Le conditionnel et les clauses “si”.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Le conditionnel et les clauses “si”

Before you begin… Before you even try to learn about conditional, locate your notes on futur simple and imparfait!

Verb tenses As you have already learned, verb tenses lend meaning to a verb. Conjugating a verb for the proper tense will give a lot of context to a sentence. By the same token, conjugating a verb improperly, or in the wrong tense, will change the meaning of a sentence. When meaning has not been conveyed, communication is not happening! Communication is the goal of learning any language.

Le conditionnel The conditional tense is the equivalent of “would” in English. Just as there is no way to translate only the word “will” in French, it is the same with “would.” “Would” does not exist on its own. One must conjugate the verb in conditional tense!

Le conditionnel Le conditionnel is conjugated by using two things that you already know: Futur simple STEMS Imparfait ENDINGS Examples: Je serais en classe… = I would be in class... Ferais-tu le dîner? = Would you make dinner? Pourriez-vous chanter = Would you be able to sing? Il danserait = He would dance. Elles partiraient = They would leave. NOTICE THE STEMS AND ENDINGS!!

Irregulars PRATIQUEZ: Translate the following conditional phrases using irregular verbs. Do not advance the slide until you are finished! I would be a flight attendant… You (informal) would have a blanket… The plane would make a stopover in New York… We would go to Ireland… You (plural) would want a non-stop flight… The boys would be able to take the train… I would see the conductor… The passengers wouldn’t know. (savoir)

Irregulars ANSWERS: Je serais une hôtesse de l’air… Tu aurais une couverture… L’avion ferait un escale à New York… Nous irions en Irlande… Vous voudriez un vol sans escale… Les garçons pourraient prendre le train… Je verrais le contrôleur… Les passagers ne sauraient pas..

Regulars PRATIQUEZ: Translate the following conditional phrases using irregular verbs. Do not advance the slide until you are finished! I would pass through customs… You (informal) would lose your luggage… The plane would land in London… We would buy tickets… You (formal) would take your snack… The passengers wouldn’t leave… (partir)

Regulars Je passerais par la douane… Tu perdais tes bagages… L’avion atterrirait à Londres… Nous achèterions des billets… Vous prendriez votre collation… Les passagers ne partiraient pas…

Conditional is not… In English, sometimes when we are telling stories, we say, “When I was little, I dad would read to me.” This is not the kind of “would” that equals conditional. The above sentence would be translated using imparfait! “Would” that equals conditional is when you say, “If these conditions existed, something would happen.”

Conditions… You may have noticed that in the previous examples, there are a lot of “would” phrases, with no conditions. For example, “The plane would land in London…” But where’s the “if”? Where’s the condition upon which that might happen? Well, I’m glad you asked.

“Si” clauses In French, if = si. A “si” clause in French is expressed in imparfait. Write that in your notes somewhere visible! And write large! This is why learning how to apply conditional tense can be confusing sometimes… you are really applying two tenses. And they have the same ending! So, looking at, and listening for the stem has just become super important! At least until you get used to it!

“Si” clauses + conditionnel 1. If I were taller, I would be a flight attendant. Si j’étais plus grande, je serais une hôtesse de l’air. 2. If we had more money, we would go to Ireland. Si nous avions plus d’argent, nous irions en Irlande. 3. If they had a problem, the passengers wouldn’t know. S’ils avaient un problème, les passagers ne sauraient pas. If you flew often, you would lose your luggage. Si tu volais souvent, tu perdrais tes bagages. 5. If it were going to England, the plane would land in London. S’il allait en Angleterre, l’avion atterrirait à Londres. If you were smart, you (formal) would take your snack now. Si vous étiez intelligent, vous prendriez votre collation maintenant.

Conditionnel + si clauses I would be a flight attendant, if I were taller, Je serais une hôtesse de l’air si j’étais plus grande. We would go to Ireland if we had more money. Nous irions en Irlande si nous avions plus d’argent,

Le devoir REPONDEZ : ECRIVEZ LA CLAUSE SI : ECRIVEZ LA QUESTION : Si tu pouvais partir maintenant, où irais-tu ? Qu’est-ce que tu ferais si tu trouvais un sac avec un million dollars dedans ? ECRIVEZ LA CLAUSE SI : …ma mère me ferait la mort. …mon ami et moi serions très heureux. ECRIVEZ LA QUESTION  : Si Justin Bieber était le gouverneur, nous déménagerions à Utah. Non, je ne visiterais pas l’Irak.