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LLED 325 25 novembre 2013.

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1 LLED 325 25 novembre 2013

2 Aujourd’hui – 325 et 450 13h00 à 14h00: LLED 325
Principe 9 : La planification et l’évaluation favorisent l’apprentissage d’une langue Planification à rebours (Understanding By Design) L’évaluation (revue) 14h00 à 14h50: EDUC 450 – Choix d’une enquête – ma recherche 15h00 à 16h00: EDUC 450 – Billet d’entrée et lectures 16h00 à 16h50: LLED 325 (Suite, questions, prochaines étapes) Explication du travail indépendant pour le cours de 325 Séquence de leçons (unité) Grille d’évaluation

3 Revue en groupes… Quelles sont les trois étapes de la planification à rebours? Quelle est, d’après vous, la plus grande différence entre la planification à rebours et la planification traditionnelle? Qu’est-ce que distingue l’enseignement axé sur les concepts de l’enseignement axé sur les sujets (Concept-based vs. Topic-based teaching)? Quelles sont les trois buts (types) d’enseignement?

4 Jay McTighe on UbD
Stop after Big Ideas

5 Etape 1: Planification à rebours
Résultats désirés Sujet/niveau Thème (Big Idea) Objectifs d’apprentissage Idées centrales (Enduring Understandings) Questions essentielles Connaissances et Habiletés What should students know, understand and be able to do? (PLOs) What BIG IDEAS are worthy of understanding? (Concepts implied in content standards =Provincial Learning Outcomes) What “enduring” understandings are desired? What essential questions are worth pursuing to guide student inquiry into these BIG IDEAS? What specific knowledge and skills need to be focused on to ensure effective performance? (McTighe & Wiggins (2004) Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook p. 12)

6 BIG IDEAS (Thèmes) An abstract and transferable concept, theme, theory or process At the heart of the subject or topic Important, enduring and transferable The ‘building blocks’ of understanding Help ‘connect the dots’ of fragmented lists of PLOs Linchpin is the pin that keeps the wheel in place on an axle. Big ideas are linchpin ideas – essential for understanding Meaningful patterns that enable one to connect the dots of otherwise fragmented knowledge

7 ‘Big Ideas’ L’adaptation La transformation L’énergie L’exploration
La liberté La culture La justice L’égalité La migration Les modèles, les régularités Le pouvoir La résolution de problèmes La révolution Le conflit Good vs. Evil Can you think of other ‘big ideas’ that align with units you have taught? – 2 min. Discussion in table groups

8 Unpacking the Learning Goals (PLOs)
PLOs imply BIG IDEAS Look carefully at the nouns, adjectives and verbs in the PLO The nouns and adjectives indicate the implied BIG IDEAS that will be used to create an Enduring Understanding

9 You’ve got to go below the surface…
…to really uncover the big ideas!

10 Grade 11 Earth Science Prescribed Learning Outcome:
Demonstrate knowledge about the origins of the universe and about astronomical entities BIG IDEAS: Big Bang Theory Scientific investigation Creation vs. Evolution What might be some big ideas?

11 Sciences humaines– 4e B1  distinguer les caractéristiques de diverses cultures autochtones de la C.-B. et du Canada B2  montrer ses connaissances sur les premières explorations européennes de la C.-B. et du Canada B3  décrire les conséquences des premiers contacts entre les sociétés autochtones traditionnelles et les explorateurs et colons européens Grandes idées?? IDENTITE, SOCIETE, CULTURE - Practice – whole group Big Ideas? Compare to new SS Grade 4 curriculum

12 Enduring Understandings (Idées principales)
Based on the big ideas and central to the discipline Framed as full sentence statements Help to structure and support a cohesive approach to multiple PLOs Require “uncoverage” in order to be learned Universal meaning beyond the specific unit of study Lasting value beyond the classroom “Moral of the story” Require “uncoverage” because they are not “facts” to the novice, but unobvious inferences drawn from facts - counter-intuitive & easily misunderstood

13 Enduring Understandings - Examples
Science Scientific theories are used to explain the origin of the universe. English Writers use a variety of stylistic techniques to engage and persuade their readers Music Music is a universal language to be read and understood. Le français ?? 13

14 Sciences humaines– 4e B1  distinguer les caractéristiques de diverses cultures autochtones de la C.-B. et du Canada B2  montrer ses connaissances sur les premières explorations européennes de la C.-B. et du Canada B3  décrire les conséquences des premiers contacts entre les sociétés autochtones traditionnelles et les explorateurs et colons européens IDENTITE, SOCIETE, CULTURE Idées principales? - Practice – whole group Big Ideas? Compare to new SS Grade 4 curriculum

15 New Design: Social Studies Grade 4
No Curriculum Organizers Learning Standings—what students know, understand and are able to do Elements—Big Ideas, Learning Standards (Content and Subject-Specific Competencies), 3 Competencies, implementation Links Content is free of verbs Have this model for SS, SC, ELA, Arts Ed, Math enroute, others to come.

