Possessive adjectives and form The possessive adjectives are used to express possession.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Possessive adjectives and form The possessive adjectives are used to express possession.

Possessive adjectives My = mon,ma,mes Your = ton,ta,tes His = son,sa,ses (propriétaire masculin) Her = son,sa,ses (propriétaire féminin) Its = son,sa,ses (propriétaire impersonnel) Our = notre,nos Your = votre,vos Their = leur(s)

Possessive form Ex : Kristinas eraser = lefface de Kristina

Object Pronouns The object pronouns are always placed after the verbs.

Object pronouns Me = moi,me,m You = toi,te,t Him = lui,le,m Her = elle,lui,la,l It = elle,lui,le,la,l,cela, ca Us = nous You = vous Them = eux,elles,les,leur

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