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Jour 3 - Session 2: Programmation axée sur les résultats

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1 Jour 3 - Session 2: Programmation axée sur les résultats
Cette Session concerne la programmation axée sur les résultats

2 CPP matrice des résultats
CPP Hiérarchie des Résultats – définitions Résultats CPP Définitions Remarques IMPACT (Contribution) Contribution de la FAO aux objectifs de développement à long terme du pays. L’Impact dérive des priorités gouvernementales/ objectifs/ PNUAD Effet du CPP 3 – 4 (Attribution) Absorption mesurable et utilisation des résultats de la FAO (produits et services) dans les délais impartis par le CPP. Quels sont les changements que nous observons chez les individus et les organisations qui utilisent les résultats de la FAO ? ... l'apprentissage Défi Trouver un indicateur pour mesurer le changement et la contribution,et si cela est compatible avec le produit et le projet d'indicateurs PRODUITS 3 produit = 1 effet (remise) Résultats significatifs et mesurables – actions, projects et programme réalisés par la FAO dans le pays Résultat: Quels changements peut-on observe dans l’action individuelle ou des organisations et dans l’application de l'apprentissage ? Décrire un changement spécifique pour les personnes ou pour les organisations, en dehors du domaine d'activité du programme - lié aux produits générés par le programme 3. Bien que les résultats ne puissent pas être contrôlés directement, certains changements peuvent être attribués au programme ou soutenus par lui. 4. Les résultats ne devraient pas être pensés uniquement en termes de nouveaux produits et services, mais aussi en termes de processus simplifiés, qui sont lancées, activés, et élargis.

3 CPF results matrix CPF Results Hierarchy – definitions CPF result
Remarks: IMPACT (Contribute) Contribution that FAO is expected to make towards national priorities – long terms development changes Derived from Gvt priorities/objectives OUTCOME 3-5 outcomes (Attribute) Measurable uptake and use of FAOs outputs (products and services) within the CPF time frame. What changes do we see in individuals and organizations applying FAOs outputs…learning Challenge: Find indicator to measure change and contribute to higher level indicators and is consistent with output/project indicators OUTPUTS 3 outputs = 1 outcome (Deliver) Significant and measurable result/ deliverable of FAOs activities in the country Outcome: What changes can we see in the way individual or organizations do things or apply learning? Describe a specific change for individuals or organizations – outside of the activity domain of the programme – which is linked to the outputs generated by the progarmme 3. While outcomes cannot be controlled directly, certain changes can be attributed or supported by the programme 4. Outcomes should not be thought only in terms of new products and services, but also in terms of facilitated processes that are initiated, activated, expanded.

4 RÉSULTATS SMART Spécifique en fonction de la nature et de la portée des réalisations et des changements souhaités, les groupes cibles et les zones géographiques etc. (qui devrait également réfléter un seul résultat et non plusieurs dans un seul état) Mesurable: mesurable quantitativement et/ou qualitativement; les données seront disponibles dans les délais en cas de besoin. Réalisable et limité dans le temps, pendant le CPP avec les ressources disponibles. Pertinent aux priorités nationales et au mandat de la FAO; substantiel, nécessaire et suffisant . To be provided on the flipchart

5 SMART RESULTS Specific in terms of the nature and scope of achievements and changes sought, the target groups and geographical area etc. (should also reflect only one and not multiple results in one single statement) Measurable: measurable quantitatively and/or qualitatively; data will be available when needed within the time period Achievable and time-bound in CPF period with the resources available Relevant to national priorities and FAO’s mandate; substantial, necessary and sufficient

6 Matrice des résultats SMART
Changements que nous observons chez les individus et les organisations qui utilisent les produits de la FAO ? Résultats du CPP Indicateurs, données de référence et objectif Moyens et sources de vérification Hypothèses Domaine prioritaire (2) Effet 1 (1) Produit 1.a(5) Produit 1.b Résultat régional / organisationnel (4) Effet de l’UNDAF(3) Actions, projects et programme réalisés par la FAO dans le pays - Résultats significatifs et mesurables Les conditions nécessaires qui doivent exister si l’on veut que les relations de cause à effet entre les niveaux de résultats fonctionnent Permettent le suivi-évaluation des résultats et des progrès accomplis dans l’exécution du CPP Support d’information permettant de vérifier les indicateurs SMART

