Welcome new APPA members


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Transcription de la présentation:

Welcome new APPA members La vie syndicale à l’APPA

What does APPA (CSN) stand for ? Association Professionnelle du Personnel Administratif (CSN) Tout d’abord ce que veux dire l’APPA c’est l’association du personnel professionnel Administratif (CSN). Il est certain que ce nom ne représente pas l’ensemble des personnes que nous représentons. Il est bien ancré dans la tête des gens et il semble significatif. Pourquoi association, il y presque 50 ans que notre syndicat a été fondé et a ce moment les employées de bureau ne voulaient pas appeler leur syndicat un syndicat du le nom d’Association. Les mentalité ont bien changé.

Affiliation The CSN La Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux The APPA is an affiliate of the CSN. The CSN is comprised of 300,000 workers spread over 1,700 unions, working in 4,394 work places. There are nine federations at the CSN, ours, at the APPA, being the FEESP (Fédération des Employés et Employées des Services Public); in English the Federation of Public Service Employees. Each union affiliated with the CSN holds its own accreditation certificate and is master of its own syndical life.

Affiliations FEESP - Fédération des Employés et Employées des Services Public (CSN) ITS COMPOSITION Founded in 1947 under the name “Fédération des employés municipaux”, the FEESP is comprised of 389 affiliated unions representing 49,817 members working in the public/parapublic service.

Affiliations The Federation is divided into 7 sectors. The School Sector (which is the sector we belong to) has as its main mandate to negotiate a “standardized” collective agreement. It represents over 29,000 members spread through 36 school boards.

Affiliations At the CSN, syndical life in each region is joined together around the Central Council (Conseil Central). There are 13 Central Councils throughout Quebec. The Central Council units all the CSN unions within its territory. Our Central Council is Metropolitan Montreal.

Introducing the APPA Its members Founded in 1961 More than 5000 membres, average annually Spread over two school boards: the Commission scolaire de Montréal and the English Montreal School Board Vous avez souvent entendu tout sorte de chiffre 5000 ou 6000 membres. Il faut dire que tout au cours d’une année scolaire le nombres de membres fluctues. Cependant si nous prenons la moyen annuel des membres cotisant on se retrouve a 4800. Il ne faut pas oublié que nous représentons deux commission scolaire l’une francophone et une anglophone. Cette situation nous oblige souvent à faire de la traduction de document ou encore de prévoir une traduction simultané lors des assemblés générales.

Introducing the APPA Work Places Working in more than 300 places of work Over a territory of 30 square km Effectivement nous n’avons pas un très grand territoire comparativement a certain d’entre vous. Mais nous avons plusieurs établissement réparti sur l’île de Montréal.

Introducing the APPA Its services 9 people on full time syndical leave 3 office employees Nos bureaux sont situés a Montréal. Nous offrons aux membres un service téléphonique. Nous avons également trois employées de bureau syndiquer au STTCSN, ces dernières s’occupe de toute les aspects administratif de notre travail comme par exemple le classement, la comptabilité, la corespondance et j’en passe.

Introducing the APPA Structure of APPA General Assembly (possibility of close to 5000 members) Delegates (possibility of over 200 delegates, elected by the members of their places of work) Coordinating Board (Made up of 15 members coming from various job classifications, from both the CSDM and the EMSB, who are elected by the General Assembly) Executive Committee (Made up of 9 members coming from the CSDM and the EMSB, Who are elected by the General Assembly)

Introducing the APPA for the EMSB The Executive Committee President (Michel Picard) 1st Vice president (Linda Tavolaro) Vice president (Debbie Crawley) Secretary-Treasurer (Jean-Pierre Bourgault)

The Executive Committee Michel Picard, President Presides over various APPA fonctions (executive committee meetings, coordinating board meetings, general assemblies) In charge of grievance committee Communications representative with the various media outlets Organizing various training workshops for the Executive Committee, Coordinating Board and Union Council Ensures political representation Participates in all union committees and attends all union functions.   Ensures the proper functioning of the APPA union office Michel Picard President

The Executive Committee Linda Tavolaro, 1st Vice President direct service to the members grievances and arbitration local negotiations with the school board daily correspondence & communication with the school board interpretation of the collective agreement verification of job postings and the security of employment process for the administrative and technical support staff, the special education sector, as well as the daycare sector. Linda Tavolaro 1st Vice President

The Executive Committee Jean-Pierre Bourgeault, Secretary Treasurer In charge of the APPA budget In charge of the conventions and other social events APPA representative on the P.I.C. Committee for the CSDM Resource person and parity committee member for the collective insurance plan In charge of the job circulars for the general and special education sector Member of the parity committee for professional development Jean-Pierre Bourgault Secretary Treasurer

The Executive Committee Debbie Crawley, Vice President direct service to the members communication with the school board sits on the Health & Safety Committee and Professional Improvement Committee representative for the APPA, the pension plan, parental leave, CSST and insurance dossiers In charge of the Union delegate structure maintaining / issuing the APPA ‘’Ensemble’’ Newsletter. Debbie Crawley Vice President

Union Council Meetings The CSDM Union Council represents those employees at the Commission scolaire de Montréal. It is made up of 10 individuals coming from various job classifications at the school board. The EMSB Union Council represents the English Montreal School Board. It is made up of 4 individuals coming from various job classifications at the school board.

Union Council Meetings A joint Union Council meeting brings together the Executive Committee and members of both (CSDM & EMSB) union councils. Main role is to oversee to the proper management of the Union.

Union life General and special education sector convention Daycare convention Newsletter Social Events (Holiday party, sugar shack, Toronto trip, support staff day) APPA website Delegate structure La vie syndical je vais vous parler de quelques activité que nous organisons pour promouvoir la vie syndical au sains de notre syndicat.

Union life The “ENSEMBLE” Newsletter Published twice a month The newsletter is distributed to each place of work, with a copy to each member

Union Life The Newsletter

Union life Delegate structure In 2009 we proceeded to implement a delegate structure in each of the work places This will enable us to be more of a presence in the work place

Union life www.appa.qc.ca Our website: ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS TO OBTAIN WEB UPDATES!

Conclusion This brief presentation gives you a general idea about your Union, union life, and our affiliates. We hope that it will help you to keep in touch with & participate in the various union activities. The Union’s main goal is to defend the rights of its members and to continuously strive to improve the working conditions of each of its members.

Thank you for your Attention and “Welcome Aboard ! “ to the APPA