you for additional training – everything from introductory courses to the most advanced engineering-level classes. These are all available through a variety of training methods. We also have several industry recognized Linux certification programs. Finally, Novell offers world-class support services. Novell has been rated the #1 Linux support provider, and you have unlimited access to our support expertise through your subscription. With more than 25 years of enterprise support experience, global support centers, expansive field teams, and industry recognized awards and certifications, you'll get the support you need. In addition, we also have Enterprise level services to help you maintain even the most complex, mission critical systems. Leverage our extended Services team to reap all the benefits of your service-driven data center – faster and smarter.
« « « « « « Success stories à l'échelle internationale 34
« Grâce à PlateSpin, nous avons doté notre infrastructure sous-exploitée, mais à la croissance incontrôlée, d'une solution de gestion des données et d'analyse irréfutable, et nous avons compris que nous devions entièrement repenser l'organisation de notre centre informatique. Par ailleurs, nous avons diminué le coût de notre rafraîchissement annuel du matériel serveur et nous avons réduit considérablement notre consommation électrique, nos frais de refroidissement et nos émissions de carbone. Richard Dawson Directeur des services informatiques Conseil municipal de Bracknell Forest, Royaume-Uni « La vitesse et la facilité de récupération dont nous bénéficions grâce à PlateSpin Forge en font une solution extrêmement attractive qui peut nous aider à réduire la perte de données et la durée d'interruption sur un vaste éventail de nos charges de travail de serveur. John Shaffer Directeur des services technologiques Greenhill & Co « Dans le cadre de la gestion de notre centre informatique d'entreprise, nous devons assurer le suivi d'un grand nombre de serveurs physiques et virtuels qu'il faut surveiller en permanence afin de diminuer nos dépenses et d'optimiser l'utilisation de nos ressources. Grâce aux fonctions de planification des capacités et de profilage des charges de travail fournies par PlateSpin, nous ne sommes plus obligés d'effectuer ces tâches au petit bonheur la chance. Sans elles, je ne pourrais pas faire mon travail correctement. Troy Szabo Ingénieur système principal nVidia Corporation « « « We’ll take a bit of a broad sampling here, and cover some different geographies – East Coast & West Coast United States, as well as in the UK. Richard Dawson here from Bracknell Forest County is from a municipal government in the UK. And what they were trying to do was figure out how to be able to control their IT environment. It was really starting to grow and they were having trouble understanding how to be able to make the right changes in their environment. So with the irrefutable data and analysis PlateSpin Recon provided, they were able to rethink their data center and reduce the cost, make a slash in power consumption, cooling, and overall costs. So really, really effective, especially in today’s budget-constrained world. Especially in a government environment where governments want to be able to control spending – very, very powerful solutions for them. Greenhill, which is a boutique investment bank, they have implemented our PlateSpin Forge product for disaster recovery and availability of some of their back-end office systems. So the big thing to them is really the speed and ease with which they can actually recover their workloads using Forge; that really allows them to improve their recovery time and recovery point objectives. And as well in an organization like that where they have a fairly small dedicated IT team, they wanted to be able to have a system that gave them the ability to easily recover their workloads without requiring any specific knowledge. So it’s simply, you select the workload that you want to recover, press recover, and it comes up and running in Forge. Finally there’s nVidia, a large graphics card manufacturer that I’m sure most people are familiar with. As their data center continues to grow and grow as they expand in their business, being able to just have an understanding of what’s actually going on, being able to keep track of both the physical and virtual environment, and be able to make sure that they have the right balance between physical and virtual machines, really that visibility becomes so important for them. We’ve given them the ability to manage the growth in their environment to the point here where Troy says he really wouldn’t be able to do his job without PlateSpin Recon. So some great customer references and customer successes, and there’s some more on the website as well, too, if people are looking for some more successes. 34
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