16 Big Ideas and Enduring Understandings
What will the students remember for: 40 seconds? 40 minutes? 40 years? 16

17 Essential Questions “…It is easy to ask trivial questions….It is also easy to ask impossibly difficult questions. The trick is to find the medium questions that can be answered and that take you somewhere.” Jerome Bruner Group activity – 20 minutes – choice of SS or Science grade 10 PLOs

18 Essential Questions Help us stay focused on the Enduring Understanding
Address conceptual or philosophical foundations of the discipline Broad and open-ended Have no “right” answer; arguable and important to argue about Spark meaningful connections Foster deep and transferable knowledge Constantly and appropriately recur as a result of deeper learning as the unit progresses Provoke and sustain student inquiry – raise other questions Linda 18

19 Examples of Essential Questions
Big Ideas: change, similarities and differences, culture. Enduring Understanding: Communities change over time to meet people’s needs. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What defines a community? What are the similarities and differences between communities? How and why do communities change? How do people’s needs affect change in a community? How do communities reflect the needs of people living in them? Linda – Replace with Grade 4 19

20 Culture is shaped by the environment.
Social Studies 4/5 Enduring Understandings: Essential Questions: Culture is shaped by the environment. What factors in the environment shape a culture? How does the environment shape a culture’s basic needs?

21 Essential Questions - Examples
How do we decide which scientific claims to believe? Are mathematical ideas inventions or discoveries? Does art reflect culture or shape it? Who owns what and why? How do the structures and functions of government interrelate? **Voir le nouveau curriculum (contenu et concepts) pour développer les questions essentielles Point out the hand-outs on the table. 21

22 Essential vs. Leading Questions
Essential Questions Asked to be argued Designed to “uncover” new ideas, views, lines of arguments. Set up inquiry, heading to new understandings. Leading Questions Asked as a reminder to prompt recall Designed to ‘cover’ knowledge Point to a single, straightforward fact-a rhetorical question. 22

23 Essential Questions – Concept Attainment
No Examples: What is foreshadowing? Can you find an example? What are some French colloquialisms that native speakers would use? Name four technologies that have improved human life. Yes Examples: How do effective writers hook and hold their readers? What distinguishes fluent second language learners from native speakers? Who wins and who loses when technologies change? 23

24 Essential Questions – Yes or No?
When was the Canadian Constitution signed? What are the relationships between popularity and greatness in literature? What do masks and their use reveal about a culture? Name six mathematical ideas or discoveries. What makes writing worth reading? How should governments balance the rights of individuals with the common good? Need to be able to bring up each EQ individually - 24

25 Essential Questions High Tech High – Essential or Driving Questions are visible for students, parents, community members 25

26 Essential Questions From primary grades 26

27 To higher grades – science unit on the planets...

28 Developing the product that will allow life to exist on another planet

29 Final project – 3D design of the product – public exhibition in the hallways

30 Essential Questions To higher grades – project on protecting the local environment 30

31 Essential Questions To higher grades – project on protecting the local environment 31

32 What next? From the Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions identify the knowledge and skills that students will gain.

33 Where to Differentiate
Where to Differentiate? Tomlinson & McTighe (2006) Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design. p. 36 Fig 3.3

34 Backward Design Unit Template
Unit Topic: BIG IDEA(S): STAGE 1: Desired Results Prescribed Learning Outcomes: Enduring Understandings: Essential Questions: Knowledge: Skills: Guides de route en français – texte, en ligne (CSF) 34

35 Grant Wiggins on UbD
Group activity – 20 minutes – choice of SS or Science grade 10 PLOs

36 Backward Design Model – Stage 2
1. Identify desired results 2. Determine acceptable evidence 3. Plan learning experiences and instruction

37 Backward Design Model – Stage 2
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What is “valid” evidence of student learning? How can we assess ‘deep understanding’ of learning? How do we design “authentic” assessments?