7 Results Matrix-Key elements
Definition Impact Contribution de la FAO aux objectifs nationaux de développement Effet Changement d’état concret, visible et mesurable, induit par induit par l’intervention de la FAO dans la durée du CPP Produit projets/programmes, approches, produits et services que la FAO utilisera pour atteindre les Résultats Indicateurs Les indicateurs permettent le suivi-évaluation des résultats et des progrès accomplis dans l’exécution du CPP SMART Spécifique , Mesurable, Atteignable, Réaliste, Temporellement défini Moyen de vérification Support d’information permettant de vérifier les indicateurs Hypotheses Les conditions nécessaires qui doivent exister si l’on veut que les relations de cause à effet entre les niveaux de résultats fonctionnent Risques Facteurs négatifs externes et internes qui affectent la bonne atteinte des résultats escomptés

8 M&E and Reporting – principles
Harmonization with the country and UNDAF M&E system to the extent possible Integration with the FAO corporate monitoring system through the Strategic Framework results chain and Integration with the FAO project cycle

9 Results chain – country examples
SMART Establishment of Land Information Service Strengthened national capacity to generate land use data Land distribution and management practices improved Sustainable management of natural resources CPF impact CPF outcome CPF outputs Activities, Projects Outcomes: what changes can we see in the way individuals or organizations do things or apply learning? Indicator: (individual level) Number of farmers who improved their land management practices (organizational level) New policies and plans developed … Outputs: Which individuals and organizations have learned from the activities. (number of X that have learned to compile and analyse data) Assumptions: What may hinder the local partners from making use of their strengthened capacities in taking action? Specific in terms of the nature and scope of achievements and changes sought, the target groups and geographical area etc.; Measurable: measurable quantitatively and/or qualitatively; data will be available when needed within the time period Achievable and time-bound in CPF period with the resources available Relevant to national priorities and FAO’s mandate; substantial, necessary and sufficient KEY to success: National partners create and use outputs

10 Chaîne des Résultats du CPP – Pays en exemple
SMART Mise en place du service d’information sur les terres Renforcement des capacités nationales à générer des données d’utilisation des terres La distribution et la gestion des terres sont des pratiques améliorées La gestion durable des ressources naturelles impact Effet Produit Activités, Projets Effets: Quels sont les changements visibles dans la façon dont les individus ou les organisations se comportent ou appliquent leurs nouvelles connaissances ? Indicateurs : (au niveau individuel) - Le nombre d’agriculteurs qui ont amélioré leurs pratiques de gestion des terres (au niveau de l’organisation) – Les nouvelles politiques et les nouveaux projets développés… Produits: Quels sont les individus et les organisations qui ont tiré des enseignements de ces activités ? (nombre de X ayant appris à rédiger et analyser les données) Hypothèses: Quels éléments pourraient-ils empêcher les partenaires locaux de s’appuyer sur leurs capacités renforcées afin d’intervenir ? Spécifique en fonction de la nature et de la portée des réalisations et des changements souhaités, les groupes cibles et les zones géographiques etc. (qui devrait également réfléter un seul résultat et non plusieurs dans un seul état) Mesurable: mesurable quantitativement et/ou qualitativement; les données seront disponibles dans les délais en cas de besoin. Réalisable et limité dans le temps, pendant le CPP avec les ressources disponibles. Pertinent aux priorités nationales et au mandat de la FAO; substantiel, nécessaire et suffisant . CLÉ du succès: Les partenaires nationaux créent et utilisent les sorties

11 TIPs on formulating Capacity Development outcomes and indicators at the level of Individuals Organizations Enabling environment

12 Conseil sur la formulation des effets et des indicateurs au niveau Environnement favorable Organisationnelles Individuelles

