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Publié parAlizée Fournier Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
Year 4 Bilingual CE2 Bilingue
CE2 Bilingue Year 4 Bilingual Rencontre parents-professeurs Parents-teachers meeting Agenda Ordre du jour Présentation de la classe : Effectif, profil et situation des élèves. Fonctionnement de la classe: L’emploi du temps: Que fait votre enfant à l’école? (Répartition des horaires et des enseignements.) La journée scolaire: comment la journée de votre enfant est-elle organisée au niveau de la classe et de l’école? ( matériel utilisé, protocoles de fonctionnement) Les enseignements: Qu’appred-t-il à l’école?. Des projets pour la CE2 Bilingue.
PRESENTATION DE LA CLASSE Profil des élèves PRESENTATION DE LA CLASSE Profil des élèves Sexe: 17 filles 10 Garçons Origines scolaires: 14 élèves enregistrés du côté Lycée 13 élèves enregistrés du côté Wandsworth. Historique de l’évolution de la classe: Une grande majorité des élèves de la classe se connaissent depuis la maternelle.
Le fonctionnement de notre classe
Les enseignements: la philosophie générale Le socle commun des connaissances Le "socle commun des connaissances et des compétences" présente ce que tout élève doit savoir et maîtriser à la fin de sa scolarité à l ’ école. Introduit dans la loi en 2005, il constitue l'ensemble des connaissances, compétences, valeurs et attitudes nécessaires pour réussir sa scolarité, sa vie d'individu et de futur citoyen. Le socle commun de connaissances et de compétencess ’ organise, lui, en sept compétences : la maîtrise de la langue française. la pratique d'une langue vivante étrangère les principaux éléments de mathématiques et la culture scientifique et technologique la maîtrise des techniques usuelles de l'information et de la communication la culture humaniste les compétences sociales et civiques l'autonomie et l'esprit d'initiative
L’exposé: Pour approfondir mes connaissances et développer mes capacités orales. Cette action motivera l’élève en le plaçant en situation longitudinale d’un jeune chercheur. Selon le thème de “recherche” choisi -qui relève des compétences à travailler en fin du cycle 3- il effectuera des prospections documentaires, assemblera les informations qui lui sont utiles et les présentera sous format d’un document numérique ou papier.
Classe de découverte à l’île de Wight du 21 au 24 avril 2015
Welcome to Year 4B About me: Teacher at Wix for six years. Year groups taught 4, 3, 2 and 4B. I also teach Year 3 to Year 6 in the English Stream on Thursdays and Fridays. Teaching 4B on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings. Running a Coding Club at school every Friday.
Class Blog Your invitation into our classroom. Great to share learning with parents and carers. Children love when parents show interest in their work, great motivation to do well. Gives children a real audience for their work. Contains class news and key events. Contains web links to support all curriculum areas. Please subscribe.
LITERACY: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Our Literacy lessons will be based on this magnificent story by well known author Roald Dahl. We will investigate how characters are presented referring to the text, focus on vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation when writing. The use of synonyms to make writing more interesting, and focus on descriptive writing techniques. The children will complete character descriptions, diary entries, role plays, recounts, non chronological reports and biographies. English
LITERACY: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Trip to the Theatre to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Musical on the 17 th October. English - Trips Visit to the Chocolate Museum in Brixton on the 20 th of October.
The children have been provided with a reading book and reading record book. The children will have individual reading time with an adult on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Please continue to listen to your child read at home and record when you have done so in the reading record book. The children will be encouraged to choose a new text as often as they wish. Reading
Spelling The children have been provided with a Spelling Journal. The spelling list focuses on a specific learning objective. There will be a weekly spelling test on Mondays which comprise of 10 words. They are encouraged to choose 5 of these to include in sentences. The children will be placed in group A, B or C. These groupings are likely to change as they progress through the year.
Assessment Reading test in Autumn term Weekly Mental Maths and spelling tests Half termly unaided writing (teacher assessed and moderated) End of Year Tests in May/ June (Reading, Writing and Maths)
Maths Daily maths lessons Children read, write and order numbers with four digits. They partition them into multiples of 1000, 100, 10 and 1 and understand the importance of zero as a place-holder in numbers such as 2036. They use their understanding of place value to add or subtract 1, 10, 100 or 1000 to or from whole numbers. Recognise negative numbers in context and state inequalities using symbols. Mental maths test End of unit tests End of Year Tests (May/ June)
Homework This will be set on Wednesdays and to be returned completed on Tuesdays. The children have been provided with login details to a few educational websites. These websites supports Year 4 learning objectives in most curriculum areas. Please download the brainpopuk app on your iphone/ipad or android device. There are a wealth of movies to support most curriculum areas.
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