French CCIs on sustainable development and CSR


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Transcription de la présentation:

French CCIs on sustainable development and CSR Actions of French CCIs on sustainable development and CSR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT RETAIL NEW ECONOMIES ECONOMIC OBSERVATION TOURISM TERRITORIES JES 30th May 2017 Jan-Erik STARLANDER Energy transition advisor

Sustainable development and territorial proximity department Energy Eco innovation Circular economy Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Environmental law Water, biodiversity Territorial attractiveness Tourism Commerce Studies D2DPT of CCI FRANCE For all enterprises, partners and local governments

Raising awareness Informing Training Creating D2DPT of CCI FRANCE Sustainable development and territorial proximity department Issuing practical guides Analysing law drafts, drafting policy recommendations Creating SME support schemes and training programmes… Animation of the CCI network Legal watch Raising awareness Informing Training Creating Ma direction a en charge également le tourisme et l’aménagement du territoire

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) CSR is the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society It is the contribution of businesses to a sustainable development Voluntary process to integrate social, environmental, ethical, human rights and consumer concerns into their business operations and core strategy in close collaboration with their stakeholders ISO 26000 standard Increase in economic performance of 13% for companies implementing CSR

CCIs and sustainable development 150 environment and sustainable development advisors 65000 enterprises sensitised in 2015 20000 enterprises supported in 2015 5000 enterprises trained in 2015

Redefine business strategy CFDE Training Environment CSR Enviroveille Legal watch tool CCIs ENVOL label Sustainable procurement Relations clients/suppliers Networks Support Facilitate Exchange on best practices Redefine business strategy  ENTREPRENEURS Innovate Anticipate Biodiversity Circular economy CSR Eco-design Support Reduce costs Waste Energy CCIs Financial support: ADEME, 2 million €/year STEEEP, 432 K€

Framework agreement with ADEME French environment and energy management agency Good capacity to raise awareness of enterprises and make them act: 70% of supported enterprises making investments according to the action plans recommended by the CCIs End of 2014, signature of the 3rd framework agreement Contribute to improving the competitiveness of enterprises, by involving them in the ecological and energetic transition, the challenge of climate change and the implementation of a circular economy Industrialise and capitalise actions 2015 = 2 million € of financial support

Actions of CCIs on corporate social responsibility (CSR) Online auto-evaluation CSR pre-check based upond ISO 26000 standard CCI France is a member of the national CSR plateform linked to the French prime minister:

CCI France is partner of the main French CSR label “LUCIE” Complying with ISO 26000 standard 1,2,3 Lucie pathway :

Environmental management scheme for SMEs EnVol – Voluntary commitment of the enterprise for the environment Label reserved to enterprises with less than 50 employees 1er level of French NF X30-205 standard (equivalent of ISO 14005)

Actions of CCIs in terms of energy and climate Energy pre-check tool “Eval’Energie” Support to ISO 50001 certification Standard on energy management system, allowing to optimise energy consumption on the long-term Clim’Ability project of the CCI Alsace on the adaptation to climate change Compendium “Climate and energy – Actions and solutions of the CCIs” 157 actions presented Available on

Actions on renewable energy Carto’PV

Circular economy

Circular economy Identify the potential… ACR

… for creating synergies Mutualisation actions Services sharing (ex: waste collection, transport) Equipment sharing (ex: facilities, trucks) Know-how sharing (shared employees) Collective procurement Substitution actions Reuse of materials Reuse of flows (energy, water, heat) Creation of new activities   ACR

Third industrial revolution Concept developed by the American economic and social theorist Jeremy Rifkin

Notre monde change: la généralisation du numérique conjuguée avec l’apparition de nouvelles sources d’énergie impacte fortement la société, notamment les entreprises. « En route vers la Troisième révolution industrielle et agricole (TRIA) » ne signifie pas « on casse tout et on recommence » ou encore « tout ce qui a existé est mauvais et nous allons maintenant faire bien » ! Par contre, pour réussir dans cet univers qui évolue vite, les entreprises doivent maitriser de nouvelles méthodes ou savoir-faire, les territoires doivent accélérer la diffusion des meilleures pratiques et des innovations réussies ( et elles sont déjà nombreuses en Pays de la Loire !) . La TRIA se veut être un accélérateur de compétitivité pour les entreprises et pour le territoire. Elle trace une ambition et définit un programme d’actions à un horizon visible (2020) ; elle permet ainsi à chaque entreprise , quel que soit son niveau de maturité de s’engager dans sa propre TRIA , en intégrant une dynamique collective . Pour nous, la TRIA s’élabore autour du partage comme philosophie d’actions (travail collaboratif, tutorat …) ,de l’envie comme catalyseur de développement et de la collaboration permanente au sein du réseau des 3 chambres consulaires CCI , CMA et CA.

Foster the development of reference actors (enterprises University and Research) in new sectors with strong growth potential (3 000 challengers on 6 pillars) 3000 enterprises 6 pillars Renewables energies Positive energy buildings Conversion and storage of energy Smart grids, big data and connected objects Eco mobility Ecologically intensive agriculture

Help the largest possible number of enterprises in succeeding their own transition by integrating the new issues of competitiveness Potential 200,000 agile actors (enterprises, craftsmen, retailers, farmers) Energetic transition Digital revolution and new technologies New economic models Improvement of their global performance 4 axes of progress Faire que le plus grand nombre d’entreprises réussissent leur propre mutation  (120 000 agiles sur 4 axes) : par la réduction de leur dépendance énergétique par l’appropriation du numérique par le choix des modèles économiques les plus adaptés (économie circulaire, de la fonctionnalité ,…) par l’amélioration de leur compétitivité (performance interne, performance commerciale, RSE, International)

Thirs industrial revolution in Hauts de France Region

Vocational environmental training centre CFDE of CCI France Created in 1969 after a major industrial accident The CFDE is a very well recognised training centre in the fields of industrial environment and sustainable development Activity key figures in 2016: 54 training sessions More than 700 trainees More than 130 trainers/speakers Development of online virtual classes International trainings JH: En 2016 pour une cohérence dans notre démarche environnementale, nous avons diffusé le catalogue uniquement Via notre site internet et via un mailing à notre fichier prospect et un fichier loué à Reed expo. Notre communications se fait par le biais de notre site internet, de plaquettes et programmes que nous diffusons lors de salons, du courrier de l’environnement industriel et de l’alerte réglementaire, Des tweets Et De publicité

Enviroveille 4 environmental law watch services E-mail alert Tailored watch according to personal profile Online database Courrier de l’environnement industriel – bimonthly paper magazine 11000 legal data

Accès aux JOUE des mois précédents Notes _______________________________________________________

Tour de France on biodiversity Cycle of conferences To raise awareness of enterprises on the importance of preserving biodiversity, which provides many economic services and raw materials

Tour de France on flooding risk

Terima kasih! Thank you!