13 Capacity development OUTCOME statements should reflect
HOW will outputs contribute to the intended changes of the key actors or in organizational practices in the national system. WHAT are the potential changes in the medium-term for the enabling environment, organizations or individual practices WHICH CAPACITIEs (individual, organizational, enabling environment) will need to be developed to allow the change HOW will outputs contribute to the intended changes of the key actors or in organizational practices in the national system. WHAT are the potential changes in the medium-term for the enabling environment, organizations or individual practices WHICH CAPACITIEs (individual, organizational, enabling environment) will need to be developed to allow the change

14 Capacité de développement Effets qui devraient réfléter
QUELS sont les changements potentiels à moyen terme pour l’environnement favorable, les organisations ou les pratiques individuelles. QUELLES CAPACITÉS (individuelles, organisationnelles, environnement favorable) sera-t-il nécessaire de développer pour le changement. COMMENT les produits contribuent-ils aux changements projetés des acteur-clé ou dans les pratiques organisationnelles du système national.

15 Individual level: CD outcomes and indicators
Outcome describes if individuals (e.g. farmers, local staff, food producers) are applying and using the knowledge acquired. Indicators (examples): N. of farmers (or fishermen) who changed their practices, behavior N. of staff following new standards N. of food producers who apply the new knowledge to increase food production

16 Niveau Individuel: CD résultats et indicateurs
Les résultats nous montrent si les individus (ex. agriculteurs, pêcheurs, producteurs de denrées alimentaires ) appliquent-ils et utilisent-ils les connaissances acquises. Indicateurs (exemples): Quantité d’agriculteurs qui ont changé leurs pratiques et leurs comportements. Q. de membres locaux qui suivent les nouveaux standards. Outcome describes if individuals (e.g. farmers, local staff, food producers) are applying and using the knowledge acquired. Quantité d’agriculteurs qui ont changé leurs pratiques et leurs comportements. Q. de membres locaux qui suivent les nouveaux standards. Q. de producteurs de denrées alimentaires qui appliquent les nouvelles connaissances afin d’accroître la production alimentaire.

17 Organizational level: CD outcomes and indicators
Outcomes describes whether organizations are delivering their services, accomplishing their mandates or performing more efficiently. Indicators (examples): Number of communities that can develop an action plan Number of extension units in the country delivery their services effectively Improved management practices (e.g. M&E system) Improved information sharing among the organizations Find an indicator showing the number of extension workers delivering effectively their services Number of communities that can develop an action plan Number of extension units in the country delivery their services

18 Niveau Organisationnel : CD effets et indicateurs
Effets : nous indiquent si les organisations ont de meilleurs prestations de leurs services, si elles accomplissent leurs mandats ou ont des performances plus efficaces. Indicateurs (exemples): Nombre de communautés qui peuvent développer un plan d’action. Outcomes describes whether organizations are delivering their services, accomplishing their mandates or performing more efficiently.

19 Enabling environment: CD outcomes and indicators
Outcome: state whether the policy, legislative or institutional framework allow implementation of a change process. Indicators (examples): New policies, plans and programes adopted New policies and strategies implemented

20 Environnement favorisé : CD effets et indicateurs
Effets: si le cadre politique, législatif ou institutionnel permet la mise en œuvre d’un processus de changement. Indicateurs (exemples): Nouvelles politiques, plans et programmes adoptés. Nouvelles politiques et stratégies mise en œuvre. state whether the policy, legislative or institutional framework allow implementation of a change process. New policies, plans and programes adopted New policies and strategies implemented

Checklist: Six criteria for good result statements Group work: defining outcome and outputs How to define risks and assumptions Group work: defining risks and assumptions of CPF

22 A few criteria to assess/define CPF results*
CHECK-LIST A few criteria to assess/define CPF results* Is the result defined on the right level (outputs - outcome)? Is the result as clear as possible? Does the result express only a single idea? Does the result – to the extent possible - explicitly describe WHAT is the change and WHO is benefiting from the change? Does the result express a change rather than a process? Is the result as specific as possible?

