S TATISTICS Damage to goods Voluntary attempt to a persons physical integrity Financial fraud 1
P RISON S TATISTICS 39% of the prisoners work and are paid are followed in public places agents and surveillance personnel 192 dentention centers 2,4 billion annual budget spent on prisons
P RISON S YSTEM 1) No death penalty, no torture. 2) Prison sentences are only applicable to people over 18 years old. 3) There are legal ways to lessen the duration of the sentence, one of them is to show a good behavior while in prison. 4) The prisoners have to work to pay the cost of the prison, the food and others.
J UDICIAL S YSTEM (1) The right to justice: To be able to start a judicial procedure, there are some requirements: 1) The person needs a justification: it has to be personal actual and legitimate. 2) The person has to have the capacity to start a judicial procedure: cannot be under 18, cannot be over 18 and in tutelage or cannot have recorded crimes in his/her file.
J UDICIAL S YSTEM (2) The procedure: 1) Oral at first: the two parties and their lawyers come express themselves at the audience. 2) Public: everyone can come in the court room and watch the trial (exception in some cases) 3) The accusatory procedure: when the accusing party looks for evidences or such things on their opponents side. 4) The inquisitor procedure: when the judges question both parties and look for evidence themselves.
B IBLIOGRAPHY 1. "Dernières Statistiques Prisons." N.p., n.d. Web. 12 June DIEBOLT, Carine. "Avoir Un Aperçu Du Système Judiciaire Français (les Tribunaux) Quelle Juridiction Saisir ?" Droit Pour Tous. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 June Leclerc, Jean-Marc. "Toulouse: Le Niveau Maximum Du Plan Vigipirate Activé." Le Figaro. N.p., 19 Mar Web. 12 June Z, A. "Record Historique Du Nombre De Détenus En France." Lci.tf1.fr. N.p., 13 June Web. 12 June