Français 2, 12 septembre 2016 Ecrivez Cinq phrases complets: que est-ce que vous aimez bien? Detestez? Adorez? Preferez? N’aimez pas beaucoup? Did you.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Français 2, 12 septembre 2016 Ecrivez Cinq phrases complets: que est-ce que vous aimez bien? Detestez? Adorez? Preferez? N’aimez pas beaucoup? Did you hear about the politician that changed a light bulb? Faire rire – to make laugh. Vous me faites rire. You make me laugh. Goals – Work on vocabulary related to likes and dislikes. Quel(le)(s). Asking people about themselves and their family. Les Devoirs – Ecrivez des questions pour un dialogue. Find out age, likes, dislikes and preferences. For activities, food, music, musicians, books, and movies. I’ve got a million of them. You guys are a terrific crowd.

Français 2, 13 septembre 2016 Ouvrez bos livres à la page 25. Faites le # 5 . Être prêt – to be ready. Le dîner est prêt. Dinner is ready. How many twins does it take to change a light bulb? Goals – Practice describing people and responding to questions about yourself. Begin work on Dialogue 1-1. Les Devoirs – Completez le dialogue 1-1; “rough draft.”

Français 2, 14 septembre 2016 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 25. Faites le #6, Why are frogs never upset? Participer – to participate. En sport, L’imortant est de participer. In sports, the important thing is to participate. Goals – Prepare for Orale 1-1. Revise rough draft. Les Devoirs – Final Draft Dialogue 1-1. They eat everything that bugs them.

Français 2, 15 septembre 2016 Faites “Aditional Listening Activity 1-1.” How do you make friends with a squirrel? L’espoir – hope. L’espoir fait vivre. Hope keeps you alive. Goals – Practice with circuits and dialogues to prepare for orale 1-1. Hone ability to meet French speaking people. Les Devoirs – Ecrivez dialogue 1-1, “Final Draft.” Separate piece of paper; turn in tomorrow. Climb a tree and act like a nut.

Français 2, 16 septembre 2016 Cinq minutes preparer à l’orale 1-1. What is the witch’s favorite subject? Concours – contest. Elle espère gagner un concours de beauté. She hopes to win a beauty contest. Goals – Successfully demonstrate ability to have a conversation about your interests and family. TPR weather and seasons. Les Devoirs – Dessinez le vocabulaire à la page 14. Organizez par le temps es les saisons. (French 1 Book will be helpful ) Spelling

Français 2, 16 septembre 2014 Ouvrez vos livres á page 11, Faites # 8(b). Ecrivez-le . Why did Kim put her car in the oven? La larme – tear. Elle avait les larmes aux yeux. She had tears in her eyes. Goals – Keep improving on describing character, physical attributes and likes/dislikes. Work on “–er verbs”, p. R33. Les Devoirs – Page 12, #12. Write interview questions for a teacher. She wanted a hot rod.

Français 2, 17 septembre 2014 Ouvrez vos livres á page 12. Faites #11. Agree or disagree. Ecrivez les résultats What has no beginning, no end, and nothing in the middle? Vaincre – to win. Il a vraiment la rage de vaincre. He is really determined to win! Goals – Revue: le temps, les saisons, et les activiteés. Review liasons. Les Devoirs – Pas! A donut.