23 Is the result defined on the right level (outputs vs. outcome)?
CRITERION 1: Is the result defined on the right level (outputs vs. outcome)? Ask two set of questions to find out if a result is an outcome: Does it reflect a change in behaviour or performance by someone? Is the result largely beyond our control? Can we influence but are not fully responsible for delivering this result? -> If yes, it is not an output but an outcome Is it realistic to expect that the CPF outcome will be achieved mostly through CPF outputs? -> If no, it is typically an umbrella for a diverse range of agency products too high-level and influenced too much by external factors but not a good CPF outcome for which the FAO can be held accountable Example: “Improved access to social services …”, “Reduced poverty …” “Better Governance …”

24 Is the CPF result defined on the right level (outputs vs. outcome)?
CRITERION 1: Is the CPF result defined on the right level (outputs vs. outcome)? REMARK ON CAPACITY-BUILDING: Someone has (improved) capacity to do something different or better - > CPF output, not outcome Example: “Ministry of Environment has the capacity to monitor protected areas” Example: “Government is better able to formulate gender-sensitive policies” Someone actually does something different or better - > CPF outcome Example: “Ministry of Environment effectively monitors protected areas” Example: “Government formulates policies which are sensitive to gender” similar logic applies to „having access to …“

Draft UNDAF Egypt / Outcome 5 „The Government of Egypt and local communities have strengthened mechanisms for sustainable management of and sustainable access to natural resources such as land, water and ecosystems“ „By 2016, the Government of Egypt sustainably manages and local communities have better access to natural resources“ Somalia Assistance Strategy / Outcome 1.3.: „Local authorities have the capacity to operationalize local development plans and ensure the provision of services […]“ „By 2015, local authorities operationalize local development plans and provide services […]“

26 Exercise: cont. Draft UNDAF Egypt / Outcome 2.3.: „The health system is strengthened to improve health literacy of vulnerable populations“ „By 2015, vulnerable people are more health literate“ Draft UNDAF Yemen / Outcome 8: „National capacities for evidence-based planning, implementation and monitoring of development programmes strengthened at all levels by 2015“ „By 2015, national authorities plan, implement and monitor development programmes based on better evidence“

27 Is the result as clear as possible?
CRITERION 2: Is the result as clear as possible? Keep it simple (but not simplistic) avoid development jargon, unclear concepts, buzzwords, abbreviations, “/”, “and/or” ambiguous formulations bad grammar Results need to be stated in plain language to make monitoring possible for accountability to be able to communicate the CPF OUTCOME: “Relevant authorities mainstream / introduce capacity poverty into policies, plans and programmes through an enabling framework which facilitates the utilization of synergies among key sectors”

28 Exercise: clarity in result statements
Somalia Assistance Strategy / Outcome 2.2.: „Livelihood assets of people in Humanitarian Emergency, Acute Food and Livelihoos Crisis are protected and restored according to the specific needs of different groups, including women and youth“ Draft UNDAF Egypt / Outcome 5.2.: „The Government of Egypt, private sector and civil society have complied with Multilateral Environmental Agreements, adopted policies, and implemented operational measures towards a green sustainable economy and society, including, among others, EE, RE, low carbon cleaner technologcies, SWM, POPs, ODS, and CDM“

29 Does the CPF result express only a single idea?
CRITERION 2: Does the CPF result express only a single idea? “More and better skilled youth and women have decent job opportunities” if more than a single idea is captured in a result (‘compound result’), it tends to: distort the clear, logical linkages within the results chain makes monitoring and reporting more complex and cumbersome can include different levels of results in one result statement look out for dangerous phrases like ‘through’, ‘for’, ‘and’, ‘in order to’, ‘which contribute to’, ‘with a focus on’ -> consider revising and narrowing down to a single idea, or -> consider splitting up into more than 1 result

