Gooti kirikud Prantsusmaal. Amiens.


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Français 1 1. Unlike the regular –ER verbs that you have learned so far, the verb être is an irregular verb.
Le passé composé. Le passé composé is a verb tense used to discuss completed events in the past. This tense is composed of 2 words: A helping verb (avoir.
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SHANXI, CHINA CITY BUILT IN THE MOUNTAINS OF SHAN This is amazing and we have to wonder how, why and when did they do this. From where & how do they get.
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FRANCE. Summary : Sommaire : Introduction The capital : Paris/La capitale : Paris A village : Saint-Nectaire/Une ville Saint-Nectaire The city of Poitiers/La.
Many verbs that are irregular in the present also have irregular past participles. Therefore, no rule for formation, you need to memorize them. Each time.
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Welcome to the world of adjectives! To be an expert in French, you need to master the art of adjectives. These are words which are used to describe nouns.
Bonjour, Paris!. Quelques faits…. Paris est la capitale de la France.
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SPAIN Marina Rouable Menéndez Ángel Crespo Blanco Aitor Valdesogo Álvarez.
“The city of lights”. o The longest and most popular avenue in Paris o Famous for its numerous high-end stores and restaurants o Often described as the.
Let us call back the facts After has a civil war which began 5 Mars 2011 in Syria, lot of citizens have of to avoid the war. Among them, the media retained.
1. Neal Creative | click & Learn more Neal Creative © TIP │ Use the built-in c olor palette with green and yellow for callouts and accents Neal Creative.
One of the most touristic destination in Great Britain
The consequences of the.
Des adjectifs irreguliers
Lundi 5 novembre Français II
Jeudi 24 Janvier Français PreAP/AP
Transcription de la présentation:

Gooti kirikud Prantsusmaal




Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims


Detail of the main door of Reims Cathedral


"The Cathedral of Notre Dame at Rheims was one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. The framework was still standing when the Germans began their drive in In this instance shells burst on the cathedral before the eyes of many spectators." (caption) Collier's New Photographic History of the World's War" (1919), page 86