EN TSO Workshop nd June 2016; 14th June 2016; 30th June 2016 Purpose: Share a common vision amongst the EN safety actors Involve the TSOs in defining the safety priorities within EN Provide/collect feedback on safety matters in EN
Agenda News (10’) Follow-up from 2015 TSO toolbox, new TSOs, New procedures: PPE, GSIs, Procedure AUL Safety vision EN/DSO (10’) Accidents/incidents in EN – R. Folch (10’) Vision Feedback from the TSOs (20’) What a TSO expects from a DSO – O. Aberle (10’) Be TSO of the EHN1 – M. Jeckel (10’) Working on proposals (30’) Presentation of the exercise (5’) Create 4 groups and assign a topic (5’) Work in groups and fill the form (15’) Presentations (40’= 4 x 10’) Debriefing and follow-up (15’) 9h45 9h55 10h05 10h25 10h55 11h45 9h30
Participants EN TSOs; Safety Link Persons; EN Safety Coordinators Le 02/06 9:30 -12:00 774/2-058 GroupBuilding Oliver Aberle Nicolas Hamy Denis Dumas Carl Crommelinck Alexandre Gerardin Dany Gain Jean-Marc Soudan Juha Sakkinen Julien Brina Aymeric Bouvard Pierre Henri Dejonc Antony Romano Michael Jeckel STI EL CV EL MME CV HE ACE EL EA CV EA 380 Poste Elec, S/Station Elec Ventilation, Refroidissement Safety link person Atelier 35,ventilation LHC BA7, Tunnels, puits, Exp Baraque, magasin CV LHC EHN1
Follow-up TSO Network, WebSite -Web site created -Information (IMPACT routing, Accessibility, Keys) -TSO automatically informed with IMPACT -Deputy TSO, limitation of duration as TSO -Practice to follow-up -MARS consideration, goals, recognition -Reminder done in ENMB -SAILOR improvement -Working group dedicated today at the TSO WS -Budget code problem -Working group dedicated today at the TSO WS -Help desk efficiency -Working group dedicated today at the TSO WS
TSO WebSite
New TSOs 2016 Oliver Aberle Edouard Grenier Boley Daniela Macina (EXSO n_TOF) Marten Frans Guillaume Raimondi Dany Gain Jean Maurice Chevalley Hassane Sabri Philippe Deweulf
OPERATION1 ère Catégorie2 ème CatégorieArrêt technique Coordination Sécurité Chef de projet Responsable technique de contrat Superviseur de travaux Coordination arrêt technique Coordonnateur Sécurité Obligatoire Non obligatoire (support possible) Support Sécurité (Eros,etc…) Document maître CERN PCTS Chantier PdP (contrat cadre) PdP simplifié (travaux non cat1) IMPACT+VIC (intervention ponctuelle) PCTS Arrêt Document Entité Intervenante PPSPS Modes opératoires Fiches de tâches ou équivalent Tout formalisme Déclaration Interventions Obligatoire (chantier) Sans formalisme (interventions) Selon intervention IMPACT Chaque intervention IMPACT Visite Inspection Commune Obligatoire/corps d’état Par coordonnateur Sécurité Générique + Selon intervention A la demande + Avec ou sans support Sécurité New Procedure GSI –WS-1 EDMS #