30 Exercise: SINGLE IDEA in result statements
Somalia Assistance Strategy / Outcome 2.4.: „Somali people are fairly and inclusively represented in elected and appointed government positions, and are able to hold their government accountable“ Draft UNDAF Egypt / Outcome 2.7.: „Children in Egypt age 6-14 years have more access to and complete quality basic education with a special focus on vulnerable groups and gender equality“ Draft UNDAF Yemen / Outcome 1.: „By 2015, coherent gender sensitive policies and strategies that are gender friendly to diversify economy, increase employment, decent work and productivitiy in the rural areas, SME and non-oil (fisheries, agriculture, industry and tourism) sectors are developed and implemented“

31 Does the CPF result describe ‘right-holders’ and ‘duty-bearers’?
CRITERION 2: Does the CPF result describe ‘right-holders’ and ‘duty-bearers’? Good CPF result statements clearly define (if it makes sense): rights holders (typically individuals and groups with valid rights) duty-bearers (typically state institutions with obligations* -> ultimately, development is about people on the output level: describe tangible changes with regard to a) right-holders (greater access to new products, services, resources) and b) duty-bearers (new skills and abilities, responsibility, motivation, authority) on the outcome level: describe better performance or change in behaviour of a) rights holders to exercise and claim their rights, and of b) duty bearers to respect, protect and fulfill these rights

32 Example & Exercise: HRBA
UNDAF Syria UNDAF OUTCOME 3.: not using HRBA: “Food security enhanced […]” using HRBA : „By 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture makes vulnerable groups in Syria* more food secure“ UNDAF Somalia UNDAF OUTCOME 3.4.: not using HRBA: “Security is improved […] for all Somalis“ using HRBA : ?????? UNDAF Somalia UNDAF OUTCOME 2.4.: not using HRBA: “Access and utilization of natural resources is sustainably managed“ using HRBA : ??????

33 Does the CPF result express a change rather than a process?
CRITERION 5: Does the CPF result express a change rather than a process? do not describe the action itself (action language) instead, describe the results of actions (change language) including the year when we expect to achieve the result („By “) helps to keep the language focused on action Draft UNDAF Egypt : Outcome 2.3. The health system is strengthened to improve health literacy of vulnerable populations (action language) By 2016, vulnerable groups in Egypt* are more health literate (change language) Draft UNDAF Syria : Outcome 3 […] Consequences of climate change and natural disasters addressed to reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities (action language) By 2016, people in Syria are less vulnerable to the consequences of climate change and natural disasters (change language)

34 ask the following questions:
CRITERION 6: Is the CPF result as specific as possible? ask the following questions: specify: Example INITIAL OUTCOME: More and better trained students graduate By how much? + quantity Number of graduates increased from to What kind of change? + quality The number of graduates passing standard exams has increased from to By when? + time frame By 2016, the number of graduates passing standard exams has increased from to For whom? + target group By 2016, the number of graduates from lower income families passing standard exams has increased from to in year three of project Where? + location MORE SPECIFIC OUTCOME: By 2016, the number of graduates from lower income families passing standard exams in northern and north-eastern regions has increased from to

35 ask the following questions:
CRITERION 6: Is the CPF result as specific as possible? ask the following questions: specify: Example INITIAL CPF OUTCOME : Improved nutritional status of vulnerable groups By how much? + quantity reduced from 9% to 7% What kind of change? + quality acute malnutrition By when? + time frame by 2016 For whom? + target group vulnerable groups = children under 5 with acute malnutrition Where? + location in Northern Country Undafistan MORE SPECIFIC UNDAF OUTCOME: By 2016, the proportion of children under 5 with acute malnutrition in Northern Undafistan has been reduced from 9% to 7%

36 Six criteria how to assess/define CPF results*
CHECK-LIST Six criteria how to assess/define CPF results* Is the result defined on the right level (outputs - outcome)? Is the result as clear as possible? Does the result express only a single idea? Does the result – to the extent possible - explicitly describe right-holders and duty-bearers? Does the result express a change rather than a process? Is the result as specific as possible? *or: SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Bound)