38 The Researchers

39 Assessment 44 – Principles of Assessment
Assessment and evaluation practices must be aligned with essential curricular concepts, content, expectations and learning goals.   Assess only what has been taught, modeled and practiced Allow students to use their strengths Assess students’ in-depth understanding of key concepts, knowledge, and skills (Stage 1) (Hume 2010) Based on research Based on the directives from the MOE IF quality assessment is to be achieved research has shown us that these MUST be done? Make groups obvious Planning

40 Assessment 44 – Principles of Assessment
Assessment methods must be appropriate for and compatible with the purpose and context of the assessment.   Formative assessment (for learning) must be ongoing, varied, and central to the instructional-learning cycle. Formative assessment (as learning) must involve students in setting personal goals for learning and monitoring their progress through peer and self-assessment practices. Based on research Based on the directives from the MOE IF quality assessment is to be achieved research has shown us that these MUST be done? Make groups obvious Planning

41 en tant qu’apprentissage
Les buts/types d’évaluation L’évaluation au service de l’apprentissage en tant qu’apprentissage de l’apprentissage Guider/orienter l’enseignement selon les besoins/progrès des élèves Favoriser la métacognition chez les élèves Pour confirmer ce que les élèves savent, comprennent et peuvent faire Evaluations diagnostiques, observations, rétroactions Auto-évaluation, réflexion, planification ou établissement des ojectifs Les notes, les %s, les commentaires sur les bulletins Tout au long A la fin Formative Sommative EQUILIBRE DELICAT!! Ou les placer dans le plan de leçon? Laquelle a le plus d’impact sur la réuissite des eleves?

42 Formative assessment and assessment practices have the largest impact on student achievement across different subjects, age groups, and across different countries Dylan Wiliam (2011) We need to focus more on assessment for and as learning Too much focus on “of” assesment

43 Students must be provided with ongoing feedback that is clear, specific, and timely to support their progress towards achieving learning goals. 6. Summative assessments must be based on clear criteria (aligned to core competencies and curricular outcomes) and include a variety of opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning. Based on research Based on the directives from the MOE Linking IF quality assessment is to be achieved research has shown us that these MUST be done? Formative

44 Les grilles d’évaluation du passé

45 Les grilles d’évaluation du passé

46 This is not a Rubric

47 Les grilles d’évaluation d’aujourd’hui

48 Les grilles d’évaluation d’aujourd’hui

49 Assessment methods must be differentiated to meet students’ diverse needs, interests, and learning styles. Evaluation and grading must reflect achievement and progress over time in relation to specific learning outcomes or student goals; evaluation is tied to learning not behavior and attitude Based on research Based on the directives from the MOE Linking IF quality assessment is to be achieved research has shown us that these MUST be done? Summative

50 9. Communicating student learning must be clear, transparent, and ongoing, with a focus on performance standards-based language and meaningful descriptions, collections, and demonstrations of student learning. 10. Assessment and reporting practices and procedures support all students, including those with special needs and those who are learning a second or additional language. Based on research Based on the directives from the MOE Linking IF quality assessment is to be achieved research has shown us that these MUST be done? Communicating progress

51 Les grilles d’évaluation
Comment évaluer la propreté de votre frigo??

52 Ne satisfait pas encore aux attentes Satisfait aux attentes
Aspect Ne satisfait pas encore aux attentes Satisfait aux attentes (de façon minimale) Satisfait entièrement aux attentes Dépasse les attentes Étagères Toutes les étagères sont étincelantes de propreté. Les aliments sont placées dans la zone la mieux adaptée à leurs exigences de conservation. Le bac à légumes Il y a plusieurs fruits et légumes pourris au fond du bac L’odeur Il y a des odeurs suspectes, qui sont difficiles à identifier Les contenants (Système de stockage) Tous les articles sont relativement frais, dans un certain type de récipient (certains couvercles sont absents ou ne correspondent pas).

53 Are we … using a range of formative and summative assessment tasks?
providing students the opportunity to co construct the assessment criteria? showing student examples of the expected outcomes? assessing learning along the way with effective feedback to support growth? assessing to gather information that will help us plan the next stages of learning? These points exemplify best practice How do these points get to the heart of best practice? People can give examples of how they do these things

54 Travail indépendant – mercredi le 27 nov.
Complétez la planification de l’étape #1: Les résultats désirés Sujet/niveau Thème (Big Idea) Objectifs d’apprentissage Idées centrales (Enduring Understandings) Questions essentielles Connaissances et Habiletés Réfléchissez à l’étape #2: Évaluation Évaluation sommative (Projet? Performance? Tâche finale?) avec grille d’évaluation (Consultez le site web du Ministère: Normes de performance) Un exemple (min.) d’évaluation au service de l’enseignement Un exemple (min.) d’évaluation au service de l’enseignements

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