Welcome to ‘You Say we Pay!’ A word game to improve your language skills.
Instructions Split into teams – Girls/Boys, Half the room etc Toss a coin to see which team goes first One person from the team comes to the front, standing with their back to the whiteboard – they must not look! In three minutes, timed by the teacher, the rest of the group has to try and describe the thing on the board in FRENCH to the person at the front- without using the keywords. Everyone can shout at once, but they have to make sure the guesser can tell what they’re saying; so the team has to work together and listen to other people. One point is scored for each word guessed correctly. If the keywords are used, the team loses that point and we move onto the next slide. Save the score & the next team takes a turn for three minutes.
Banane Jaune Fruit
Avion voyager ciel
Noël Père Noël Abre
L’école profs Classe
Le lait blanc boison
Le autobus L’ecole La rue
Jambon porc viande
L’ananas Fruit jaune
L’eau boisson piscine
Le But Foot ballon
Pain Boulangerie Baguette
Livres Lire L’ecole
Chaud L’été soliel
Dentifrice dents Salle de bain
America USA Etats-Unis
Bébé enfant Petit(e)
Chaussures Les Pieds Marcher
Le père La mère L’homme
Prof L’ecole Any teacher’s name
La Neige Froid L’hiver
Le Saucission Porc Manger
Dents bouche Brosse les dents
Le coca Boisson Café/restaurant
L’abitre Siffler Les sports
La Tasse La Table Le Café
Des Amis L’ecole Les copains
La cuisine La maison Le réfrigérateur/Le frigo
Les Toillettes Salle de bain La maison
L’émission Le télévision regarder
Le Nez Une visage Respirer
Le Train Voyager La voiture
L’abre Vert nature
Fête Le Gâteau Les cadeaux
La fille L’amie Sœur
L’ordinateur MACs/or other brand name L’ecole