AFNOR NF Z – "Online Consumer Reviews


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Transcription de la présentation:

AFNOR NF Z74-501 – "Online Consumer Reviews Principles and requirements for collection, moderation & display « France adopts a standard enabling reliable processing of online consumer reviews » Olivier Peyrat prend la parole CE – Brussels, April 1st

Why a standard for online consumers reviews? Objectives Prevent abuse Increase consumer confidence Improve the image of companies that use a code of ethics (i.e meeting criteria of the Standard) Contribute to the reputation of eCommerce Provide a reliable source of information to help improving the quality of products and services Solution A standard to Highlight the actions of key players to provide a solution Support a voluntary approach versus regulatory inflation Induce a virtuous approach Address principles and requirements relating to the collection, moderation & display processes Olivier Peyrat

AFNOR NF Z74-501 - Content Collection Moderation Display The reliability is based on the respect of differents steps in the process : 1. Collection Obtain consumer reviews in an objective and verifiable way. The user can express his opinion on a personal consumer experience. 2. Moderation Ensure compliance of the collected content with French legislation and with the site's General Terms of Use regarding publishing, rejecting or removing content. 3. Display Restore consumer reviews (display, classification, sorting, aggregation, etc.) after their collection and moderation Raphaël Colas Transparence : tout le dispositif doit être précisé dans les CGU

How will the standard be used? Any administrator of a website is free to choose to make its website compliant with the voluntary standard NF Z74-501 requirements. Administrators also have the possibility to state themselves compliant with the standard (no external audit is led); in that case the administrator of the website commits himself to the guarantee that he will provide the proof of compliance if challenged by an authority agency. Website may also wish to prove its stakeholders (customers, internet users, sponsors) greater trustability; in that case an independent certification body will verify and certify compliance. AFNOR has made a proposal to create a new ISO Technical Commitee for « Online Reputation » that will include this standard as a first project Raphaël Colas Transparence : tout le dispositif doit être précisé dans les CGU

AFNOR Online Consumer reviews - Avis en ligne de consommateurs « Thank you for your attention » AFNOR contact : Sylvie Arbouy/ 01 41 87 74 /