37 How to define risks and assumptions to logically link CPF outputs with outcomes
Impact CPF Outcome CPF Outputs then Assumptions Risks under the assumption that threat to if then under the assumption that threat to if SOME TIPS: risks and assumptions are by definition external (cannot be controlled by fao) limit yourself to 1 – 3 most important risks and assumptions risks: something that does not exist yet; assumption: something that exists now; sometimes risks can we worded as assumptions; choose what makes more sense don‘t include: resource mobilization (implicit in last column of results matrix)

38 Example of CPF outcome and indicators:
Outcome 3.2: Policies, regulations and legal issues addressed to promote competitive agro-enterprise development among smallholder farmers and small and medium scale enterprises. (G01) Indicators: By 2015, GoN initiated policy reforms to help small producers to increase value addition and participate in changing markets (Contribution to OR Indicator G01P2 /01) By 2015, No. programmes/ projects where policies, regulations, and laws relating to agribusiness are being enforced   (Contribution to OR Indicator G01P2 /01)

39 Exemple d’effet et d’indicateur d’un CPP
Effets 3.2: Politiques, réglementations et questions juridiques visant à encourager la concurrence dans le développement des agro-entreprises entre les petits exploitants agricoles et les petites, et moyennes entreprises. (G01) Indicateurs: En 2015, le GoN amorcera une politique de réformes, destinée à aider les petits producteurs à accroître leur valeur ajoutée et à participer à l’évolution des marchés.(Contribution du OR Indicateur G01P2 /01) En 2015, Nbre de programmes où les politiques, les réglementations, et les lois relatifs à l’agro industrie seront appliquées. (Contribution du OR Indicateur G01P2 /01)

40 Linkages between CPF and UNDAF

41 Linkages between CPF and UNDAF results chain
Ensure logical link between CPF and UNDAF results: CPF impact coincides with UNDAF outcomes CPF outcomes contribute to UNDAF outputs CPF outputs are incorporated as activities in UNDAF action plan Apply flexibly, ONE size may not fit all situations

42 Liens entre les chaînes des résultats CPP et UNDAF
Assurer un lien logique entre les résultats CPP et UNDAF : L’impact du CPP coincide avec les effets UNDAF Les effets du CPP contribuent aux produits UNDAF Les produits du CPP sont incorporées comme des activités dans le plan d’action UNDAF Application flexible, UNE seule dimension pourrait ne pas convenir à toutes les situations

43 CPF Results Matrix – Part B – Resource requirements
CPF priorities and results Indicative resource requirements Implementing partners Resource partners Total Available funding RM gap National International CPF priority 1… Outcome 1 Output/ type of intervention This is the basis for the preparation of the RM strategy and action plan

44 Matrice des résultats du CPP - Partie B – des ressources requises
Besoins indicatifs en ressources (USD) Implementing partners Partenaires fournisseurs de ressources Total Requises Financement eistant Objectif de mobilisation des resources Nationaux Internationaux Domaine prioritaire A. Effet 1 Produit 1.1 Produit 1.2 Sert pour la preparation du strategie/plan d’ Action de mobilisation des ressources

45 Results matrix and Resource Mobilization

46 Results matrix and resource mobilization
CPF results matrix will help you: Define the outcomes and outputs you aim to engage resource partners on – who may fund a % of the CPF, or wish to see a project packaged around a particular CPF outcome The RM target will become clearer – make sure it is realistic! NB in NEGOTIATE – the rules and regulations of FAO are to be respected.

47 Matrice des résultats et mobilisation des ressources
La matrice des résultats CPP vous aidera à: Définir les résultats et les sorties par rapport auxquels vous souhaitez engager des partenaires de ressources – Ceux-ci pourraient ainsi financer un pourcentage du CPP, ou demander qu’un projet se base sur une sortie du CPP en particulier. L’objectif de mobilisation de ressources deviendra plus clair – assurez-vous qu’il soit réalisable ! NB : en négociations – la réglementation de la FAO doit être respectée.

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